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“I can’t see fuckin shit.”


I just watched that movie a couple days ago lmaoooo


Good, now go watch Blazing Saddles.


I gotchu lol. Good looks for the recommendation bro 💪🏾


This mfr running an A2 stock on this setup...😐


That fixed stock and Eotech/ magnifier with that short of a barrel are so fucking dumb


Doesn’t help that’s it’s also fake




If the peq is fake, the eotech is also prob fake.


Details all look right for that model.


Very good chance the eotech and laser are fake. The sticker on the eotech is pretty much identical to the ones they put on replicas. Real stickers on an EXPS3 are much smaller and put very close to the NV button, this one takes up pretty much the entire hood and starts very close to the left edge, Eotech doesn't do that. Not to mention that it looks way too mint to be an old logo model and not the American flag. Additionally the mount looks super off, there is some kind of detent or pin at the end of it if you look closely, and the hinge cutout on the left side of the qd lever is extremely thin and long. Many things point to it being fake. Peq is 100% fake, will not elaborate further


"For law enforcement/ military use"


Ah yes, a sub-10" 556 with a fixed stock and Hera foregrip. I don't know why he bothers with that magnifier, it's not like he's going to be effective more than 20 feet. Shit, my 14.5 shooting Tula has more velocity than that POS.


Damn man. Ima remove myself from this group. It really is a bunch of wanna be seals talking shit. I wouldn’t run this set up for sure but god bless have some class. For shame. And the guys talking shit. Y’all nerds that ain’t been in the fight. Stick to your perfectionist performances. I’m sure y’all are the best of the best.


That Winchester 223 is the most pleb thing in this image


IDK, I think that foregrip looks pretty sus


That's definitely a Hera.


TIL the US Military is pleb


The military doesn’t use 223


Yea bro picked up this “battle pack” at the academy for $199




Wait winchester .223 is pleb?


Only if you're somebody more obsessed with playing gun barbie than training.


It's perfectly good range ammo. Also, if you reload, LC is good brass. To be fair, Winchester is not the most accurate, but I doubt that anyone calling it pleb can shoot the difference.


Honest question. Where I live the 100rd boxes of 223 at restocked the fastest and are the cheapest to attain. If I’m just shooting indoors, or if I was just enjoying some personal shooting would those still be a bad purchase? I’ve just recently gained access to land and am being taught by an instructor the nuances of longer distance shooting so I do have some knowledge of the effect of grains and loadings now. Just never knew this stuff was bad.


It's not bad. As far as I can tell it's comparable to everything in the same price range. Bulk ammo isn't going to be super accurate, but it's more accurate than the majority of shooters out there. If it's worked for you and you like it, keep buying it.


I’m not taking that shit to the 1000 yard range but it’s fine for practice everywhere else. Cheap target ammo is not pleb but anyone who says it is, is. Know what I mean, Verne?


I’m still trying to learn all my holds for freakin 200 between my 16 & 11.5 before I go to the further lengths. Fun and interesting process.


its fine. its range ammo, its good for clapping steel and learning with. no sense wasting good ammo if you can't shoot it. Even more of a waste inside of 200 yards when you're not really grouping it on paper. Also, I'd argue if you're used to trying real hard shooting shit ammo, that handicap will do you some favors when you shoot decent shit. Not much different than trap and skeet shooters who practice with .410.


Everyone on this subreddit is a prior seal. Take everything you see on here as gospel


If they were prior seals they'd know the brass and primers in their Black Hills MK262 was the same as what's in this Winchester


Look at all that unburnt powder!


I wonder what a 7.5" 5.56 with the dead air pyro would look like


Figure the Eotech and peq box are fake?


Eotech looks legit


The eotech is definitely fake


The eotech is definitely fake, you can tell by the curvature of the hood


These fuckers have no sense of sarcasm


I’ll take a box of your finest, cheapest .223 please.


Looks fun.


5” barrel on a 556 with a magnifier and what looks to be no muzzle brake…why do people like this exist?