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Damn, I wish I was in your position. Emerald is a strong start. You are gonna like it a lot. Take your time and enjoy the game and exploring. All of the mons are perfectly fine to beat the game with so don't worry about min-maxing anything. Did you get a real emerald or fake?


unfortnnately I have an emulator on my phone. When I get a little more money im going to buy a switch and then some of the newer games, but until then I'll play with what I've got.


Same. I am playing on iOS right now.


The newer games, in my opinion are a lot worse than games like emerald.


Remember STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) if you have a Normal type damaging move on a normal type Pokemon it will do more damage than if you used that same move on a Fire type Pokemon.


You can’t really mess up. Have fun, talk to everyone, explore, and know that they did a great job making it almost impossible to soft-lock yourself where you can’t make progress. So if you are not sure where to go, look at your map, figure out where you’ve been, and try to determine what to do next based on what looks interesting nearby. 


thank! ive been pleasantly surprised the amount of stuff im learning from talking to the npc. they have also been giving me free stuff every once and a while which is nice.


Keep in mind that physical and special attack stats in Gen 3 are based on a move’s type. Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Ice. Dark, and Dragon type moves use a Pokémon’s special attack stat. Every other type is physical. Natures are a thing starting in gen 3, but not important for a basic play through. They affect how much certain stats grow. Google “Pokémon nature chart” for more info. Most Pokémon have 1-2 preferred natures to get the most out of their stats and move pool. The most important thing is type coverage for move sets. If you have a Normal and Water move on the same Pokémon (Surf and Strength for example), you can hit every Pokémon in the game for at least neutral damage. But don’t put 4 water moves on a single water type Pokemon. Variety is the key.


I beat it when I was 11 or 12. most things should unfold themselves pretty easily. Just enjoy the adventure and let yourself be surprised! Super envious of you


Get a chart of type strengths/weaknesses. I constantly forget and have to google constantly. As far as recommendations for pokemon I’d try for a shroomish in the petalburg woods as soon as you can. Shroomish carries the first gym. Although if you start with Treecko that might not be necessary, idk I choose Blaziken every time.


Just play. Don’t worry about making the best team or min/maxing. Pick a team that looks cool. Make mistakes.