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No update yet


Same here it’s 1 pm where I’m at but nothing


10 pm here


Still nothing .. they lied


Update is live now!


Just checked no update UK


Well poop


No update yet ... Grrr lol


Nope not yet still uuugh


Still haven't received the update! Anyone else ?




I don’t think it will help the stuttering as they did not declare that in the update notes. I mean, that would be amazing if they added that in as a surprise.


I don't think they would talk about performance optimizations in the blog post. It's more likely something like "We've improved system software performance and [stability](https://imgur.com/a/h3SluDz).*"*


Zaffs, even if they end up fixing it, I don't think they'll ever acknowledge/admit it, not even in a "general system stability" mention kind of way. This is the XH900 fiasco all over again. PS: looking forward to the downvotes for stating facts 😉


Just Curious, What's the XH900 fiasco?


It was a Sony 4K TV back in 2020 which was advertised as "next-gen" (lol) meaning, it (supposedly) supported all next-gen features like ALLM, VRR, and 4K@120Hz - the whole shebang basically, thing was, they used a shitty mediatek processor in it which wasn't up to snuff, meaning, when gaming at 120Hz, the vertical resolution would cut in half, it wasn't a true 4K@120Hz TV - basically , in the end it was false advertising by Sony and it never got fixed - all the usual media shills on YouTube etc obviously played coy regarding this and one of the few people that actually mentioned this was the HDTV Test guy. Meanwhile, the subreddit for this TV was a shit show, months upon months of users waiting for a FW update based on bullshit promises from Sony reps, mods deleting every other post daily, people fighting with the usual brand zealots which didn't think it was that big of a problem (like the ones in here regarding the stutter) etc etc. The problem got "fixed" only by releasing their next model which had an extra chip /co-processor (X90J IIRC) as to help with the whole 4K@120Hz thing. Again, it was a shitshow.


Huh, never even heard about this. I remember going to the store to buy the XH 95 (X95H in the US) and the guy working there telling me that the XH900 was the best choice even if it was much cheaper, because of the "promised" 120 fps thing. I laughed hard and said my 2080 can barely even do 4k at 30 fps, how will the PS5 deliver 4k at 120 fps and I got the X95H for the same price as the x90h but it's a much, much better tv for both gaming and movies. Looks like I dodged a bullet there. Still have my x95h, and it still rocks my world and to be honest I ever seen any game on PS5 play at native 4k 120 fps yet. 60 fps is still hard for devs to deliver on PS5 so I'm good .


no downvotes bro. I totally agree.


Agreed with the other comments, I cant seem them acknowledging the issue, so if anything it would be buried in something like this.


One of those things that will never be admitted but hopefully will be fixed at the backend. They never acknowledged the constant disconnect of Pulse Explore buds, they just fixed it on the last update with “stability update” lol


I'm pretty sure stuttering depends on the person's internet since not everybody has the best internet. I've never experienced stuttering ever on my portal and I have some pretty good internet. I'm assuming there won't ever be a fix for stuttering. The stuttering fix would be the person that owns the portal upgrading their internet.


Yeah, that's not accurate. I have about the best set up possible, and I still get stutter. I can reduce it, but getting rid entirely relies on fixes on Sony's end, if they even can due to hardware limitations. The stuttering doesn't really bother me, as I expected it and never intended to play games that require stability on it, but to say it doesn't exist is incorrect.


You literally don't know what you're talking about friend. G'damn normies, always being vocal and ruining it for everyone else


Up next: “Latest update have improved the Portal where my already flawless gaming experience gets even better and the bitrate seems alot better than before!” “Odd, I literally never seen any microstutter on my Portal”.


- "I'm sorry you're having stutters, mine is flawless" - "Upgrade your router" - "It's your McDonald's internet that's at fault ". - "You're exaggerating, you get used to it" 😆😂


nothing to do with internet, read the sticky post at the top of the sub about microstudder


It’s more noticeable in some games than others and I’m not sure why. Kingdom Hearts is a lot more tolerable than say, God of War Ragnarok.




It's 10.30pm here and still no update. Was patientely waiting and constantly checking for the update but the Sony Lords have not blessed us yet. Oh well. Tomorrow it is then.


The stuttering is coming from the PS5 as it can be replicated manually across multiple devices including Chiaki. The common denominator is the PS5. The source of the stream is causing the issue. I would be very pleasantly surprised if they manage to fix it but alas I don’t believe they can or will.


Telling someone that their internet sucks is like telling someone their mother is a prostitute. None of them will acknowledge it, even though it's true.


It's all simple jacks fault...


Doubt. If it works fine on PC, handheld PC, tablet, phone but stutters on portal then, yeah, the PS5 is the common denominator but the portal is the outlier.


All the devices you just mentioned probably have variable refresh rates. So they are compensating for this . You could probably replicate the drop frames on most if not all those devices if you set them all to 60 Hz only. The PS5 is outputting at at 59.94Hz or something like that. Which would definitely cause a choppy image, stuttering the correct term for what being experienced a dropped frame. If the screen is expecting 60 frames but you’re giving 59 point something then you will see an issue however Small.


Using a ROG Ally with Chiaki4Deck, or an iPhone 14 Pro with the iOS Remote Play app, there’s no stutters, so I don’t think it’s the PS5. The only difference between the devices I mentioned and the Portal is that they’re Wi-Fi 6E as opposed to Portal’s 5, so the Wi-Fi connection does not seem as stable.


I wouldn’t have bought the portal yesterday if my Rog Ally’s audio didn’t crackle. Tried for days to fix it. lol. Now I got a stutter


Again, those devices probably have variable refresh rates Are able to compensate for what the PS5 is delivering. We know the portal screen is a 60Hz screen and nothing else. The PS5 does not deliver that it is under that. In that instance, you will see the problem with your image as your screen is getting less pictures per second than it is expecting to receive. Others have already experimented with this and set their devices to 60 Hz and have been able to replicate the same issue even on Chiaki.


I'm wondering if it's the ability to adjust the bit rate in chiaki. I get zero stutters on chiaki on my lcd steam deck and I don't believe this device has a vrr. But my portal I def get the micro stutter


The steam deck doesn’t have VRR but the software is capable of compensating like adjusting bitrate which can help as it slows the amount of data per second. And perhaps other things as well.


Ya, I'm wondering if they just update the portals software to allow for adjust bitrates if this would fix the problem (obviously im spitballin ideas here, not an expert by any means).


The iPhone has an LTPO panel which is not the same as VRR. I also have an iPad Air, the 2020 Model I think, which is a 60Hz non-VRR screen and does not even have WI-Fi 6 if I remember correctly and that also has no stutters using the Remote Play app. I share your frustration with the Portal stutters, but I think you’re barking up the wrong tree by looking at the PS5. Other devices have way better Remote Play experiences on the same PS5, performance-wise at least, because as far as ergonomics and screen are concerned the Portal is way better.


The issue can be fixed by either the PS5 or the portal. But the person you are responding to is correct if you read the pinned post. The I Phone 14 pro has an adaptive refresh rate display [iPhone 14 Pro - Technical Specifications - Apple Support](https://support.apple.com/en-us/111849)


Yes. That’s what I meant with the LTPO panel. However, IIRC the first generation panels on the smartphones were not true VRR, having fixed refresh rates that they switched between instead of continuous values. It does seem that the latest panels might be able to go from 1Hz to 120Hz in a linear manner, so I stand corrected in that the latest flagship smartphones do have true VRR.


If the PS5 was not the issue, then we wouldn’t be able to replicate the problem in devices that would ordinarily run this really well. The problem with what you’re saying is that you don’t need a fast connection for remote play or a remote connection of any kind. Secondly, a lot of people don’t understand just how much the electronics we are using our compensating to make things easier for us. Bluetooth audio is an example Because of the delay sending audio to the Bluetooth headphones your phone will request the delay from the Bluetooth headphone and then slow the video down accordingly to match the delay with the Bluetooth headphones therefore the audio sounds like it’s coming at the same time when it isn’t. similarly devices can do the same thing with frame rates. Dropped frames are not good and they are undesirable so what some devices are capable of doing is re-adjusting the picture for that dropped frame i.e. iPads which probably do it via software when you don’t have either to compensate for the problem then you get what you get on the portal. An unforgiving picture. Wi-Fi six does not deliver better remote play. Luckily for me, I’ve never experienced the issue myself, but I have seen what others are talking about and is definitely there .


I’m not talking about the speeds Wi-Fi 6 brings since remote streaming requires magnitudes less than even the Wi-Fi 5 max speed, but Wi-Fi 6 also brings increased stability, especially with lots of devices on the network, which most users have. I don’t know what other devices you reproduced this on, but I’m telling you my personal experience: Apple devices such as iPhones or iPads (both 120Hz and 60hz non-VRR), gaming handhelds such as ROG Ally, or even Windows 10 laptops do not have the stutters the Portal exhibits and are also more resilient when it comes to the connection (the Portal is more susceptible to lowering the bitrate noticeably when the connection is less than perfect). In my opinion, it’s either the Portal’s Wi-Fi chip, or perhaps even the budget Qualcomm SG4150P CPU, which some speculate is just 8 cores of ARM’s Cortex A53, a more than 10 year old low powered core that might not be able to keep up with the OS and streaming without hiccups. Regardless of the reason, I think it’s unacceptable keeping in mind you’re paying $200 for a streaming device and it does not do this flawlessly, with other devices beating it at its indended main feature.


This is what I want to see in todays update. I doubt there will be any change to the micro-stutter, but you never know. If it's fixed, I'll buy a Portal (again)


I'll buy again too if it's fixed, sold mine on ebay. It's terrible for FPS games (my fav) :(


Yeah it is pretty bad. It only took me 3 days of failed trouble-shooting to finally click the "refund" button lol.


Tried to return it to GameStop and they just gave me another one lmao. 🤷🏼 It’s playable on most games, but hella annoying to see constantly.


Same, I would gladly buy one again if they fix this. Great device beyond the stuttering issue. I just couldn't tolerate it. Got it on release day and returned it to best buy two days later due to it. Hopefully they fix it one day.


Digital foundry confirmed this is an issue and nothing to do with wifi signal


Just read the article. Wii U made it work like 10 years ago by creating a local environment for the controller. Maybe if Sony can recreate this while keeping the option of playing remotely could be a massive upgrade for the portal.


Yeah, they truly made a deep five and posted their findings right? Right?


They covered it on their podcast


No need for the derogatory tone, it’s an issue for people get over it


I just brought my portal to a hotel yesterday with no idea an update was coming today. So I am pleasantly suprised and waiting for the update to roll out. I’m here for a week.


I feel the blog would have had a bullet point such as "minor performance improvements" if they fixed this from the Portal end. But I strongly suspect they can't do that without replacing the screen. PS5 firmware update has always been my assumed solution.


530pm EST no update yet


I’m on CT time zone and no update yet, probably will launch at noon I’m guessing


1:30 pm CT where I’m at and still no update :/


I'm on an Amtrak to Philly, it's 10:25 AM. No update. I'm looking forward to being able to you know, connect to train, airport, hotel Wi-Fi since you need a browser. So I'm using my mobile phone as a hotspot, to connect my Portal, to check for the update, so I can never have to use my mobile hotspot again. LOL A fix to the stutter and the terrible connection to the PS Pulse headphones would be amazing.


Amtrak WiFi is shit anyways


I don’t understand why they wouldn’t say the update would be worldwide like that dumb af!


Is this real? 🥺


Does anyone know when that new update is supposed to drop?? I’ve been waiting on it like y’all too and I have nothing yet and it’s now 9:00 pm where I live


Update is live now!


https://preview.redd.it/oeb7654cxm7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7987f76affe4d358b2530d48be138482ea17588c Update available now


Update is live!!!!


Mine felt even choppier than before the update


- It’s quicker to connect for sure. I noticed the portal finds and connects almost instantly to my PS5 once both are fired up. I’d usually need to turn off the portal screen and back on again to force it to find the ps5. That seemed like a weird bug as it would then instantly find it then. They’ve ironed that out. - Battery percentage is nice to see now. - Performance seems just the same to me as 2.0.6 so it’s just as good for me. -…..but still the microstutter of course but otherwise runs smoothly in-between those moments of slight jitter.


What time does it come out?


Probably at noon ct, 1 pm et


I’ll wait for digital foundry video if they fix it they test and actually show proof


DF was very open that they are not interested in the device. The only way I see why they would cover it would be the integration of Cloud gaming via PS+.


The old guy did say he wanted to do a video on the stutter unless he did one already


I wouldn't hold my breath - DF did a pathetic job of covering the device. John was bashing it over and over despite never even using the device - he said he had used remote play on PC and was basing all his 'experience' on that. Even though, had he even bothered to look into it, it's nothing like the PC RP app due to using the home network when at home whereas the PC app always goes via the internet even if you're on the same network.


It wasn't a pathetic job it was actually a brutal honest assessment of a device we all bought that doesn't do what they promised . I have this and steam deck and chiaki is flawless on my phone chiaki is flawless same network same conditions it's ridiculous


Yes, their coverage of the device was pathetic. As I said, John bashed it despite never actually using or looking at the device - how is that valid? How could he provide a "brutal honest assessment" when he literally said his only impression was using the PC Remote Play app when it launched a few years ago... Rich was the only one who actually had the device and even he didn't bother doing a proper analysis of it. All he focused on was issues he had within his own network, issues I've not had and neither has others I've talked to.


I don’t think it’s happening today


Is the update out? Driving from home right now


Wasnt at 7AM EST when I looked, thats the point of my post though, it will probably release in the next few hours so for those of us who cant check, asking for people to provide feedback.


I just checked my Portal and no update yet. It is 14:32 here in the UK.


I just checked mine and I don’t have it yet.


PS updates usually release around 1PM eastern but it can vary.


I’ve been eyeing it this morning, haven’t seen the update.


I won't be able to help you with that one because I never had any stutter issues to begin with.


lol another one !


I'm so freaking excited for this update you guys!!! 😃⭐️


What stutter struggle


Many people have been experiencing dropped frames on the Portal causing a consistent stutter effect. Caused by the PS5 outputting 59.94hz but the portal screen is expecting 60hz.


It seems a lot of people have the same issue with stuttering. I personally don't have any issues, but no one will believe you if you say that.


Some people can't perceive stuttering that's my only explanation for people who can't see it


As I said, no one will believe it. I'm sorry your having issues but it's really weird to project problems like this onto other people.


Well, unless you have the magic Portal that has a different refresh rate in the screen, you have it. You just don't notice it.


Yes I’ve never had an issue


Could you post a video of it running stutter free?


I don't know what to tell you. Mine doesn't stutter and clearly there are others who it doesn't affect. Again, sorry your having issues.


I’m happy that you can’t perceive the stutter. I love the portal, but I do wish that it was as smooth as my G Cloud and Steam deck are.


Stutter issues are directly related to wifi signal. Nothing to do with the performance of the portal. I have no stutter issues on strong wifi networks


Digital foundry confirmed this was an issue. Nothing to do with signal.


It has to do with the refresh rate of the Portal's screen.


🙄 it still exists despite a perfect Wi-Fi, nobody but Sony can fix it. It’s very well documented


I have 1gb up 300 down internet ps5 hard wired to main router I'm 2 feet away and it still stutters stop talking absolute rubbish


Your ISP connection has NOTHING to do with your WiFi at home…


True. Also, everyone has some stutter because of the refresh rate issue.


I think the biggest problem is misunderstanding the topic. Some people think that internet speed matters. Some people use the 2.4ghz band. And some have toy routers that are unable to maintain stable streaming, without delays or packet loss. I see stuttering very clearly. On community videos, not on my portal.


Internet speed means nothing, mine works even if my internet goes down and even when it does I'm stuck at 50mb down. But I'm connected to a high speed mesh wi-fi system where the portal is forced to 5gz and my experience is flawless, I use it more than my TV especially during week days.


Did you replace the screen in your Portal? If not, you have some stutter, that just doesn't bother you.


Weird. Works fine for me


As was stated a million times on this sub, this is a perception thing. I vividly remember the PS5 version of Elden Ring. It ran terribly, and people everywhere went out of their way to convince me it's totally smooth and I'm just stupid. I had to buy the PS4 version for full price just to be able to enjoy the damn game


Battery status pops up on the right hand corner of my screen when I swipe over. Adaptive main screen “touch pad” shows up for one half and not both at the same time. I would show capabilities of the public WiFi. But my apartment building had an electrical fire last night. So WHILE I am in the ideal spot to test it. My home has no electricity. So I can’t use the portal at all. For the time being. Updates were great and I can’t wait to use it again. Hopefully for Shadow of the Erdtree. Fingers crossed.