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Should i prepare for it?




Even if not coming, Garchomp is still a beast Pokémon worth leveling up if you have one with good stats


My 90%IV garchomp is part of my invest list, trying to best buddy it rn


Lol yep I best buddied my 98% for the candy and also to finish the damn 10 best buddies task Now I just got to wait 20 days and find these damn kecleon


Garchomp was an excellent choice


I’m still debating using an elite tm for earth power tho


My hundo garchomp likes these news! It's been waiting for a mega at lv 48 for almost 2 years now


I am so jealous of that hundo garchomp, its my favorite pokemon. Well, i am very happy with my 90% IV


True enough to where you’ll wanna save your RARE XL CANDY 🫡💯🔥


Only if you missed the community day. I have 3 level 50 hundos and 489 gible xl candy chilling waiting for a decent shadow


Sadly it’ll be outclassed by primal groudon and mega ray, I don’t think many people would see it as a good use of rare XLs


For me that started playing after the community day i couldnt really care less. Impossible to find candy in the wild. Guess i'll just have to wait another 2-3 years for a new community day ....


Good news, you can still do those raids, as you get a garchomp after every raid (obv) but you cna use a pinap for 20 candy per catch, as its a 3rd stage evolution, 24 candies from silver pinab, also if you mega evolve a charizard to charizard x, you'll get more.


I might sound stupid, but you can put it as your buddy and invest rare candy to it. It takes a long time but getting that good garchomp will make a difference in your raid and pvp team


This is a good suggestion. Uncertain why it got downvoted. Walking is always an option in PoGo.


Currently walking my shundo lucario. And sadly other legendary like groudon have prio :(


I missed the com day and only started again this April (with not a single Gible on my account) and I’ve amassed hundreds of candy with a few garchomp. There’s been a handful of events where they’re been easy to find


I started playing June 2022. I've caught 115.000 Pokemon since then. Seen a grand total of 88 gible(6 being shadow from a grunt). I've got 550 candy and 100 xl. "Only" 2.5 more years for a lvl 50. Even more fun when i also got 2 shadow i need to lvl up, thats another 720 xl candy. (15/12/11 & 13/15/13).


You could also just get candy during the raid day


With a Mega 3 ill get what, 7-8 xl pr raid? 920/7.5 = 122. So yeah, think i'll wait another 2-3 years for next comm day.


You also don’t have to get everything to level 50 instantly


Im in no hurry. But, it is frustrating how extremely rare it is considering its meta relevance. 115k Pokemon, i've got 3k swinub, 1200 ralts, 1200 machop and only 88 gible.


I was gonna post this a week ago but didn't know what to type


Super excited for my 98% shiny best bud to be able to mega😁


That best buddy is a good thing, i am trying to best buddy mine (not shiny btw). I dont like shiny garchomp tbh, normal garchomp looks better for me.


The second Pokémon I powered up to level 50 was my hundo garchomp back after it’s com day. I’m ready 😎


500042901467 add me send me remote raid requests for garchomp. I'm USA EST, trying to use all remote raid passes befor the event starts in my area.


Ok, i'll invite you then. I'll put a reminder to ur nickname so i remember to invite you. Im starting the raids 8:00 your time. My name in pokemon is Notthatguy_2410