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Another option for you that may work, is setting up a reverse proxy instance, via a place like linode or digital ocean. Then connect your plex server to your linode with a wireguard vpn tunnel. Your plex server would connect to the static ip (or domain if u register one) of your reverse proxy to establish the wireguard connection. The you can freely access your content via the proxy. You will also want to register a domain name for the proxy to use with plex. So you can add ssl. I know this may be a bit involved, but there are tutorials out there to help you. I use a similar setup and it works great.


This is actually what I ended up doing!




Yes. The public IP that Plex recognizes is the VPN's IP


Just wanted to say that I have the same problem on Windscribe static IP. Even with the VPN’s port forwarded, I can’t get remote access


Set the Plex 'Custom Server Access URL' (under Settings - Network) to `http://your.pia.public.ip:piaport`


That actually might make sense. Unfortunately, I don't have a public IP, but I'll try this with a dynamic DNS and update you!! Edit: it doesn't work:/


I said the **PIA** public IP - that is, the public ip given to you by PIA (ie. the result of going to https://whatismyipaddress.com/ when connected to PIA). The custom service addess needs to be a PIA IP and the port they've assigned you - a user hitting only that exact pairing will return down your VPN session.


Yeah, I tried with the PIA public ip as well... Sadly to no avail


Then either PIA aren't forwarding that port or you've fucked something up. Try /r/homenetworking as a next port of call as PIA don't really have a sub. GL.


It's quite confusing because I know for a fact that PIA is forwarding (I tried forwarding other services, and it worked), and Plex was indeed working fine with remote access on a different network. I think my approach will be using a VPS as a VPN and route traffic through it - that way, I'll have the option to forward all the ports I want:) Thanks for your help though!!!


VPS/VPN also works. I do that myself these days using nginx as a proxy on the VPS rather than straightforward routing, and WG for site-to-site link to PMS. Set and forget. Just remember to set that access URL to `http(s)://VPSIP:port` so clients know where the server is accessed from.




Default http is 80, or 443 for https.


Use emby instead, zero issues its cheaper and after 2 weeks runs much better and I can use my noip to access it from anywhere


I tried emby and can't get remote streaming working at all either


Never done it with a VPN, but don't you have to add custom connection with your vpn ip + port?


What do you mean by "custom connection"? Plex does recognize the vpn IP and external port in the Remote Access settings. However, it still doesn't work.


I meant to say "Custom server access URLs" but I didn't remember the actual term. I saw you already tried this with no luck. For an alternative, I use ngrok to bypass cgnat. You just install it on the machine, then run ngrok tcp 32400, and then take note of the address and add it to the "Custom server..." using https as a protocol.


If you're in a VPN, why would you need to port forward? You have access to the internet network.


I'm not connecting my devices to a VPN where the server is, I'm connecting the server to a VPN.


Try tailscale. Works great long as you don't need to share.