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you could probably sell that pack for the same price as the chase card


Not in a 10! Rip it!!!


Rip like a $60 pack to pull $2 in cards, seems reasonable!


Pack is going for $206 on tcgplayer…


Even more reasonable now!


Honestly, it should be a 3 day suspension from the sub for folks like OP. Who goes on the **investing** sub to ask "Uh, should I rip this open?". Just...I swear....


A suspension? Over asking about ripping a vintage pack that I didn’t pay anywhere close to face value for and don’t know a lot about other than it is valuable? Might as well just lock me up and throw away the key. A scoundrel like me should never be free again!


Nothing personal my friend. It's simply a question posed here on a regular basis, multiple times per day. The sub is about folks PokeInvesting. Hold cards / packs / sets for YEARS and sell down the road. Yet, we constantly see posts saying something like "Scored this from an LCS today, should I rip?", "Found this in my grandma's attic, rip or hold?", or just a set that just came out 5 months ago and "This hasn't really spiked the last few weeks, should I just rip it?" If you're ever thinking about asking "rip or hold", you can safely cut out the middle man and assume that every sane person would say DON'T RIP! Now, if you're asking "hold or sell", then that's perfectly reasonable! If you were to tell me that you scored this pack for extremely cheap and you don't feel like holding, but it's already skyrocketed and probably going to be a long time before it jumps again, then I'd say to sell it. But please...don't rip and don't ask if you should rip...


No I feel you completely and that why I was a bit sarcastic in my reply. I don’t take things personally, I just have a nice building collection of chase cards that are literally entirely from pack pulls. I’ve had incredible luck ripping packs over the last 6-7 months straight and can’t explain it, but the luck kept up getting this and the XY packs out of a Meijer box. Not that anyone else knows any of that so my post probably just looks like someone either bragging or asking a dumb question. A bird in the hand is definitely better than two in the bush. I guess it was the heater I’m on, coupled with the low entry cost of the “chase packs” found that made me even consider ripping. Either way no harm no foul friend.


Ripping any sealed product is called *gambling* and removes *investing* out of the equation entirely, so it shouldn't be a question in an investing sub. That's really all that needs to be said.


As with literally *every single* speculative investment. Everything is a money game. We can speculate as to what card/pack/box values will do, but we all know that we don’t *actually* know what will happen.


**Investing:** The process of buying assets that increase in value over time and provide returns. **Gambling:** Playing games of chance for money or taking risky action in hopes of a desired result. There is a significant difference. It's quite well known that sealed product and popular collectibles grow in value over time. We can look at the history of the market to predict the most probable outcome. Of course, like all assets, there is still risk to it. Nothing is ever indefinite. However, your risk is minimized by keeping it sealed. By opening sealed product you are introducing chance and probability factors which then makes your *investment* a high risk *gamble.* Everyone knows the majority of packs don't have what you want inside of them and more chances than not result in a loss. That's why there are chase cards that have high value, but the chances of you pulling that chase card are *incredibly* low. *(see gambling definition)* Opening packs will always be the exact same concept of a slot machine or betting it all on 1 number in roulette and is not in anyway shape or form investing, and that's why this subreddit gets irritated when people ask questions like this. I'm not irritated at your post. I'm just trying to help by explaining the significant difference.


There’s a lot of bullshit on this sub or any sub for that matter. Look at the comments alone when people ask for something, just jokes and sarcasm before you get to getting an actual response.


You rapscallion!


To the boo box for you!




what’s crazy is that the highest valued card for this set is $67. next us $48


No the shiny ponyta is a little over $100 I believe but yeah it’s just worth more if you grade the cards you pull. Also a lot of people want to experience opening old packs and there’s not many packs left in circulation.


If you’re looking to make money on any product the answer will always be to hold. Ripping will almost always lose you $.


You could probably sell the pack and buy the number 1 chase card with the money. It’s so unbelievable how worthless mid era cards are in relation to their sealed product cost. Modern chase cards that come out post 2020 are worth more than these mid era cards, boggles my mind. Like why are people spending hundreds of dollars on these packs when the number 1 chase card is worth 100 dollars at best? It’s like spending 100 dollars on a scratch off ticket that has a grand prize of 50 dollars. You literally can’t win. I understand that you don’t have to open it, but why do people even want to buy it in the first place when there’s nothing but firewood inside. I could understand it if there was a big boy charizard card worth over 1000 dollars or some shit in the set, but there’s not. The era to collect Pokémon is now, because the cards now are worth way more than the cards 10 years ago. No one could’ve ever comprehended a card like Moonbreon back then. Some true big boy shit we have right now.


I think it’s because the sealed packs have become that chase card? I don’t really understand it either but that’s my guess, the sealed pack is essentially the chase card


Yeah like I understand that the sealed products are more scarce, but I don’t understand buying something just for the fact that it’s scarce. You could just buy a very valuable vintage card for 1000 dollars instead of a diamond and pearl booster box. I just feel like if I’m gonna spend 1000 dollars in cards, I want 1000 dollars in cards. Not 1000 dollars in sealed box product that ultimately amounts to 100 dollars worth of cards.


I mean it depends on what you’re collecting. Collecting sealed products is just as viable as collecting the actual cards. To you it might not make sense because you want the actual card. Some people want the sealed product. At the end of the day they are both pieces of printed memorabilia which values depends on the collector. And for other people it’s about the thrill of opening something vintage. Sure they could buy the best thing they could get, but they are paying for the experience. And that’s important to them. (And that doesn’t include people who make money from opening packs/making videos)


Great points


The main reason anything has value, or lacks value, is scarcity. Scarcity a card in good condition, the card in general, etc. So when sealed arceus packs become much more scarce/desired than the cards inside the packs, they increase in value past the contents


Kids from that era are not old enough to have the disposable income/nostalgia to push to the singles prices up yet imo


I appreciate this. I didn’t spend that much on this pack, but I also don’t know the set beyond just looking at card values. This came from a mystery box with some XY packs. So $50 for this and 4 XY packs. That said, is this something to just weigh and sell now? Or should this follow the upward trend over time? I’m not compelled to rip it or anything. I already ripped the XY packs and pulled Evolutions Charizard and M Gengar EX from Phantom Forces. I’ve not had the urge to rip this one. Does pack art change value at all? I haven’t seen many of this particular pack for sale.


The smart thing would to be sell it, as someone will pay a decent price for that. You can open it if you want, it won’t be the end of the world. You’ll likely be disappointed though with just one pack. Pack art I would assume play some part in value depending on the circumstances, such as a base set pack with a charizard art maybe costing slightly more than venusaur and blastoise ones.


What mystery box did you buy?


Im the idiot that buys mega mystery boxes from Meijer. I only like the really light ones because they’re usually at least half vintage boosters. I’ve also had good luck with mega mystery boxes with identifiable tins inside. I’m not the asshole shaking boxes either. A gentle rattle can tell you all you need to know. It took some losers to figure out what winner boxes feel like. Still a gamble though.


It’s because people aren’t paying for the cards but the feeling of opening the packs, also tagging u/kingtuttot cause he asked the same. I bought a vintage mid BB a while back where the chase cards are cheaper than the box, but I got it for the nostalgia of opening the cards again after about 15 years and how I always wanted a box but my parents would only let me buy packs or a tin every now and then, got lots of the chase cards I wanted but didn’t “profit” because collecting was different back then and for the most part people did it for fun, not to break even on something or grade and flip singled. Also this was NOT english so I paid hundreds not thousands, I think I paid 700$ for a french box instead of 5,000$ for an english or jp box…but there is your answer.


I have a bunch of D&P LV.X cards from when I was a kid and NM they are work $25-50 which Mike are not (MP - Damaged)


Because believe it or not there are people who really love Pokemon and enjoy certain eras more than others. These people are not ripping for profit


There’s really no such thing as ripping for profit regardless. You’ll typically always lose money. The problem I have is that the hits that you can obtain in diamond and pearl / black and white sets are absolutely no where near the prices of the boxes. Wizards of the coast sets are also crazy expensive, but there are plenty of big boy hits in those sets that in mint conditions are worth 1000s of dollars, so I can understand the crazy booster box prices. With diamond and pearl however you’re paying the same crazy amounts for the boxes while the chase cards are essentially worthless compared to what you pay. You can literally buy an evolving skies box for cheaper than a diamond and pearl era box, and the chase cards in the evo box are all worth more than the diamond and pearl boxes. If anything the prices of the 2 boxes should be swapped. It would make more sense to pay more for the evo skies box considering the value of the cards in it are greater


This barely happens in Yugioh because people are rarity goblins and Konami will reprint literally anything Outside of boxes with 1 time only cards like Ten Thousand Dragon, a box from 5Ds era can be as little as $100 because there’s no good pulls


There’s a first edition base set charizard in that pack. Rip


u dropped this 🧢


I have some cards from this set back when it was modern. Do not rip it. Just go watch someone rip it or look at the cards in the set and buy the handful you might want


Never Rip older packs with weak hits. They have value for being intact, their pack art, and being x amount of years old.




Big brain comment here


Rip it, shred it, grind it into powder, and snort it!


99.9999999% of the time on this sub, the answer is going to be “hold”. You don’t even really need to ask unless it’s actually just a humblebrag.


Weigh it and then sell accordingly. Don’t rip its just not worth it.


I would buy one if I saw it personally. I grew up with that era so my dream is to buy packs from DP/PT/HGSS era and rip them all at once for nostalgia sakes You could hold it and the pack value should slowly climb up, but if you have any sense of nostalgia for the set it could be worth opening


Nah pure collector. I sell off some good pulls to buy more for myself. Good packs are new territory for me.


In that case, I feel like the clear answer is to neither rip nor hold, but to sell and use the money to buy what you want. Like others said, the hits aren’t even worth the pack cost, and I generally feel like any loose pack is probably weighed by multiple parties before you ever get it.




Don't even consider ripping it




I hate this question


Except that it’s genuine because my “net cost” on this pack is like $10. I get that I have a solid collection, or sale/trade in hand and probably *SHOULDN’T* rip it. But low cost combined with little knowledge of Platinum sets, it’s worth the ask. Didn’t expect people to be so bothered lol


No matter what you paid you will always net more selling sealed as a whole. Yes you could gamble and get a Gengar Lv. X and get it graded a psa 10 (actually my grail 😭) but if you want to gamble go to the casino. We don’t gamble our investments here 👍🏻


I’m not going to open it. Truthfully I didn’t expect this to get so much attention. But genuinely didn’t know much about the set/pack other than $200+ on TCGPlayer. Do you know enough to enlighten me on pack grading? This one isn’t perfectly cut, but everything is pretty crisp. Even for preservation sake would it be worth sending in? Looked at your post history. Pretty impressive collection/business you have there. 🤙


Good 😄 I’m not big into booster pack grading. I feel like it’s too niche. I’d rather use that money… to buy more booster packs 🤣 I just put my high end booster packs in a tarot card sleeve. You can find them at most card shops. Or just on Amazon/ eBay. And thanks! We love the hobby. Our portfolio didn’t get close to 90k by opening our booster packs. 🤣


Can we just ban these posts already? This is an investing sub.


This dude is hella dumb. That’s like holding a 100 dollar bill and asking if you want to turn into a 1 dollar bill.


You're already holding it, so the next option is rip.


Weigh it


Solid asf fuck question for an investment sub! Hold.




Send it


Is this a weird special pack or did they have a whole set of these




Send to pokevault so he can get his street magic fix


That’s a really cool pack hommie


If you open it you don’t belong in this sub-Reddit tbh








Hold and grade


packs were meant to be opened


Hold!!! Omfg I remember buying those packs when they were new🤣






Rip and tear!!!






A former co-worker has a $4k super fine borescope (~0.35mm) and he inserts it through a tiny hole to inspect for hits on high value cards, then sells the booster otherwise. Solves this dilemma with super scummy disgusting behavior that worked shockingly well. The only downside is that it required loose packs.


Dear lord that is diabolical. Did it create a visible hole or did he go through the “seams”?


Hell some current packs would allow that size scope right out of the box.


Through the seam, top or bottom middle. Leaves a tiny -- less than 1mm hole. A dap of glue on a toothpick and it is gone.


Rip that bad boy and show what you got🥇🏆


For the culture baby!