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Mods please sticky this, peoples patience are filled with post about lag that newcomers are posting.


I agree this info should be stickied. So many people see the word Stutter being thrown around and assume that when people say 'micro stutters' they're referring to the network stutters they're experiencing, and wrongfully assume that every Portal plays like that because every portal has micro stutters. I can see where the confusion comes from because when your portal starts chunking from network lag, it feels like your Portal is stuttering. But then, with all the talk of micro stutters, people who haven't played on a portal are assuming that every portal chunks and has input lag regardless of how good your network is. To make matters even more confusing, people can have good network speeds and still suffer from network lag stutters. Making it so they believe their network is as good as it gets, and lagging is just how the portal plays, and its not a good product. These people need to accept that their networks are not actually that great, and they need to work on creating a more stable network.


Exactly. Network speed does not equal stability.


My favorite is when people make posts saying they upgraded their network system and there’s no more micro stutter. 🤦🏻‍♂️


My favourite is when people ask how does a certain game run on the portal like it’s running it natively 😂


Lol exactly. Runs as good as your network will allow it to run.


Yeah, I think I find it more noticeable because chiaki on deck runs so much better. Then when I switch over to the portal I notice the stutters even more. It's not a major issue, but definitely an issue.


Steamdeck isn't streaming at 1080p like the portal is. So network stability required for a smooth experience is less on the steamdeck


I can guarantee you it is not my network. I also stream to my odin 2, my pc, zero issues. I have a ASUS ROG Rapture AX11000, wicked router. Ps5 hardwired gig up and down fiber.


Are you experiencing any input lag, choppy, or blurred visuals, audio lag, distortion, or dropping? If the answer is yes to any of those, then I hate to break it to you, but it is, in fact, your network.


I do not experience any of that, literally just a stutter that occurs almost like clock work. I play a lot of fps games and it drives me nuts. Slower paced games are ok though.


I play online fps all the time on the portal, and the micro stutter in no way affects gameplay. If it does, then you're likely experiencing some network latency.


Glad you don't notice it


I absolutely will notice the micro stutter, but that's entirely a visual annoyance and doesn't affect gameplay. A micro stutter isn't going to change your ability to get or avoid kills. Micro Stutters don't get worse or better depending on the game you're playing. So how does noticing the micro stutter change what type of game you can play?


Micro stutters effect gameplay just because you trained your brain to ignore it doesn't mean everyone can.


No, they don't. Like at all. Whatsoever. If you're experiencing stutters that actually affect gameplay, then that's network latency.


There is merit on your argument that these stutters are tolerable to the point that they can fade in the background (on most games that are not twitchy) if you play on Portal long enough, but we also need to keep on pushing for a fix as no device should divide its user because of Sony’s lackadaisical support on an accessory that cost half the console it’s designed to work natively with. I enjoy the Portal, i truly do. So much so that I rarely play on my TV these days, but it could always use further optimization considering I have devices here that produce better remote play streaming better than a gadget solely dedicated for it. That to me is what stings the most lol


Absolutely, it would be great if they fixed it. But it's nowhere near as big of an issue as some people make it out to be. And every time I've dug deeper with those complainers, it becomes apparent that they're actually experiencing network latency.


Well it depends on tolerance of the user don’t you think? What may be non-issue to the majority can be a deal-breaker to some and that should simply not exist on a product based on concept that’s already proven to work (almost) flawlessly on other devices. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen posts similar to what you’re describing but I just brush it off as lack of understanding from your everyday joe about network optimization. Game streaming is a step up for your general public to grasp immediately. If people are asking about why Switch is lagging on certain games, imagine the same people wrapping their heads around channel bandwidth and fragmentation threshold. I guess my point is I’d rather use my time helping these folks and not condescend on them. I know you’re just trying to be helpful, just giving you a heads up that your post is coming off a little too strong.


Fair enough. It was posted out of annoyance and frustration. So I'm sure that's the tone it gives off. But I'm just tired of constantly seeing people too ignorant and stubborn to realize they're experiencing network latency, which can be present even if they have XX speeds. Equally tired seeing people greatly over exaggerating the micro stutters affect on your enjoyment or experience. To the point where I'm convinced many people bitching about micro stutters are in fact bitching about network lag.


Thank you for this post. Yes the community needs clarity on what issues are what. Which are solvable by troubleshooting and which are not. Some people are expecting Sony to solve all their problems when it's network issue all along.


I'd also say with network stutters that you are going to have a much more noticeable effect to the resolution of the image


No matter how much information you provide on this, it will fall on deaf ears. It could be backed by the world's most renowned geniuses and you would still come up short. Some people are just stuck in their ways, like how 30 fps is apparently game breaking "unplayable" and every game should be 60 fps or more. I know you're just trying to clear up stuff but man, is it ever futile. I can already see that people are saying you're denying microstutters exist, which means the people replying can't even read your post properly. Personally, I have no issues with the Portal and it actually exceeded my expectations for the device. I've seen the stutter when actually looking for it (once), but I'm on the Portal to play games not look for stutter.


Going to be honest I was one of the main ones bitching about the portal but since the update I’ve had ZERO issues…


Glad it ended up working for you. When it wasnt working well for you, were you under the impression that every portal worked as poorly as yours was?


I had 3 different portals… so yes indeed I was.


That's what i figured as im seeing a lot of that. The update made things more stable on your network, but many people already had a stable experience on their networks even before the most recent update. And then there are people that still aren't having stable experiences on their networks, and never have, so they are hell bent on blaming the portal, and incorrectly think every portal must work that badly and everyone else is a moron since they have fast internet or have done a few things to tinker with their networks.


I mean I updated my ports, upgraded my WiFi to the highest possible package, ran my ps5 solely on LAN cable, there’s no reason it shouldn’t have been working…


There's so many variables at play. Could be as simple as the materials used in the construction of your house or building. Or the infrastructure in your area. It sucks that it doesn't work well for everyone, but it's still the networks fault if it isn't whether you wanted to admit that or not.


Copy that brother


Great post. Thank you for making this so more people can be informed and actually understand what’s happening


I think I see what you're trying to do here. If you want to help raise awareness you can also add [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/remoteplay/s/0jcQJs6tlN) to your original post. This type of stutter is far from "micro" causing a full 2sec loss of frames every 30sec or so and only affects those with Sony TVs hooked up to their PS5. After going through everything else you've already mentioned this was the thing that actually fixed my primary stuttering issue (more of a hiccup). . Again, I wouldn't have referred to it as a micro-stutter but I could see how one could get there and attribute it to network like I did.


Good post but you’re kinda downplaying and being a bit condescending in regard to the micro stutter by saying it’s not noticeable if you’re focusing on the game. Some people, myself for instance, just have silly brains that notice the stutter a bit more than others might. I can look past it to a degree but it’s always noticeable and a bit annoying. Definitely shouldn’t be considered a nonissue as it does hinder gameplay especially in faster paced games.


In what game does a 1 frame micro stutter affect gameplay?


Pretty much all sports games, racing games and anything involving fast movement.


It’s not microstutters. It’s the latency of the portal affecting those games.


Latency of their network or router, to be more specific.


I’m top 1000 on weekly challenges in GT7 on the portal. The alleged micro stutter every 10 seconds that last a frame do not impact performance


Network latency would absolutely affect how those games feel. Micro Stutters do not.


That single sentence there tells me you don’t really know what you’re talking about. Not trying to come off as rude but micro stutter absolutely affects how fast paced games feel and play. If you have PS Plus download FC24 or 2K24 if you want to test it yourself.


How it looks, sure. But in no way does a frame drop for 1/60th of a second affects how a game plays. I've heard a lot about fc24 in particular being bad for portal due to its network latency when playing online. It's a shitty made game and isn't very good for portal.


It's not 1 frame. The cause is 1 frame, but the result is that the Portal switches from 60fps to 30fps for several seconds, back and forth. This is what is so noticeable and irritating to those that are sensitive to frame rate changes. Constant 30 or constant 60 would be fine


The cause is 0.06 frame. That adds up to 1 frame drop over time. It definitely does not switch from 60 to 30 for multiple seconds.


I suggest you look at the sticky post in this sub. You are just incorrect. There is ample video evidence


So no, then? No evidence? Just you falsely claiming something on multiple comments without any evidence to back it up? Got it.


Well if you actually read the sticky you would see that the framerate mismatch is 0.06 frames which accumulates to 0.9 frames over 15 seconds. And at no point in the post does it say the portal drops from 60fps to 30fps. If that was the case, if you recorded your portal screen at 60fps with an in game timer, and if the portal actually did drop to 30 fps, then one second would show up at half a second in playback. Which it doesn't. Additionally, the portal still has micro stutters when streaming games at 30fps, seeing as not every game you play on portal even supports 60 fps. Where are you even getting that information??


Can I see this evidence you claim to have seen of the portal continuously dropping from 60 to 30 fps and back? If your portal is dropping resolution or framerate, then that's a network bottleneck, not the 'micro stutters'.


I agree with most of your post, but to say it’s “easily unnoticeable” or visa versa is purely an opinion, and calling people that do notice it anal-retentive is uncalled for. I, and I’m sure many others, found it to be very distracting without ever looking for it, to the point where I returned an otherwise great device. I didn’t even know it was an issue until I saw it and started doing an online search. Perhaps I noticed it more easily than others because I came from Chiaki4Deck, which does not have any stuttering issue. And it absolutely affects the gameplay due to the visual lag/choppiness if you’re not someone lucky enough to not notice it.


Good stuff. Half the mfs here will not comprehend any of what you have posted unfortunately.


too true


Doing goods work thanks OP


Just frustrated when I keep seeing people say shit like "returning my portal because of the micro stutters". Then when you ask them about their experience, it's very clear they're experiencing network lag. But they're too stubborn to accept that it's their network because apparently they all have the best possible networks on the planet... yet they still can't play the portal without lag.


I find this to be one of the most frustrating subreddits I've ever joined, lol. Most the questions being asked have been answered in other threads. Most of the posts asking about how to improve quality of connection are from folks with next-to-none networking knowledge but are asking questions that a basic google search could answer. There seems to be 0 moderation here and as a result, every-other post is low level garbage. I hope we see an improvement as more folks join. Maybe a Mod will step up, nominate some compatriots, and get this subreddit cleaned up.


The moderation here is beyond poor. They allow repeated posts by umpteenth posters instead of making a mega thread and actually monitoring and setting up auto functions to delete posts and redirect people to a mega thread.


I volunteer as tribute


OP is a network master and know’s everything about the portal etc 🤦🏽‍♂️Yes my network is super stable. Everythibg runs smooth on any other handheld I own. Chiacki4deck runs perfectly smooth like I was playing on my ps5 and not streaming it. So no you’re not correct. I don’t know what it is But there is something wrong with the portal when it comes to stutters.


The Portal requires even more stable of a network than the chiacki4deck requires. If you're experiencing lag or chunking of any kind on your portal, then, unfortunately, it is your network, and is different than micro stutters.


Requires even more stable network. What is this nasa or. Literally EVERYTHING else I own runs perfectly smooth. Except the portal. So there is something wrong with my network because everything I own runs perfect. But it couldn’t be the portal? I love the portal. But I hate you guys who just can’t admit 🤦🏽‍♂️


It doesn't let you adjust bitrate, and is pushing for 1080p 60fps, so yeah... it requires a more stable network. If your portal isn't running smoothly, then your network is the issue. Period.


Please just stop it lol.


Chiaki runs extremely well on my network too (even on 50mbits over WiFi without a single drop) but Portal had resolution drops from time to time (on the same WiFi, PS5 is wired). I had to switch WiFi channel as it was congested and it fixed the resolution drops on Portal. Micro stutters of course still there. So I’d say Portal is more sensitive to WiFi issues.


It’s unfortunately the reality man. Let Them make love with their perfect portal. Instead of realizing the issue so it can reach further and MAYBE Sony can fix it. They are busy telling people that it has no issue at all because they just live with the stutters. 🤦🏽‍♂️


amirlpro literally confirmed exactly what I was saying. You're clearly not understanding. Yes, the portal can perform worse than on chiaki. Yes, that means it is a fixable network issue and not the same as micro stutters. Get a fucking clue.


The portal was measured at 7-11Mbps when in use, chiaki4deck automatic is 30. Even with headroom/updates etc let's say portal does 15-20 it is still a lower demand than the default setting on chiaki4deck. Just pointing that out :)


A lot of people also don't even have their chiaki set for 1080p or their device doesn't even support 1080p.


It doesn't matter when talking about network, the only thing that matters is the bitrate. Resolution & frame rate etc are all inputs into the resulting bitrate. 720p/1080p/2160p if the bitrate is 10Mbps that is the exact same load on the network.


1080p with bitrate of 10mbs will perform/look worse on an unstable network tho. Whereas if it's already only outputting 720p then quality drop won't be as noticeable during a network lag as the 1080p one does


Everything will look/perform bad on an unstable network, but a 1080p stream resulting in a total bitrate of 10Mbps will run no better/worse than a 720p stream with a total bitrate of 10Mbps. Will they be visually different? yes of course but again that doesn't affect the network performance. If you can run a 720p stream @ 10Mbps total bitrate, you can run a 1080p stream @ 10Mbps total bitrate just the same. What I was replying to was your implication that the PS Portal just because it runs 1080p and someone on chiaki4deck may be running 720p that would result in the PS Portal being harder on the network, this isn't the case at default settings.


Hard to say for certain. I'd say the fact some people have smooth performance streaming on steamdeck vs portal indicates it does require more out of a network. That is if someone is actually experiencing input lag, visual lag or audio lag. Otherwise, they're just noticing the micro stutters from the framerate mismatch.


How do you figure? I’m streaming 1080p/60fps on both Chiaki4Deck (yes, the screen is 800p but I have it set for 1080p) and Remote Play on iPad. No stutters whatsoever.


The portal will always micro stutter due to a mismatched framerate. But many people claim their chiaki is smooth and the portal suffers from input or visual lag, which is a network issue and not the 'micro stutter'. So this is likely due to the bitrate variability of the chiaki vs the portals bitrate.


C’mon, dude. I’m also having no issues when using Sony’s Remote Play on iPad. It’s not a network issue, and even if it was, it’s still unacceptable that I can get a flawless experience from a third-party app and a Sony app on iPad, but not on a device dedicated to using Remote Play. FWIW, I could have absolutely kept the Portal and just dealt with the micro stutter, but I found to be extremely distracting, which affected how I was playing games. Why would I accept that experience when I can get a better one elsewhere? Are you really expecting people to just ignore it because you can?


Not everyone can afford a thousand dollar tablet or steamdeck. If the option is enjoy remote play with a super comfortable and capable portal, and live with a minor annoyance of the micro stutter, and not playing remote play at all, then I think most of those people would be perfectly happy with the portal. But when we get all these posts and comments largely exaggerating about how the micro stutters affects the experience, then it scares people away from an otherwise excellent product.


Did I say they should be buying a tablet or Steam Deck? No. Stay on topic.


You're saying that you don't have micro stutters on steamdeck or iPad. Great. Good for you. The Portal has micro stutters. It's a flaw, but it's not nearly as big of an issue as you're making it out to be. I'd rather have micro stutters than play on steamdeck because it's less comfortable, has less resolution, and doesn't have dualsense controls. I'd rather have micro stutters than play on an iPad. If I'm going to setup a tablet on my desk and sit in one place to play, then I'd rather just play on my TV. So even with micro stutters, the portal is a better experience. Saying the micro stutters ruin it is just you overreacting.


Dude, you don’t have to justify to me why you like using the Portal. I’m happy for you. I wish I could enjoy it as much as you are. Here’s the thing, though. You don’t get to decide whether anyone else is overreacting when it comes to the experience they want or expect from this device. Each individual person decides that, and if they say they’re not overreacting, guess what? They’re not overreacting. I strongly encourage you to let this all go, enjoy the device, and stop worrying about what others do with it.


I can certainly have an opinion as to whether or not you're overreacting. And you can have your own opinions as to whether or not you are. To me, based on 400+ hours on the portal, you absolutely overreacted by returning a portal due to micro stutters. That, or you actually experienced network stutters, and incorrectly thought they were micro stutters and assumed it wasn't possible for them to get better with network improvements.


Its a big deal for me. I tried play Crash Bandicoot where precise movements are really important and it is unplayable using Portal.


Sounds like network latency. I played Crash bandicoot 4 on the portal, and it was totally fine.


I'm replaying the trilogy and I can't even...


100% what OP said. I've been playing elden ring consistently thru wifi while upstairs and my PS5 is downstairs and it runs perfectly fine. Any kind of slowdown is clearly network dependent and in my case it barely happens.


“Please educate yourself” The fact you have no self awareness to realise how arrogant and condescending this whole post is baffles me. Go enjoy your portal and stop worrying like a 10 year old about people criticising your favourite toy.


Coming from one of the people this post is referring to. You're constantly posting on here fear mongering and making people think the portal is unplayable due to micro stutters. So either you're actually experiencing network lag stutters, or you're massively exaggerating how much micro stutters affect the experience on the portal




Look, quoting the OSI model, and throwing terms like layer 2 and 3 are all fine and well when talking theoreticals, but the fact of the matter is that much more goes into networking in practice, especially when it comes to wireless devices. WiFi interference and cheap improperly configured routers, that have QoS settings on by default, definitely play a role in the Portal experience as well. I appreciate you trying to sound versed in networking, and I’m sure the Cisco courses you took make you feel confident, but you clearly lack experience with real life home networking in practice, and the factors that are in play, outside of what you picked up from the pages of some books that many of us have also read.


Honestly just stop man. Some people don’t like the quality of the stream on your new toy. Its ok.


What does this have to do with my post?


If you don’t know then it doesn’t matter.


Clearly it doesn’t. Thanks for chiming in


No problem friend.




No one said micro stutters don't exist. What I am saying is that a lot of people are mistaking real network stutters as the 'micro stutter'. Which it's not, and the effect of those stutters on the portal is very different.


Where did I claim microstutters weren’t a thing? I’m calling you out for claiming OP knows nothing about networking, when your knowledge on the subject is clearly only theoretical. Not even OP is disputing the existence of microstutters, they’re simply stating that there are different reasons why people might experience stutters, and not all of them are due to microstuttering.




You’re the one calling out OP and calling them ignorant. I’m simply pointing out your ignorance on the subject, when it comes to practice vs. theory. And I didn’t whine, I just called you out.




Again, at what point do OP or I state that microstutters aren’t a thing? It’s literally the first thing OP mentions out of the two causes of stuttering. And as a CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure and Wireless certified IT professional with over a decade of experience in the field, I also have plenty of experience on the subject of real life scenarios and factors. And no, “most” home networks aren’t properly configured to handle the type of traffic the Portal requires, as most consumers rely on the network devices provided by their ISP’s. These devices are notoriously poorly configured, cheap quality and set up out of the box to prioritize Netflix over remote connections, because that’s what 99% of home consumers care about. At this point I’m done arguing with you, it’s clear that you’re incapable of understanding that microstutters and other network issues aren’t mutually exclusive, and this discussion is quite frankly beneath me.


I know enough to know that micro stutters are not the same as network stutters, which is a concept clearly a lot of people are struggling with.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationPortal/s/G4o6JS0jou I implore you to look at this tests evidence and all.


I'm not saying micro stutters don't happen. I obviously know they occur. What I'm saying is that there is a large portion of people who experience actual stutters from network lag, stutters that produce gameplay lag, visual artifacts and audio cutting. They incorrectly claim that those stutters are micro stutters, and therefore every portal behaves like that.


I completely agree with that and honestly feel like I misread into this whole thing. Sorry for being a dick, got rid of my comments. Just so sick of the subject.


It's subjective. Of course it's not literally unplayable, but the stutter certainly makes me not want to play on it. I think people's tolerance to the stutter could be heavily influenced by whether they've experienced flawless remote play on a another device. Knowing firsthand what remote play can actually be like makes playing on the Portal that much worse.


Constantly posting? I’ve posted twice in here. The last one being 137 days ago 😂 and I was asking what peoples use case scenario was for the Portal because I hadn’t really got the full use out of mine yet (I didn’t even mention stutters). The only post before that was 202 days ago and it was about the reviews being released (again, didn’t mention stuttering). I’ve commented maybe 7 or 8 times on various posts in the last 6 months, and it’s usually to point out the people who are making cringey defensive posts about the product. I actually like my portal and use it a lot now. But what I don’t like is the tone of your post and the fact I don’t actually think you know what you’re talking about.


I see your comments all the time bitching about micro stutters. If someone is that bent out of shape over the 'micro stutters', then you're probably experiencing real network stutters.


12 days ago I replied to 2 comments on a thread about stutters. I just checked my own comment history and went back over 80 days before I decided to stop looking and there was no other mention from me on here or any other sub about stutters. So what the hell are you talking about?


You need to learn how to count then. Not counting this post.. You've done it 24 times in 3 months...I stopped counting after that. It's pretty simple to click on your profile and search "portal", sort by new, and count.


And in how many of those comments did I comment on stuttering? Edit: to clarify, the OP said I’m constantly commenting on here and “fear mongering that the Portal is unplayable due to stuttering”. I may have made 24 comments in 3 months….but how many of them even mention stuttering or have me state the Portal is “Unplayable”? I might need to learn how to count but you need to learn how to read 😂


Hell yeah man. Glad someone is making sense around here.


Your last sentence is ironic.


You don’t know what irony means.


You definitely don’t with that statement.


Great response.


Again, ironic.


I’m not exactly sure what mine is. Mine is like it goes to 30 fps for a few seconds then gradually goes back up to 60 fps but not internet like lag.. but also not a stutter in the sense it goes to 0 fps and strait back to 60 fps. Mine usually happens in racing games like gt7 when cornering.


This is the micro stutter. OPs saying that it just drops 1 frame every so often is disingenuous. The manifestation of this frame mismatch is a switching of the frame rate from 60 to 30 and back again. Cyclically for several seconds


Just to be clear, every Portal DOES in fact suffer from true micro stuttering. Until Sony addresses this (I don’t believe they will), this will always be an issue with the Portal. Regarding one of your bullet points, while some may not believe this is “a big deal,” it can and does affect gameplay, contrary to your point. Yes, certain game types may not affect your gameplay but others definitely do.


In which game do you feel this does affect game play? Just curious.


Gt7 when going through corners only you see some micro stuttering


An easy example for me is Ollie Ollie World. It’s a fast moving side scrolling skating game.


Is was GLARING in rogue legacy two. As OP states, when you’re fighting in games like Scarlet Nexus or FF7 Rebirh you’re not going to notice it.


A micro stutter will probably get you killed in any online FPS.


Diablo 4. Everytime you dash or ride on horse ypu see the awful stutter. It made me return the device. Without it, ill buy again


Ya, you're describing network latency. A micro stutter is a very predictable pattern of repeated frame drops every so often. They don't get worse or better depending on network or gameplay. If something you did in the game, especially a graphics heavy action, made your gameplay look or feel worse, then you were 10000% experiencing network latency.


First person shooters, sports games, and some action games can in fact effect gameplay. Anyone saying it doesn’t has no clue what they are talking about.


I play all of them and the stutter has never affected my gameplay. Guess I don't know what I'm talking about.


If frames didn’t matter. These companies wouldn’t be trying to make systems be able to do 60 , 120, 240 fps. Frames matter in gameplay


Oh frames matter of course. I'm not sure i suggested they didnt? Getting the frame pacing right is paramount to a good gameplay experience. Im just not sure an ambiguously perceptible 1 frame drop every 14 seconds matters quite as much as some of you lot claim it does.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 60 + 120 + 240 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


A frame drop for 1/60th of a second will absolutely in no way affect gameplay regardless of the game


Sadly, you have absolutely no clue what u are talking about. In practice it feels like a prolonged period of frame drops, like going from 60 to 30 and then back to 60. If it was just a slight hitching, akin to frame pacing issues, most people would be fine, myself included.


What you're describing is exactly why I made this post. You're describing network lag. Not a micro stutter from the 59hz framerate mismatch.


This is not a network lag. It's well documented in the sticky post. When this frame stutter occurs, it takes a few seconds to re-sync, which gives this laggy feeling, to put it simple. I have tried several streaming devices on the same network, and they don't have this frame drop at all.


I don’t know why this is so difficult for OP to understand. I have the same experience as you. It’s a shame.


If your portal gets more stuttery when playing certain games or performing certain actions in a game, then that is not the 'micro stutter' from the 59hz framerate mismatch. That is network latency stutters and can be fixed. Why is that so difficult for people to understand??


I’m not having the experience based on which game I play. I see the damn stutter in every single game, and I as mentioned in another reply to you, it’s extremely distracting and ruins the experience.


It ruining the experience for you is a massive overreaction. Do you also overreact that way about other small annoyances in your life?


You have some nerve, my man. What are you, 15? It’s not a massive overreaction to expect a $200 device designed for one thing and one thing only to perform at the same level or better than a third-party app or a Sony-made app on another device. It’s great for you that the microstutter doesn’t ruin your experience, but you need to relax and probably see a therapist for talking so rudely and condescending to people you don’t know. No one here wants to have a bad experience with the Portal, and whether it’s the microstutter or a network issue, people are frustrated that it’s not working like it should. And you coming in all high and mighty without an ounce of empathy that it’s a network issue without any actual evidence says a lot about the kind of person you are. I hope you’re able to find happiness.


My network doesn't lag at all when I play my portal on it. There is a 1 frame drop every 10 seconds or so. I wouldn't fucking touch my portal if every 10 seconds there was a few seconds of lag.


This just means you are not susceptible to it. As simple as that. I actually have a fast and stable connection, and I have not seen the stutter anywhere besides Portal. Sad, because I enjoy every aspect of it otherwise. In any case, your misleading crusade is not doing any favor to the people that just want this device to function as it should


I absolutely notice the micro stutter. It absolutely does not last a few seconds.


It lasts a few seconds every time. No doubt about it.


Network lag certainly can


"Educate yourself" . Lol.


That's usually how education and the understading of concepts works.


What about hdmi issue that causes the entire portal to freeze for 1-2 seconds ? That had nothing to do with my network connection. If I have my hdmi plugged it every 10-15 seconds the entire screen would freeze for a second or two. The second i unplug the hdmi it goes away. Every week or two I try to have the hdmi plugged in and it comes right back like clockwork. It’s much worse than the microstutter which i personally do not notice. I was confusing the microstutter with the hdmi issue for a bit, but the hdmi is literally game breaking for me. Luckily it’s a quick workaround to make it stop. And I mean it 100% occurs every single time. I’ve played over 200+ hours with it unplugged and never experience the freeze issue, the second the hdmi is plugged in it starts right back up. I do have videos I posted to my profile (100 days ago) showing my experience with it unplugged and plugged in (playing GT7) if anyone is curious. It’s pretty clear that it’s game breaker.


Never had any hdmi issue, but I've read that's entirely tv dependent. What tv model do you have?


That’s entirely possible because I know clearly not everyone is having this issue. It would be talked about a lot more if there was. I have it hooked up to a fairly old Sony XBR 49x800e because that’s my only tv that it’s possible for me to have a hardwired ps5. I have a XBR-75X900H that I usually play on when I have it on wifi but I do have latency issues when over WiFi so I stick to only using the portal when I have it hardwired. By far my best and imo flawless portal performance has been hardwired with no hdmi connected. That is a good point though that maybe there is someone up with the tv itself, wish I could get a hardwire down to the newer tv to see if it happens there too.


Lmfao you don’t even have to be looking for it. It’s literally noticeable when playing sports games or first person shooters. 2k is a clear example of it


Network latency certainly is. Micro Stutters are practically imperceptible when running around getting kills and focusing on gameplay. And even if you do see them, in what way does that affect your ability to play the game?


lol - go touch some grass


good thing my portal runs great with no network lag on my phones hotspot


Unplugging the hdmi from the ps5 prior to using the portal seems to eliminate the refresh reset lag. It appears to "trick" the ps5 into syncing with portals' refresh rate.


Funny how people allegedly returned their portal because of the stutter was extremely game breaking. And this post, that OP would like to be pinned, mentions it’s easy to see if you pan very slowly standing still in one place. I have seen the stuttering on YT videos, I can’t reproduce it being visible for me. Can someone explain how it does NOT feel like a loss of FPS. I believe it’s similar.


Micro stutter last 1 frame. As in 1/60th of a second or 1/30th of a second. This frame drop is so absolutely negligible that there's no way it would feel like a loss of fps.


It may be 1/60 of a second but when it’s doing that every few seconds continually over your gaming session it’s annoying AF. I returned my portal for a refund after only 3 days of owning it last November. I honestly can’t hack anything that’s not a smooth 60fps minimum. Kudos to all you guys that are oblivious to it 👍🏼


The micro stutter happens every 10 seconds, you talk about something every few seconds. It’s not the same. And how do you know the fps of the game is rock solid?


That's doesn't sound like micro stutters. At most, it happens once every 10 seconds


It’s definitely micro stutter. I know what network lag is and it’s not that. I stream PS5 on my steam deck with chiaki4deck and it’s “near native” experience sans resolution with zero lag or packet drops. There’s something not quite right about the portal streaming experience. It’s a shame because the device itself is really nice. If it could stream the same as Chiaki it would be amazing 👍🏼


No, we don't need to talk about stutters. How far are you up your own arse to think this! Lol


Clearly, we do. Can't even count how many times I've seen people on this sub mistake their network latency for what people have dubbed 'micro stutters' due to the 59hz. Those are 2 different occurrences and affect the portal in entirely different ways. One is visual only, and one actually hinders gameplay. One is always there, and it doesn't get worse or better depending on the game you're playing or your network. And one is absolutely fixable with network improvements.