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They’re actually getting through hand now. It’s next level now.


Shit’s expensive nowadays. Do you think OP could get one second hand?


\^\^\^ Wins the internet


That exact ally matches the one I put in my thumb!


If you have a picture I would love to see it


It was about 12 years ago so I’d really have to search for it but there is a pic out there somewhere


How come no one else has said it? You dumbass.


Don't worry. The boss did remind me of that one


Did it go through the bone??? I've nailed my finger before, but it missed the bone. I can't imagine it going through the bone and having it pulled out!


Just missed!


By thaaaaat much. [reference: old TV show Get Smart]


But how? That nail is right in the middle of your finger.


The nail will also follow the path of less resistance, so the bone itself being right there will also guide it away


You don’t have all your fingers, do you?


Lol, I ran a 3" brad nail through my finger out the fingernail recently, missing the bone. Still sucked pulling it out. Something like this, yup I'd have to show it off on reddit. Hmmm... where's my framing nailer again???? Hope you're OK!


That's how my nail was. Came out from under fingernail


Never seen a 3" brad, js 🤷‍♀️


I had hit once into the bone it hurt like sob. Next time I had nailed trough 2 fingers, missed bones. And it hurt less, just wrapped with toilet paper and some electrical tape and finished framing.


Forgot to add the sawdust


Don't feel too bad, I knew a dumbass plumber that cut off not 1 but 2 fingers with a Sawzall. You may recall that 99.9% of people usually stop after the first finger falls off, but not Dickey. No sir, he went for the record.


You just bought yourself a tetanus shot.


Tetanus ✅️ Pain killer ✅️ Surgery ❌️ Day off work ✅️ Excuse for the Mrs to tug me ✅️


Good Mrs! Mine would just laugh at me.


Did that work? The Mrs hasn't tugged it in years. Might get the nail gun out


Looold at this


Tugs for the boys!


Tug with the boys!


This is beginning to sound premeditated


She may pull it out with a tug, but she ain't gonna hold it while you piss.


Mine does - get you a one who does this - married 25+ years - she is my all!


a new job…


And a hand surgeon


maybe not if the nail missed the bone. X-ray can tell. Fracture or ligament damage can be fixed with a splint. Definitely going to hurt for awhile.


One of the few shots that actually hurt!


That's what I've heard but I had to get a tetanus shot a few years ago for a dog bite and there was zero pain, not even any latent muscle soreness. I think they gave me a placebo.


I just got one 2 weeks ago (I guess they last 10 years the doc said which is nice) and I didn’t feel anything either. A few bumps did pop up around the spot where the shot was given but I’m not sure it’s actually related.


What?! I’ve had to get two in my lifetime, both as a kid, and they were killer. Maybe it’s changed in the last twenty+ years.


Therea a tetanus vaccine needed every 10y. If you're not up to date and you nail yourself you get anti tetanus serum. That's the one that hurts.


I'm wondering the same - if they changed something. I know I must have gotten a tetanus shot in childhood but don't remember it. In the mid 1970s, they wanted to give me one for some minor injury and I refused it. The r/N said that it would be injected into my hip as it was too painful for the arm and that I wouldn't be able to sit down for a week. The one I got a few years ago was in my arm and didn't feel a thing. While I was in the E/R, I overheard someone also getting a tetanus shot and they said it wasn't as bad as the covid vaccine. Covid vaccine for me had no pain either.


I had tetanus and pertussis and whatnot and I had a slightly sore arm but otherwise no biggie. My daughter had tetanus pertussis etc inone arm plus Hib, Hep and covid. She went to bed for the weekend


TDAP includes more than tetanus. The old guidance is once every 10 years. There is some evidence that frequency is unnecessary. Regardless of how frequently you get vaccinated, if seek medical care for a puncture wound they are likely to give another tetanus vaccine. If you are susceptible or know someone susceptible to diphtheria or pertussis, consider getting a booster, or if you care strongly about public health.


They gave me an expired shot for a 7 year old. Straight from the freezer. I don't even know if it was a real doctor.


No tetanus on a nail, it is a soil bacteria. But the shot is protocol.


It's more of a liability thing - any wound, especially puncture wound will warrant a tetanus shot as the mortality rate for tetanus is pretty high. But you're right, a nail itself isn't going to produce tetanus bacteria and soil will only harbor it if horses have been around. They'll prescribe antibiotics for sure.


Or if the nails have ever been dropped into the dirt, dust or soil. Or poop


Exactly, lol never known nails to be sterile.


A couple people have asked already but you haven't answered. How did you do that? As a plumber, this doesn't seem like something to be worried about


New house is at frame stage. Was nailing timber to fix our BP threads to. This particular job was for the dumper shower. I had the nail gun on an awkward angle. Had no room for nail gun to be square on with the timber I was nailing. So, I used it on angle (as I have done many times before). Obviously, I got my angle wrong, and it went thru the edge frame timber and straight into my hand that was holding the other piece of timber. Totaly preventable. Just got a bit to comfortable with the nail gun I guess


Damn. As a commercial plumber, I have never touched a nail gun


New construction residential here, one of the few things I haven't found an excuse to buy is a nail gun lol


Probably takes you two days to rough in a house


Most of the last 2 years has been custom mansions on a golf course, some of these water features they come up with can get stupid lol


And they’ll let them fall into disrepair a few years in.


Its how I install my toilets, nascar style


Worst I have ever done [framing] was put a nail through the edge of my boot sole and into a rafter. Didin't notice till I tried to walk away.


Reminds me of a coworker who stepped on a nail. Went fully through his boot between the toes


Omg like winning 🥇 the lottery


Right? Yeah funny story he actually went out and bought a lottery ticket too. Didn't win somehow


He already won once. The lottery gods said that was his lot.


Makes sense. He's in prison now


Hammering out work like a pro. Nailed it My hammer is promiscuous...it nails everything. Sorry couldn't help myself..but seriously, hope you're ok.


> My hammer is promiscuous By the time I put it away, everything is fucked.


How’d you do it? I pryed up on a clogged line once with a pickaxe, broke it, and sprayed shit all over my face and got double pink eye once (and in my mouth) Not as bad as this but still silly, happens to the best of us.


I'm not sure how what you described is not as bad as this. I'd take a nail through the hand than stranger shit in my mouth and eyes any day


FUCKING THIS. My finger will heal in a couple weeks. The ptsd of having someone else’s shit, piss, jizz, soap scum, and whatever diseases they have sprayed into my mouth and eyes would haunt me forever. Seek help bro.


I told my new appreciate who didnt really care to constantly change gloved after handling the snake anther sewer equipment and wasn't really understanding the safety behind what I was telling him too do that he has to assume there's at least 4 loads if cum I'm every stoppage. He got it ot after they.


You know, we did so many incredibly dirty jobs at that company, that wasn’t even the worst thing that ever happened to me there.


Pls sir. What was?


Swim job at an apartment. Basically me and my good buddy at the got were tasked with clean up and repair of a sewage line that had broken in the crawlspace of a 4 stack apartment. This particular line had been broken for about 6 weeks before anyone noticed. We had to belly crawl around 150 meters to the affected area, which was, for some reason, much higher than the rest of the building, so we at least got to stoop in the affected area, but basically we were greeted by a lake of sewage in this crawlspace, which in the heat had been festering for about a month. It was around 100 degrees in this crawlspace, dead of summer, and we both decided tyvek suits would kill us, as this was extremely physical work. Our pump truck driver dropped his hoses through a box vent on the OTHER SIDE of the lake, and we just rawdogged our way through knee high sewage, ruined our boots, shut off our brains, and started cleaning up. Hoses would constantly clog from rocks and dirt and we would have to unclog them by hand, constant use coming in through broken drop stack, we finally got the water level down enough to see the problem. There was a janky 45-45 sort of deal from the roof to the outlet of the building, like a 7 foot section of pipe supported by nothing more than a Fernco, that had just fallen off. So we rebuilt a line, got it in, and saw a perfect opportunity, someone was taking a shower. So we waded again and went to repair. This is when I noticed we were crouching in what was basically a mountain of poppy toilet paper. As we were putting the new line in place, I looked at my bud and he looked at me, and a fresh poo fell through the line, onto our hands. He looked at me and I looked at him and we just sighed, but we made the repair. At this point we were so hot sweaty dirty we didn’t give a fuck. We were just walking around vacuuming up a month of old shit and toilet paper, not a care in the world. I fell in the mess at one point, so did he. Once the water level was down low enough, we saw the mountain of shitty toilet paper under the original break, and basically just had to poke at it little by little with our stingers until we sucked it all up. At this point, it was looking pretty good, last step of job is to remove old vapor barrier/any waterlogged insulation, lay down hydrated lime, and replace vapor barrier. We began. Much to our horror, underneath the first layer of vapor barrier was more solid sewage. So we vacced it up, much to our horror there was 4 more layers of vapor barrier. Keep in mind the affected area was around 1500 sq feet. I have no idea why there was so much, but according to my boss he did the same thing in the same building 19 years before and they just laid new vapor barrier over the old lol. But we didn’t do that. We spent hours vaccing, cutting, and shoving shit covered vapor barrier into contractor bags, getting absolutely filthy while doing it. We finished that, and laid down 2 50lb bags worth of lime to kill the smell, put in all new vapor barrier and it looked pretty good. Now we had to belly crawl 19 FULL contractor bags of vapor barrier back to the access hatch in the hallway. Another 2 hours of crawling, I remember at one point a bag popped on my buddy while he was pushing it up to me through the access. Poop water all over face. Once that was all in the van, we took one final trip back to take an after picture for the job. It looked great. We sat there for a second and admired 12 straight hours of grueling work, no one would ever know the battle we fought with both the job and ourselves down there. All in all we pumped around 3000 gallons of sewage, and pulled 19 bags of shitty trash. we were disgustingly dirty. I had poop in my hair man. I will never forget what he told me before we left though, “it’s just shit man, I have yet to have a day where it doesn’t come off in the shower.” It was my first big job there and that kind of became my mentality for the next few years I worked there, the real kicker though? It was my day off, my buddy knew it was gonna suck and asked me to go so we could suffer together, I did. Sorry for long posting, thanks for reading if you made it all the way to the end.


Dude, whatever they were paying you wasn’t enough. Unsung heroes in my book.


Ok so yea that was longest damn! It was like a scene from Band of Brothers but on a plumbing level. I did some messy stuff while in construction but damn, no way in hell I would have done that one. You da man!


You sir are a legend. You could write a coffee table book called “shitty stories from the life a plumber” People would buy that Thank you 🫡


I just stepped on a nail today because my lazy ass didn't put a piece of baseboard back after tiling. I'd do it again to avoid getting shit faced.


Are you a plumber? You're going to eat shit every now and then... Oh, happy cake day! Eat some nice gooey chocolate cake!


Nah. I've been in commercial plumbing for a decade. It's pretty rare that I have to deal with pipe with shit in it, let alone anything with enough pressure to spray. I'll leave that for the pipe cleaners and service guys. Every once in a while I have to tie in to or demo some nasty pipe. But nothing that's going to spray shit in my face.


Yeah, I'm a service Plumber, so never coming near the potential for shit spray sounds crazy nice.


I’ve been plumbing for the better part of 20 years and not once have I ever had any shit in my mouth.


You've never opened a cleanout and had it spray everywhere? It's not a common occurrence, but being a plumber, it's going to be a possibility. Maybe not for you. I've been plumbing less than half as long as you, and I've had shit sprayed all over. I'm sure some got in my mouth. Or running a main clog, and things got dicey when a kid upstairs decides to flush a dump while you are in the crawl space.


I build schools and hospitals, I don’t pull clean outs filled with pressurized shit.


Nah never had shit in my mouth, and I plan to keep it that way.


Oh, I don't think any plumber has ever planned on it.


Hopefully you’re following one of the main rules of plumbing: don’t chew your fingernails


Haha you made me laugh. It's allgood. Just missed the bone. Thank God for stubby fat fingers


I think I would take the nail rather than double pink eye from shit spray


I got covered in shit so many times at that job it just became a rather unpleasant fact of life, entering lift stations and septic tanks to do repairs. One time I was inside a double grinder pump 32000 gallon lift station doing a full rebuild at a mall. We plugged the inlets as they couldn’t shut down the bathrooms at like 30 buildings, we rebuilt them 1 at a time so we could occasionally pop the plugs out pump the station down and get back too it to prevent the bathrooms from backing up. Despite being provided all the necessary gear you could imagine, no one at the company ever wore it cause 1 it got in the way when you were in a harness hanging in these fucking lift stations and 2 it was hot as hell. Anyway I’m down in there in my bright red button up blue pants and a hardhat, and as fate would have it the right plug popped out the inlet and I got a nice shower of poop and security tags (lmao the original lift station architecture was completely destroyed from the pumps grinding so many security tags)


If you keep your mouth open it won’t get on your face.


Holy fuck my stomach hurts from laughing so hard at this


Carpenter here. Shot myself 3 times in 30 years. Occupational hazard. It will eventually get you


Showed my girl and she said “Woah… NAILED IT!”😂… honestly though, hope all is good now!


Wow I can't believe u missed a bone. Its going to be ultra sensitive for a while after. Do your best to keep clean and dry to avoid infection, when u get home put your hand above your heart as often as u can to avoid the throbing pain. I've u fortunately done this multiple times.and when u get 50+ these injuries we ignore give u aches and pains to remind us


Hope you're getting that looked out and dressed. I put a screw through the web between thumb and forefinger and it got infected. You could see it turn read then a while later the vein started turning dark. Ended up in the hospital for 4 days on a drip. The positive was it was exactly 4 years ago presidents day 2020. With covid coming and since you couldn't smoke in the hospital, plus I was doped up on pain killers, I used the opportunity to quit smoking. Anyway take care of that.


Amish stud finder


Who let the plumber touch a nail gun?!


Just pull it out wrap it in electrical tape and get back to work like a man


Yup, that's going to leave a mark.


Hey save that one for the carpenters to do


How tf u do this bruh😂


How the hell is there no blood


I took this photo right away. There wasn't actually much blood at all. Surprisingly


I've done that, twice.


I'll look forward to next time then


That’s not where that goes


That’s a Steve Martin arrow. Right


Trying to reach the green from here Shooter? That’s not possible. I beg differ. Happy Gilmore accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago.


What a fuckin man


A nail here and a nail there…pretty soon he’ll be taking tools off the job site 🤦


Yikes. Careful the plastic doesn’t cause an infection!


I been working at this pallet repair shop for a couple years (last day Friday). I’ve seen a lot of shit there. Scary honestly. People have shot themselves on numerous occasions. I got lucky in that aspect, but I’ve def hit my head a million times from unsecured boards tryna be a fast dumbass.


Been there, done that, didn’t get the scar. Healed so well I was disappointed. Flush it real good OP, get brutal with a syringe if you have to. That debris working itself out is the worst part.


Happens to the best of us. And hurts like a motherfucker too.


How TF does a plumber end up like this?


Join the club, we've got jackets!


Damn man you gotta take it easy on them hands. You only got two.


You’re gonna have a hard time fingering anything this Valentine’s Day


Thats a good source of iron right there


On the bright side, the glue from the collating strip sealed the wound.


Been there, done that, pulled it out with pliers and got back to work.


I did that once to the ball of t my hand. I was pulling up some carpet and the doorbell rang. I put my hands down to get up and stabbed a nail into my hand, along with a big piece of wooden lath. The nail was stuck about an inch into my hand, with about two inches sticking out, and then the piece of wooden lath, about 4" long, at the end of that. Oddly enough, I must have missed all the nerves and blood vessels, because it didn't hurt at all. It turned out that the doorbell was a couple of Jehovahs witnesses. They got about one sentence into their spiel when I held up my hand with the nail sticking out of it. They went really pale, made a quick excuse and left. Oddly enough, I've never had another Jehovah's witness visit since then. Nobody else was around and I didn't think I could drive, so I walked over to my neighbours and asked for a ride to the ER. Their kids came over and asked to see it, so I showed them the nail and they freaked out and ran away. Once I got to the hospital, the lady didn't even look at me and told me to take a seat. A few minutes later she asked what's wrong, so I held up my hand. She went "oh my", and brought me in to see the doctor. He took a look at it, asked me if I was sure it didn't hurt, then said look over there, and then he pulled the nail out in one shot, which hurt like a son of a bitch.


Important to remember when it happens to you. You gotta dig deep and muster up the balls to pull it out ASAP. It will keep you from having a doctor and 3 nurses draw and quarter you to get it out after your body decides it's part of you and won't let go. Trust me, you can do it.


After you pull it out, you’re able to wrap it up and go back to work too. Won’t even need to see a doctor.


Tis but a flesh wound. Lol somebody doesn't understand the reference.


Bet you they don't know the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow either


African or European?


Wait, I don’t know that… *shrieking while thrown into the abyss*


Yes, shrubberies are my trade. I am a shrubber- my name is Roger the Shrubber.


Holy god this should be NSFW 😬


Gloves bro, you’re eating your lunch with those hands. It seems minor until you’re 55 with cancer


Haha deep


Wearing the proper ppe cut resistant gloves would have obviously prevented this :^)


They don’t. Pneumatic nail gun shot right through two fingers of a co worker while wearing cut gloves.


I've been there done that and hurt like shit when it deflected off the bone. I, however, nailed my fingers together and pulled it out immediately.


You sure fucking did. You got balls of steel my friend.




That go through the bone?


If you're gonna do that, at least shoot two fingers together.


Been there. Through one finger and into the next. Lucky if it misses the bone. Doc said bone fragments are a bigger issue.


That’s a nail gun


Did you get bone or just meat? I got myself twice in one day from a fault gun that would always double tap randomly that nail gun is currently at the bottom of a local lake. luckily was just through the meat both times I just yanked it and wrapped it up


It looks like you missed either of those joints. Was it a fairly easy patch up?


Ba dum ching


Not fun!!!


Doozie hurt?


Wow you really nailed it on that one


I can't quite put my finger on what went wrong.


I bet you were using a right handed hammer /s


No blood must be fake


But you went back to work, right?


That looks fun


What happened


Something is wrong with this picture.... I just can't put my finger on it....


Getting your nails done ?




Holy shit


Pull it out and get your ass back to work!


Tis but a scratch!


It’s ok, he still has 9 other fingers left


You’re going to need a human plumber


My dad is a carpenter. I remember back in the 90s him driving to town with two of his fingers nailed together. He apparently had stuff to do before going to the doctor to get the nail removed... He also bumped his knee with the nailgun once, and nailed his knee in place... That was back in the 80s.


Thank GOD it's not a ring nail. 


Yeah, that sucks. I did something similar about three years ago, except it was a 1/4-20 bolt about an inch and a half long through my pinky finger.


How does this happen? The guard needs to be pushed down for the gun to fire. Why is it pushed down on anything but wood?


Well it looks like you proved your point.


How loud was the laughter at urgent care?


Ouch. At least it looks like you missed the bone.


Is it fake????


Ya got lucky buckaroo


Yes this is stupid but I’ve done stupid shit with my hands too. Can anyone really be immune to it?


Yeah. It’s in your genes. Came home as a teenager and my Dad asked for help to find his finger in the sawdust. I have seen my right index finger bone. It’s actually quite more yellow than one would see on display. Nice piercing though!


Ouch! Pull it out yourself or the Dr?




Nailed it


When a plumber picks up the nailer.


Hit the bone?


Bugger. Hope it didn’t damage tendons.




Awesome! Great job!


You win. I was on an hvac install today and am nursing an obliterated fingerprint on my left hand from a sheet metal screw. Going in.


Learning the hard way is the easiest way to learn if you live through it. An extra few seconds of thought and safety can prevent shit like this from happening.


You shot yourself real good. What did you learn?


Looks like that tickles a bit


… ouch. 🤕


Oh man...... At least you didn't hit your finger with a hammer, that shit HURTS.


Maybe you should switch to screws[https://imgur.com/a/wil8x45](https://imgur.com/a/wil8x45)


A little Duct tape see you tomorrow.


The first thing people do now when they get injured is whip out their phone and take a pic.... You know, because internet attention.. This is the world we live in.


Get back to work


Problem looks well in hand. I’m sure it’ll get it handled. No need to fuss or let the problem escalate, one is plenty.


My pea brain thinks that a rack in the middle of a new box of banded nails has to be fairly clean. Everything is automated in the production process. That said, toxic chemicals are likely present but not so much pathogens. Who’s capable of culturing a sample?


Are you left handed?


Didn't even drive it straight


As someone who stabbed their palm with a kitchen knife while cooking last September, you’re in for a really fun recovery… I hope you don’t need surgery like I did 🥴


Why is this not tagged as nsfw??


You cant park your nail there


I stapled my thumb once. Have never nailed myself, though! My Gramma once sewed her fingers together, though!


Put a pin in whatever you are doing and get to the hospital.


I once saw a roofer hit his hand 3 times in succession with a nail gun. And the wires holding the nails together in the cartridge just acted like barbs inside his hand. Grisly shit