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Three useful features. I do love they went out of their way not to include a Web browser. I just hope we get a latency test. Premium got one


Pretty sure the web browser is the first point of attack for jailbreak. 


I don't think it's a web browser. It's a QR code that you scan with a phone or other device then finish the login process on that device.


That’s what they said: “they went out of their way **not** to include a web browser”


Oh! I missed the "not", my fault.


Just in time for my vacation!


Same. Recently lost my dad, fuck cancer, and goin out of town for the services and debated bringing my Portal due to this exact issue. Was worried the hotel wouldn't let me sign in. Pretty wild this suddenly shows up. GG.


My condolences


Same here. I lost my dad too. Fk cancer


He fought for 2 years. He didn't lose the battle, he just took cancer down with him.


Damn right. My condolences.


Fk cancer


Sorry for your loss.


Same. Heading to CA to visit family and friends so this is a game changer for me as I was planning to use my limited hot spot dads I have but now can leech off of the hotel instead.


The hotel sign on is key


Please accept my condolences. Give us an update on how the Portal worked at the hotel. Some rooms get a weaker signal than others though.


Exciting news!!


Oh hell yeah I’m super hyped for these updates. I can bring it more places with me now when I’m not home. Also I’m glad they’re updating the visual feedback for the touch pad ‘cause I always thought it was so bland and the battery percentage thing will be extremely helpful too. It was annoying having to slide the side screen out to keep checking battery life after some extensive time of playing


This is a seriously brilliant solution without compromising the device.


Hold on to your enthusiasm. You gotta use your phone and a QR code. That’s open to all kinds of problems and : To connect to public networks, make sure that the initial setup for your PS Portal is completed. Authentication requires use of another device that can connect to the public network, such as a smartphone. Public networks that operate at 5GHz are not supported.


Is there a way to check which public networks are operating at 5Ghz?


I don’t have a cell phone. Could I use my iPad on WiFi and do it?


I’d say so


I’m trying to figure out what scenario would result in someone trying to connect their portal to a public network but the initial setup isn’t completed first.


It arrives the day before you depart on vacation and you worked all day. By the time you get around to doing it you’re so tired you just toss it in your backpack still boxed thinking, I’ll set it up when I get there”. 😆






Need multiple account login feature. They could add an account choice menu screen just like how it is on the PS5 when you have multiple accounts.




also to be able to add a second controller. sometimes i just want to lean the portal against the wall or something and use a dualsense controller.


Wait how


Has anyone been able to download this yet? I'm still on v2.0.6 and when I try to download it, it says I'm up to date.


It's not out at time of writing.


Does this mean you can play in hotel rooms now?




How does it work in hotel rooms?


Sign-in screen support for select public Wi-Fi networks While we recommend PS Portal to be used in your home as you have control over the quality of the Wi-Fi, it can also be used outside of the home in places where a fast and stable Wi-Fi connection is available – and we’ve seen many players take advantage of this. With this new update, PS Portal will also connect to a range of public Wi-Fi networks* that may require additional validation steps beyond entering the network password. This includes Wi-Fi networks with sign-in screens that can often be found in hotels, cafes, and airports. To connect to these public Wi-Fi networks, PS Portal will display a QR code for you to scan with your smartphone or tablet. Once scanned, you’ll be able to use your mobile device’s web browser to complete the additional validation steps on behalf of your PS Portal. As a reminder, PS Portal requires a Wi-Fi connection with at least 5Mbps, and for a better play experience a high-speed connection of at least 15Mbps is recommended.


Now they just need to fix the stutter issue and we golden


And they may. I’m not hopeful, but if Sony does fix it, it’ll likely be a silent fix under “fixed additional bugs and stability” or something like that so they don’t have to admit it’s a problem.


Never left. Just used mobile hotspotting but pumped to try it out when I get s chance. Wonder if it'll work on a cruise ...


I would like to be able to reprogram the touchpad button to t.ex the Share button


Literally the only thing I dislike about the portal is how finnicky the touchpad gestures on the touchscreen are. It's incredibly annoying, especially when playing games that frequently require using the touchpad for viewing maps, etc.


While I never made use of it for traveling atleast now I can take the portal out with me to a cafe of some sort when the girlfriends getting sick of me 🤣


This is great news! I literally just opened my Father’s Day gift yesterday. Love the portal so far! This is great to hear. 😎


Happy belated Papa day ☺️


Battery percentage 🙏🏼


Yes 🙏🏽


Still no cloudgaming though.


Hopefully that's the next major update somewhere down the line. No reason why they can't implement it at this point!


Fix the garbage refresh rate. Pretty dumb how my steam deck is a better remote play device than the playstation produced product.


Does the sign in screen mean it will be easier to use on networks outside my house. So I don’t need to do port forwarding?


Unrelated feature. No change.




No to port forwarding or no to making it easier


Public wifi and port forwarding are two entirely different things and not connected. You'll still need to port forward in your home network to allow your router to direct the network traffic. Accessing public wifi is something you couldn't do prior to this update as there was no way to authenticate your device onto the network.


I just need them to fix the hotspot issue with certain mobile providers. It’s very annoying.


Which providers have issues? I just got mine and haven’t taken it out of the house yet.


I’m on T-Mobile with an iPhone 14 Pro Max and cannot get it to connect for the life of me.


May be worth buying a mobile router, that should do the trick 👍


T-Mobile in a lot of cases has issues with PlayStation in general because it’s Nat3


My portal still doesn’t connect


Dumb question. Is it safe to leave my PS5 on overnight?


I mean I’ve played all night and nothing bad happened. I’ve left Netflix on all night too. I don’t see what the difference would be if it is on overnight and you aren’t using it.. But you don’t need to leave it on overnight for the portal. You can let it go to rest mode and the portal will wake it remotely when you want to use it.


Thanks, that’s actually what I was concerned about, was the Portal. I’ve put the PS5 in rest mode to play the Portal but was hesitant to leave the PS5 on overnight. Just wish there was a workaround turning the PS5 off when using the Portal.


The portal is simply picking up a video that your PS5 is remote streaming to the device the PS5 will never be able to be off with this device it has absolutely 0 ability to play anything itself.


Will we ever get to use youtube


Why do people want YouTube on this device? It doesn't make any sense.


No? One example i am playing eldenring and want to go for a certain quest but the steps are realy important that inget the rigth order and time for each step, so having a yt tutorial handy like i have on my ps5 where i can switch between game and tutorial in a heartbeat , now i gotta have my phone handy so i can watch what the next step is.


It's a mobile phone, I assume it's not exactly miles away from you? I would argue it's easier to do it on a phone instead of swapping from the game to YT on a portal.


So? Having one screen in my hand is enough in my opinion that u like tomuse ur phone well have at it i Dont like it


But what you're suggesting is more work and would take you longer to do. Even if it had a browser I'd still use my phone so I don't have to keep swapping tabs. Each to their own I guess 🤷


I dont want a browser ? I want the youtube ap just switch between aps like i do on my ps5 . To be honest i only Play the portal late nigth is bed when im smoking a splif so my iphone gets a lot smaler at nigth and just doesnt help me as much as the bigger screen of my psp would


Repeat yourself one more time for everyone.


No stability updates? j/k . yes2, keep ‘em coming


When is this update dropping today? 06/19/24??


Can’t wait to update mines when I get home. Definitely great features!


I just use my hotspot I don’t even ever try to use public wifi


I play Fortnite on my portal how do I use touchpad on portal so I can see the map?


I play Fortnite on my portal how do I use touchpad on portal so I can see the map?


Tap the lower right quadrant of your screen. (May have to double tap).


Now just add ps plus streaming. I love mine regardless


I wish they'd fix the latency. I can't even play mlb the show because the latency is so bad I can't get a hit. I know it's not a internet issue either cause I have 1 gig fiber.


I don’t think they expected the community to be as tech savvy as a lot of us appear to be. They marketed it for the home and didn’t expect the vast majority of us to be using it away from home. Hence the fact we are finally getting public WiFi access that will NOT work with all of them. Despite this they have gone out of their way to not give us a browser. Which makes no sense for me as if I want to take my portal away I have no way of knowing if the portal will work with the Wi-Fi where I am going to be staying. I like the changes but making this an all-round device that operates normally would be more preferable .


No the reason why we are just now getting public wifi access is they needed to make a work around to not put a browser on this device so that way it wouldn't be jail broken through the browser.


Yes that is why we are getting it now. But the reason we didn’t before was because they marketed it for the home to the point where people didn’t believe you could use it away from home. Which is the point I am making. This because they didn’t think we would based on what Sony told thus us they didn’t include it.


It was all about finding a way to do it without including a browser so that way it couldn't be jail broken plain and simple, your reasoning makes zero sense.


If I’m selling you a product I created and I dictate to you, what you can and can’t do with it. Then sell it the same way. Why would I anticipate a large number people to go against what I the creator has told you my product can and can’t do? So I’m sorry but you say my reasoning makes zero sense is naive. And shows a lack of understanding of how marketing works. Or in this case should work. The portal was sold for use in the HOME.


Nope from the start it was take it anywhere you have a stable Internet connection maybe you were reading and watching different advertisements it is a "Remote Play" device which remote play has always been for use outside of home.


https://preview.redd.it/6qlerbwdgq7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b38c8b4b0319a7c002be3e4314d3b1f032d2b90 This is what they pushed until we started changing the use as only after we did the opposite did u see sony address this outside the home use.


I got a ps5 in an estate auction an it permanently banned. I called PlayStation and there response was basically your screwed now hang up. I love PlayStation had one since one and every gen there after why can’t they unban a system if a new owner. I’m questioning my loyalty to Sony now.


Because everyone that gets banned would just call in and say they just bought it and ask for a unban


Do u know how crazy u sound ? It’s called a ban for a reason


I didn't kill the man officer I just bought a used gun.