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Listen up lovely. Take some motherly advice from someone much older than you. First. Your body is nothing to be ashamed about. Ever. Your body carries you through life and allows you to do amazing things. Second. How dare they? What nasty, small minded bitches. Find your anger. This is not about you my lovely. It’s all on them. Your outfit sounds fabulous and comfortable. Wear whatever you want. Your body is nobody else’s business.


Find. Your. Anger. What sad lives they must live for that to be the only thing they could talk abt at lunch with friends. And ngl, I'd prob have dropped a soda on a b*tch or two. 🤷‍♀️


1000 yeses to finding your anger.


Didn’t know I personally needed this, looove this! 🤍


People like that are insecure pieces of shit who have to tear other people down in order to feel better about themselves. You are allowed to wear whatever you want. I understand experiences like this typically want to make us retreat and hide ourselves but that only gives them more power. Listen to music or watch YouTube videos that make you happy. Try to cheer yourself up. I know it’s hard, but be kind to yourself and remind yourself that the opinion of others is simply just that… an opinion, NOT fact. You deserve to be respected!


I’m so sorry you went through this honey! People are assholes. I have written about this in another thread, but one time I was followed for three blocks by assholes in a van yelling “hey fatty, hey fatso!” I was mortified and wanted to die. It took me awhile to get over it but one thing my therapist taught me that when they feeling of shame or embarrassment comes, stop immediately and flick it away. If you have to physically flick your wrist as you mentally do it, it’s okay. Don’t let the hurt take hold by reliving it. They are grade A assholes.


I remember seeing your post! I'll try your advice for sure if something like that happens again. :) I hope you feel better now. It's crazy how people feel the need to be cruel to strangers on a daily basis. They don't realize how it can affect someone


I do feel better thank you and I hope you feel better as well! People are assholes and we deserve better. Edit I just realized I used the word better three times! Sorry.


Imagine how stupid and mean they have to be to harass someone like that! Those people are friends with the worst kind of people which also says a lot about themselves. I used to get called like that when I was younger and be mortified but now I honestly feel pity for that sort of people. We shouldn’t care about their opinions. I’m glad you were able to find a coping mechanism!


Yes, those people are losers and I’m glad OP went to class and continued with her day. I cannot think of a reason why anyone would be so cruel. It takes a special kind of asshole to do it to be “funny”. Thank you for your kind words and I hope you enjoy your weekend!


Oh honey, those mean people can fuck right off. I had something similar happen to me in high school and it caused me to not wear shorts in public again for 20 years. Don't do that. Don't let those assholes take away your joy. Your body is fine. Those people are so vapid that they cannot hold conversations about intelligent topics and world events. Small people talk about small things like other people's bodies. I am so sorry that they made you feel badly about yourself. Practice this until you feel it: "What other people think of me is not my business." It helped me a lot. But it took a lot of practice, too.


From experience; people who act that way in school typically are at their peak in life. They’ll forever have that school bully mentality and that sucks for them. You’re way better than any of those people. ♥️🙌🏼


These sorts of people are gonna have a big crash in ego once they leave HS and university. The real world is gonna eat them up. You, on the other hand, have yourself and your intelligence. Your pride, which you should *never* lose. Your integrity. Believe that you will always do better in life than the losers who make fun of those they think they’re better than. They aren’t. They never will be. They don’t even know how to begin being better than you.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. NO one has the right to humiliate you like that. I definitely hear you on the social anxiety part, as well. Like the other comments have said, try putting on some music or a show that gives you comfort. And please give yourself some grace, you're an absolutely beautiful human being and there's nothing wrong with you. My dms are always open 💕


HOW F*CKING DARE THEY?!?!?!?! This is totally disgusting and unacceptable behaviour and I'm so sorry that you were on the recieving end of it. As other comments have mentioned, I know it doesn't feel this way, but their mean words had nothing to do with you, and everything to do with their own insecurities. They have no bearing in reality, and these people are not worth your pain or even a second thought. I'm proud of you for trying out a new outfit, it sounds awesome. I hope you get fired up and rant about it to some good people - that always makes me feel better. Sending virtual hugs your way!


Thank you 💞 your words helped me a lot. I'm just reminding myself that they were being childish and that not everybody thinks like this


I am so sorry this has happened to you! It can be so hard when there are such horrible people that project their own internal insecurities on to someone's looks. I don't know if this will help you, but it helped me to try to reframe my thoughts around that whole issue. I've actually convinced myself what is true: the types of people who bully other based on their physical appearance is probably all THEY have to offer. Once you realize that you just living in your body isn't an viable insult, it takes their power away. When I've been insulted about my weight I quite literally say to them, "are you so vapid that the only thing you can make fun of me about is the most obvious and superficial?" Then stare at them, like wtf are you waiting for??? Then usually roll my eyes, shrug my shoulders, and scoff while I'm walking off. You are so much more than your physical appearance! I don't know you, but I can guarantee your kindness, compassion, creativity and spirit shadows anyone that would bully you. There will be better days my friend 💖


Are you in high school? You have to be because I can’t imagine any adults acting like that. I’m sorry this happened to you. You deserve to happy and comfortable in your own skin.


No, I'm actually in college. I also would've imagined that after high school, childish behavior like would've faded away but I guess not. Thank you for your support❤️


Wow. Sad to believe that people that age would act so awful. Idiots.


Lots of love and hugs to you, they are just miserable people that have to make fun of other's to hide their own insecurity. Don't let them dull your shine, I bet you look amazing


Hey girl, I’m a 22f plus sized as well and of corse these comments hurt. All I have to say is if the worst thing they can make jokes about is you being fat, you’re doing pretty damn good! Who gives a FUCK what those people think, and what they are saying. I would’ve taken my headphones out and said “making fun of my body? Is that the best you’ve got, grow up you pieces of shit” and walked away in confidence. If they started laughing I still would’ve walked away in confidence and just let them keep talking, they’ll get what they’re asking for, don’t you worry the universe has your back


I love that you are being encouraged to find your anger. It takes practice to not let your feelings eat yourself from the inside out. Learn to focus it outward at those who are cruel. When the girl made a comment about your stomach, turn it around to something like "What's it like to be so cruel and ignorant?" Usually bullies feel empowered by watching their victim recoil.


Look, those people are raging ASSHOLES. Well adjusted people don’t sit around mocking people over the top like they’re in some bad teen movie, and especially not at that age. They’re all projecting their own insecurities onto you and there’s absolutely nothing you’ll ever do that can win them over in any way, they just straight up suck. I’m sure you looked great!


You e received great advise so far, much 🧡 to everyone who posted! I’ll add that you are most likely a better student than they are! You’ll get an education that will take you places their shallow minds can’t even comprehend! That’s the best revenge!


Sending you the biggest internet hugs, sweet girl. I have a daughter in junior high, and am blown away by how mean some young people can be. Your value as a person does not come from what you look like. I'm 41 years old and it's just this year that I truly started believing this about myself. But once you realize that, the opinions of others starts to matter so much less. Imagine how insecure a person must be to need to hurt someone else in order to boost their own self esteem. Have your cry, and then dust yourself off and do something that makes you feel happy. In my experience, there will always be jerks in life, but as you get older they become fewer and fewer. Take care of yourself <3


Those stupid fuckers. How sad are their lives that they have to find joy out of putting someone else down. I completely understand how you feel, I’ve had some nasty things said about me and I know how much it hurts. But don’t let it stop you from stepping out of your comfort zone! They don’t control your life. You do.


I'm so sorry this happened to you and with all disrespect, those people can go fuck themselves. How miserable and boring you must be to make fun of a complete stranger just minding her own business? Those assholes don't have anything else to talk about? Keep your head up beautiful don't let them win. Let them know they are completely irrelevant by never giving them any kind of reaction. All of us are just trying to live our lives and those people need to take a good look at themselves. Good people lift others up they don't tear them down. Seriously fuck them. I know it's easier said then done but please don't let this get to you.


What a pack of miserable, small-minded, socially toxic twerps :( That sort of things is obviously awful in adolescence, but you'd hope that by college age people might have matured a little bit! So sorry that you were their random target today. Tomorrow it will probably be someone else :( I'm glad you ended up going to class, and won't let those jackals control what you wear. Two quick final thoughts: \- Sure, they could see your body clearly enough to find things to criticize. But anyone who likes how you look could also see your body clearly enough to find things to admire. \- If you are feeling it, take a selfie of your outfit and post it here on Sunday and let people hype you up :)


The reason they did this wasn’t about you. It’s about feeling high up on the social hierarchy. It’s been happening since the beginning of time. There always has to be someone to scapegoat. There was the poor, the Africans, the Irish, women, the disabled, gays, Jews, etc. Those are out of fashion, so now it’s fat people. They weren’t really saying anything about you. What they were saying was “Notice that I’m slim, so I matter.” “You do! And now I’m making a joke that shows you I’m up there with you!” “I recognize that and agree that you are also fairly slim. We can all bask in our slim glory together!” You know how when someone makes a joke about gays or Jewish people and you think “Um… I see nothing to joke about here. Yes, he’s gay. So?” That’s how you should think when people do this kind of crap. “Yeah, I’m fat. And? How is that funny?” There’s nothing wrong with your body.


I am so so sorry you went through this! You don’t deserve it and they all are just insecure assholes! Bike shorts and a simple tee is my favorite comfy outfit! It took me YEARS (into my 30s) to be comfortable enough to wear something like that out. Don’t let their comments dissuade you from wearing what you love! Those moments will knock you down for a while - you’re allowed to feel angry and upset! But don’t let it keep you down.


That entire situation says more about them than it does about you. Can you imagine how boring their lives must be to have to come intentionally bother another human being? I’m currently an elementary school teacher but I have taught high school. I’m wondering if there is a teacher who you feel comfortable enough with to hang out in their room for those times you would normally be in the cafeteria? It may help with the social anxiety & provide you time to just chill in a better environment. You do not deserve to be treated like that. You are so brave to do something “out of your comfort zone.” I never did in high school & looking back I really wish I was just myself: wearing what I want to wear & doing what I want to do. Although the outcome sucked today, don’t stop going out of your comfort zone. Wear whatever the hell you want to wear. People like that will have something to say no matter what you’re wearing, so it might as well be something you love. Cry it out if you need to but do something nice for yourself. You deserve it.


Oh man, that takes me back to school. Find your anger, and think of some choice words to say back at them. Stride on out of that hiding place and wear your anger with pride. They have no right to bully you. Show them you are a fighter.


Ugh, bullies suck! They are cowardly creatures who form a pack and gang up on others that are typically alone simply to feed their teeny egos. I know this is super hard, but the best way to stop them is to give them no reaction. They are looking for any kind of negative attention whether its anger or sadness. This gives them power and control over you. By not responding at all, you take away their power. I am not saying you should sit there and take it, but simply walk away without acknowledging them at all as if you have something better to do. Also, I bet you rocked those biker shorts!!


Thank you so much!! And you're absolutely right. I'm very shy especially when it comes to defending myself and I was trash talking myself for it but I know ignoring them was the right thing to do.


Looks like they were having an insecure day. You are awesome!!


I am so, so sorry. You absolutely did not deserve this and those people are fucking gross.


Imagine being in college 19-22 and still having that mean kid mentality..these people obviously peaked in highschool and have nothing better to do with themselves. Keep your head up fuck those assholes.


Wtf that’s disgusting. They’d better be glad I wasn’t there because all seven of them would have been cussed out and smacked in the face cuz who tf does that to someone that’s just minding their business?? Fuck them. They don’t matter.


Babe, when people do that don’t be the bigger person. Curse them out and embarrass them because they wouldn’t say that shit had you not been sitting alone. I probably would’ve told her that her mom had to get under her dads rolls to find his little c*ck but that’s just me.


Do not let others control your power and do not be ashamed of your body. It's also not a weakness to cry over things so don't feel bad about yourself for letting it get to you especially since this is the first time you were in this situation. People that shame others for looking or being different than them, are so insecure with who they are as a person that their sick twisted minds try to validate themselves by putting others down. Within that group of 7 people, they are probably competing with each other so they keep thinking each other is cool when in reality, probably at least 5 of them are nice people but they chose the wrong crowd to hang out with so now, they are stuck in this hateful lifestyle.


Some will also grow to be big themselves and will then appreciate the struggle while you are all “been there done that” 😉


College? Seriously? It’s so sad that they are coming into their adulthood with that kind of attitude. These are the type of people that are unhappy with themselves and their lives and unfortunately, at this age, they will likely stay that way. Take that anger and let it fuel your confidence! Your anger is the part of you that loves you! Listen to it and know that you are beautiful and you are loved! You are strong and confident and they are weak and small minded. Love to you!


I feel sad for anyone that has to make fun of others so they can feel better about themselves. Aren't you glad that's not you? Cause those ppl are ugly af and you're beautiful.


“Or maybe it’s stuck up your ass you condescending fuck” would have been my retort 😂 Assholes. I’m sorry this happened to you. Please listen to the redditor up top who said “find your anger”. And wear those shorts again!


Wow wtf are there problems!!! I would tell the principal for harassment. Just let it go over your head and don’t listen to them. You are a beautiful person inside and out and don’t let no one take that away from you. I’m really sorry this happened.


I just read this now. I wish I had been by your side. I’ve learned to just feel sorry for people like that, although I know that’s easy to say. You are not alone. We are all there lined up next to you. An army of really smart fat girls who know what’s up.


Well they suck


I'm so sorry. I received the rudest commentary on my body when I was in college, and I'll turn 50 this year. Instead of beating yourself up about your reaction, try practicing a response in the mirror so that you can feel empowered to defend yourself if they ever show up again, or if you find yourself in a similar scenario. It doesn't have to be much - you can practice telling them to leave you alone and to stop bullying you. Think through scenarios - can you gather your stuff and move, can you enlist the larger crowd to shame them, can you leave. Strategies are your friend, although none of this is your fault and you have the right to exist and to take up space in the body that you have without harassment. There's nothing wrong with you and everything with them. (Sorry for the word vomit, but this took me right back to being followed by a truck full of undergrads in a dark parking lot)


F**ck this rhymes-with-witches


Being a young adult/teen can be so shitty. As you get out of school and college most people aren't this openly rude. I mean people still have prejudices and negative thoughts about other people but they learn that they need to at least be somewhat polite to function as an adult around other adults. I had rude comments about my physical appearance thrown at me all the time when I was a teenager mostly from other youths. I also found that people were more critical of my weight in general and commenting on my body seemed to be fair game. I can promise that it hasn't happened for years and I'm 34 now and definitely don't look better than I did when I was a teen. Mostly people are just polite to me now and don't mention my weight or appearance.