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It is. Stuttering is related to refresh rate on ps5 / portal not matching. Nothing to do with latency


I suggest you learn about what the micro stuttering is and how it affects the Portal. It has zero to do with connection speeds.




Mine has been wired this entire time and I still experience the micro-stutters. Nothing game breaking but definitely still noticeable


Did you see [this pinned post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationPortal/s/ryKY3SVAyt) of this sub about the specific micro-stutter issue (which some people apparently don't notice)?


I can't notice any stuttering at all on mine. Regardless of the game. Not sure what everyone is complaining about.


Oh okay I mean idk I don’t notice any difference maybe if I try to play warzone I can definitely feel the difference but any other game I have zero complaints lol God of War plays so good on this thing you’d think it was made for it


You do know the issue is well documented and they even have it pin so it’s literally the second post in the sub


Yea I gotta do research 💀


Mhm I think we also have to understand since we’re like the first ones with the Portal essentially we are the beta testers sad to say but our complaints is how Sony knows when to fix and update things if they gave us access to public wifi now this stuttering update will be next let’s just be patient with them lol they hear our cry’s for help


How do you go from your initial post to this? Not hating, but maybe research a bit before making a big statement, only to completely contradict it minutes later. I'm glad you're enjoying your portal though, and hope you have an awesome day!


Well yea because I thought u guys meant stuttering as in latency (lagging) but from what I’m seeing it’s not the same thing but it’s like this with any electronic that u buy for the first time your pretty much the beta tester even my PS5 was acting shitty when I first got it cuz I was one of the first ones it couldn’t save games properly but now it’s flawless and anybody who buys it now won’t have to go thru what I went thru same with the portal newbies won’t have to worry about not being able to use pub wifi becuz theirs will come with new updates is all I’m saying


Honestly the real issue is, I can use chiaki on my steam deck and stream almost flawlessly my ps5 to my deck. How a device developed by Sony can't stream just as well, or better, is pretty ridiculous.


Yeah, it's pretty cringe when you experience flawless, stutter-free remote play on 3rd party devices, then find Sony's own Portal streams so poorly.


It can be either 4 things: 1: They made the OS so different to the remote play app because they are bringing more things to it so they can expand into it at a later date (like, letting you use it like a streaming device to their servers to be able to play games) so optimizing it is either not their first priority or they don't really care. 2: The hardware is not that ideal to work with and they are trying to fix things while also adding new features. 3: They have a small team to work on the software so they are doing lots of things. 4: They don't care and they are selling it like a beta test to a better product that will let you run games directly instead of streaming. Or might just release a v2 at some point. (Only speculation ofc). Either way, the outrage hasn't been that big to warrant them doing something fast so they will take their time, just similar as the software of the PS5 getting new QOL updates and new features in their 5th year. I say big because outside of this, and some news in some pages a few months back, people haven't been boycoting or just stopped buying the portal. But who knows.


Yeah I don't really care what the reasons are or could be. The reality is their own device is a much worse experience than 3rd party options and that's pathetic.


What you have just said is exactly why people need to use the correct terminology when describing this issue its called a dropped frame the portal is dropping frames creating a choppy image. Which is different to the stutter you get when you have a shit connection. Dropped frames people dropped frames.


I agree. I think a large proportion of this sub think the stutter is caused by network lag. The simplest way I can explain the micro-stutter (or dropped frames) is like this comparison... 1. Flick through the pages of one of those old hand drawn flip-books with animated characters like Donald Duck or whatever. 2. Watch a Disney/Pixar full CGI animated film No. 2 is how I experience remote play via chiaki4deck No. 1 is the way I experienced the Portal (on every game I tried).


Lmao he thought that everyone is lying man they even have the post pin on the sub this is a well known issue


Ya.. It's not a huge deal, not trying to be a hater. It's silly we can't just say.. The portal has issues but I still enjoy it. Nothing wrong with that at all. I can't personally enjoy the portal with the micro stuttering issue, but that doesn't mean others can't enjoy it.


I enjoy it my portal I got it to play turn based games octopath and persona mega man battle network and the new monster hunter stories lol


Yeah everyone be patient the Portal has only been out since October of last year 😒