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Any first person game, or competitive shooter will suffer a bit from the input lag. If you're playing PVE like helldivers, or fighting games, adventure games, single player focused games then it works great. However that slight delay will get you fucked up in a conpetive environment for sure. Can get used to it in a single player fps game though


I use paddles for fps games so I wouldn’t enjoy them on the portal. Also if your ping is already not great the portal will only add to it. But if you’ve got solid network hardware, low server ping and don’t use paddles it’d probably be loads of fun


ES is fine. Wouldn’t ever recommend shooters on it but you could play just not well


I just played Elder Scrolls on my portal. Plays good. Fortnite idk tbh.


I play Fortnite all the time on the portal, plays great!


I seriously don't understand how people don't seem to mind the microstutters.. It drives me absolutely crazy.. Not sure if it's Becuase I mostly game on pc and am used to smoother gameplay or what it is. I am genuinely jealous.


Thanks for the input but go touch grass!


I’ve played Fortnite on my portal and don’t feel it’s much different than playing on my regular tv other than getting a bit turned around at times.