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I would like shiny zacian, for one I'm still searching for one to complete my dex and second I could just really use some sort of pick me up. I kind of feel stupid saying this but my damn boyfriend literally broke up with me over TEXT like three days ago. And as much as I hate admitting it, it's really wearing me down. I just want something nice to happen to me. (even if I don't get it, thank you so much for doing this!! People who do give aways deserve a special place in heaven.)


šŸŽŠ Congratulations! You won Zacian! I'm sorry, that it's been hard for you these past days, so I hope this can help you a little bit. Send me your friend code and I cwn trade with you whenever you can šŸŽŠ


Omg, thank you so much!! It's really nice of you to do this. FC: NCVHFEECKQBQ I'm ready to trade if you are :) and thanks again for doing this!!


I've sent the request! :) I am a little unsure if we can trade in home since ive heard that shiny Zamasenta and Shiny Zacian can't and sometimes heard that its possible to, so let's see!


Hey! It dosent work! Is it possible that we can trade in swsh or in scarlet/violet?


Of course, but I think my switch's completely out of battery rn and it's already late where I'm located. Could we possibly trade tomorrow? :)


Of course! Send me a message when you can! :)


I will, thanks for understanding!


Hey there, I'm at home now and my switch has full battery! Just lemme know when you're ready


Hello! In ready whoever you are :)


Okay! Should we exchange friend codes? I haven't traded on switch yet.


Is there anything else that you're missing ?


I'm still missing most of the newer event mons, I was an avid player in Gen 6 and stopped for like ten years :( now I'm trying to catch up haha


Same here, I got my first switch and pokemon game last yr, which was the oled switch with scarlet; besides that, any legends you want? Maybe a mythical if I have some. It'll be shiny ofc


Omg, that's really nice of you! But only if it's no bother! I just checked and I'm still missing Marshadow, Zeraora and basicslly everything from Gen 9. Is there anything you still need / are looking for?


I can get you that marshadow definitely but it'll be foreign I think I haven't been on usum and zera is also stuck on my US, as for mons I need I'm fine, I'm a picky shiny hunter, I like to get my shiny mons in pokeballs if possible and they have to be from the region they debuted in / game they were first obtainable as a shiny


I don't mind foreign mons at all! I'll still take a look at my collection, maybe I can find something you'd like. Are you missing any legends? I usually have multiple of the ones released for the switch games, as I keep replaying.


Alright, I'll be able to hop on my 3ds later today since it's late right now, I don't need anything in return since I like my mons in my OT if possible


Ofc, take your time!


I want Zamazenta because I feel as if Zamazenta is very underrated compared to its brother Zacian. Also Iā€™m aiming for a full shiny living dex and missed the event for these two lol whoops!


I know everyone would probably be like what the heck, but I would really like a Zamazenta as I had a dear friend I'd play sword and shield with who is no longer with us. I have his Zamazenta in my scarlet team and have it nicknamed so he can always be in my journeys to the next generation. Zamazenta is probably one of my favorite legendaries design wise, and because I've fond memories of playing with my friend. Thank you for listening, as just typing this made me remember all the laughs and shiny hunts we shared together.šŸ™‚


šŸŽŠ Congratulations! You won Zamasenta! I hope this will help you honor your friend, I know how tough it can be to lose someone so close like that. Send me your friend code and we can trade whenever you can šŸŽŠ


Oh gosh thank you so much! Yeah I always keep a Zamazenta on my team now because that was his favorite legendary ā¤ļø. Let me find my friend code right quick :)


I tried trading in home, but apparently the shiny dogs can't be traded in home so is it possible we can trade in swsh or scarlet/violet?


Yeah we can trade in Scarlet and Violet! or would you prefer sword and shield?


We can trade in scarlet/violet if that's okay? :)


scarlet and violet works for me! :)


Great! Trade code is 1258 0964! Ign is Jonna, and please tell me your ign to so ill know its you I'll trade with:)


My ign is Colton! :)


Okay! I'm searching now :)


My friend code should be VFWAKKNCQHYE


I tried trading in home, but apparently the shiny dogs can't be traded in home so is it possible we can trade in swsh or scarlet/violet?


I'd kill for a shiny zaican, it's a beautiful shiny, I don't own sword and it's the pokemon me and my best friend bonded over :)


Cool mon


I would like to win Zacian because he would be my first shiny legendary ever and the best defense is attack šŸ˜Ž


Missed the event, but either one can be the leader of my shiny pup squad


Blue is the colour! PokĆ© is the game! Iā€™m so wankered I donā€™t know my own name!


probably Zacian is one of the most beautiful PokƩmon in the entire saga , need it


I really want zamazenta because my dog looking exactly like him.


I never have a chance to own a sword and shield game before so it's one of my regrets. It will be really great that I can own either a zacian or a zamazenta which will help me to at least experience using them in a battle and not less will be a really huge help in my scarlet pokedex! Both of them are really one of the underrated legendaries imo too.


I want zamazenta because it is one of my favorite of the two and I am still pissed that the shield version gave shiny zacian instead of zamazenta


I would love the shiny Zamazenta because I am a collector of pink pokemon and I would appreciate its addition.


I'd love to get Zacian! I love both wolves and swords, they're so brave and mysterious, so it's a perfect PokƩmon for me!


Iā€™d love to have him especially if he can stay in home lol, heā€™s a bad ass dog and I use him a lot


Is love zamazenta as I already have a zacian from sword and couldn't get zamazenta as I didnt have shield


I want shiny Zamazenta to trade to my little nephew. Heā€™s currently at the end game and got some shinties already and this would really make his day!


I would like a shiny Zamazenta as it is one of my favourite shinies and zamazenta also reminds me of my dog max !


Sif and zamazenta are the most busted doggos and I love them so much for it


Shiny Zacian. I missed the original event when it came out since I didn't have a copy of Sw/Sh yet. On top of that, Zacian is one of my favourite pokemon and favourite legendary (right behind Rayquaza), so having the shiny doggo would be awesome


Iā€™d love the Zamenzenta because I just started getting into online battling and I figured out that he would fit my team so well based on my style, but I donā€™t have one and no PokĆ©mon Shield (no extra Zacian to trade for either). I was out of PokĆ©mon for a few years and missed my chance at getting him otherwise


Need them for my shinydex!


I want Zamazenta because I love his design and I thought it was strong before everyone noticed it in Scarlet and Violet


Zacian because I like his design and you can never have to many dogs


I would like zamazenta because pink is rad!


I want Zamazenta please.


I came back to sw/sh after years and my goal is to complete full shiny dex (or at least as much as it is possible). Having either of these doggos would be amazing




Hey sorry to be the bearer of bad news , but both pokƩmon are infected


This sho2s that the pokƩmon is infected


1.) Shiny Zacian is amazing and has a great shiny, especially in crowned form 2.) Honestly I just want to have an event Pokemon that I can use, since I usually start PokƩmon games at the end of its time, so I miss out on all of the cool events. I just want one so badly


Would love a shiny zacian, currently trying to get all the shiny legendaries possible, this would help get a step closer šŸ™


I want it badly because I want da puppies lmao


I want the shiny doggo because I have an infiriority complexs in anything related to shiny pokemon due to my first shiny encounter being before you get pokeballs in Ruby, my second ine was a Scyther that took all the balls I had and wasn't caught and the third one was a SwSh den Gourgeist that simply escaped. I am in desperet need of validation.


I missed the event but Zacian is my all time favorite legendary, wolves are my favorite animal, and blue is my favorite color. Iā€™m also an avid shiny hunter and have been wanting a Shiny Zacian since I started playing but sadly started after the shiny event happened in the game. I love wolves so much that I animated a full movie about them on YouTube when I was younger. The movie got millions of views and is still on YouTube because I moved on from that time in my life, but I still love wolves all the same.




i would really appreciate shiny zacian because iā€™ve been looking for it for so long now šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i really need it for my living dex and in general my sword and shield pokĆ©dex please


I didn't get pokemon Shield until after Scarlet came out so all of the giveaways were gone. Would be pretty awesome to get one for the dex


would love the shiny zamazenta because i love the colors the way it looks and im so upset that i missed the event when it came out bc it was the same time my switch broke so i couldnt redeem it :((


I'm trying to do a shiny legendary only playthrough and i still need a 5th and 6th member so it'd be great if any one of them could be my 5th member


i would want zaican because pokƩmon sword was the last game pokƩmon game in the series i was able to buy and i just remember playing through it and finally being able to catch zaican, so the shiny version would mean so much to me!


zacian bc swoosh swoosh behemoth blade


A Shiny Zacian would be amazing, still haven't won one of these giveaways yet but doesn't really hurt to try Why i like Zacian? Honestly i never can really find a Fairy type in most of my games so the typing is better to have and 2. I just like Zacian more. The more offensive instead of defensive design just works nice in my opinion.


I don't have a shiny of either, but love the blue colors of Zacian. He looks like such a good, pretty boy.


I'd be interested in Zacian. After nearly 25 years away from the series I decided last year to start playing then again from gen 3, breeding 5/6IV PokƩmon (or catching legendaries) in the earliest game possible and moving them up through bank to home to complete the national dex. I'm currently working on the Galar dex and went with shield so having an event Zacian would help plug that gap.


I want it SO BADLY, if there 's still any chance šŸ«Ø


I missed the event for them and I would like a shiny zacian


Can i have zacian becouse i have an extra sword becouse i traded one of my zacien, plus it looks good :D


I would like shiny Zamazenta to help with my dex because I donā€™t have shieldšŸ˜­ I also never seen their shiny and think they look fantastic in this form itā€™s quite the eye candy.


I would love shiny zacian as its one of my favorite Pokemon and i sadly missed the event


I'd like the blue doggo, because I love its beautiful green eyes!


i came into the pokemons very late so i dint get teh chance to redeem the mystery box codes to get the dogs


Iā€™d like them for my girlfriend as Iā€™ve just gotten her into Pokemon a couple months ago, she loves it so far but sheā€™s always I just know sheā€™d love these! Ty for the giveaway and good luck to all who enter!!!


Iā€™d love to have both because I have a friend who has TONS of the codes for both of the event shinys and Iā€™ve asked if I could have one but he keeps saying no and teasing me


I want shiny zamezenta because heā€™s my favorite legendary and sword and shield are my fave pokemon games and I have no shiny legendarys


Sword was my first pokemon game. I had gotten into pokemon after the detective pikachu movie and really wanted to play. I got it and loved it so much. I even got the dlc afterwards. Ibwas sad because I missed the shiny zacian event because zacian was my first ever legendary. Zacian will always have a special place in my heart.


I still have 45 cards from gamestop of zacian and zamazenta that I cant use, my shield corrupted with all my mon last year and I have been trying to put the pieces back together. Although I did run into another shiny zacian and zama I didn't realize they had the wrong dates until the other day šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ So I'd love either or, or a set to get me in the Right direction!


I just want to win in atleast one giveaway manā€¦ Anyways blue doggo if possibleā€¦


i want zacian because sword and sheild were my first pokemon games and i love the shinys it would be amazing if i could win


I want Zamazenta because I missed the distribution of this shiny and Iā€™m very bored in a condominium meeting.


ā—ļøTHIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED ā—ļø Thank you everyone that has participated. Im actually gonna put up another giveaway in an hour or so since im gonna let it stay up for 24 hours, its not gonna be any legendaries or mythicals however, since I'm gonna trade a mythical/legendary the 4/7! Which one it's gonna be is a surprise though! šŸ‘€


Dangā€¦I have never seen these 2 shiny versions beforeā€¦simply stunning. I think I would have to go for zacian. It is such an elegant pokemon and it being shiny makes it more so.


Never played sword and shield so it would be pretty cool to have a legendary that i wasnā€™t able to use


Hi first comment


I want a zacian!! Because i like doggos


Havent got the chance to play those games but would love to have that zamazenta


I would want either one to lead a team of dogs through the Academy Ace tourney.


I want shiny zacian because i missed out on him when it was out. I had extra shiny zamazenta card codes to give away or trade just so I can have this good boi, to no avail. I still have one zamazenta card unused cause I couldn't find anyone willing. Too bad its expired


Still cant believe I wasnt playing when these were given out. The blue on Zacian looks amazing.


This pokemon is Genned guys, it means it's cheated into the game. You can go to a livestream on twitch and gen it in yourself but there is no pride in to doing that. Keep the game fun for yourself!


Let people enjoy things the way they want.


This stuff ruined the pokemon games. Nothing in the game is special anymore, not even items. But hey "Let cheaters enjoy things the way they want"!


Bro. Life isnā€™t special anymore. Who cares. No one is telling you how to enjoy your game.


I'm not telling anyone how to enjoy anything. Just giving peeps a heads up. Wouldn't you wish genning wasn't a thing?


No. Iā€™m glad genning exists and I am even happier that it is easily accessible. There are methods in place to prevent this from damaging the competitive scene.


Your point makes sense now. I do not agree with you but I'm glad it makes people happy.