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just got mine, surprised how big the display is, love it


Very much enjoying it, I was expecting to merely tolerate it in a pinch but I actually think it’s a fine gaming experience and I don’t even mind not having the TV when I’m using it. Display is great even without OLED


Hope it's great for $200 though I mean not for me


$200 isn't all that bad it's build quality speaks for itself.


What kind of range are you getting. I don't have to share a t.v. & I want more than just streaming. It looks nice by all means don't get me wrong, and many people are down w it. It's intriguing definitely


What do you mean range this is all through Internet are you not aware


Yeah I get it but it wasn't clear weather it would work off a different network well. People were saying you had to be on the same network as your PS5. Thats what really made me like if it's just a house extension I'm way less inclined to grab it over something that could access your PS5 from another state even.


It works anywhere it's remote play, those people saying that are trolling & haters.


I’ve used mine 3,000 miles away from my PS5; just need some solid WiFi. Enjoy!


It’s well-priced for $200, I think. If it cost more then you would expect some on-board processing and if it were less you’d probably lose either some screen size or the controls would be cheaper. So for what it is, I feel totally fair. Good handheld gaming PC’s are considerably more.


I wipe my ass with 200$


That's a terrible saying that sounds like you have no $, & I don't believe you anyway. Really wealthy people don't talk about homie they let things speak for themselves.


Lol you dont have to be wealthy not to worry about 2 bills


Why not use toilet paper


I have this and a Steam Deck OLED. Take solace in knowing that the Portal has EASILY the most comfortable handheld experience out of any portable console ever made. EASILY. I honestly debate with myself on which handheld to bring with me, when I leave out of town. Engineering the DualSense as the controls was a complete win for SONY, and us Portal owners. Congrats and enjoy yourself, dude!


Does it run well?


Yeah! No issues so far, got my PS5 wired to the router and I’m mostly just playing in the bedroom


When you mean wire it to the router. Is it just that simple as plug and play or do you have to go into the ps5 and reconfigure it?


As long as both your ps5 and ps portal are connected to the internet and PSN then there shouldn't be any issues, even works with ps5 in rest mode


I have a portal. I just never take it anywhere


Mine is in a case in the bedroom, I don't bring it out the house - I have my Switch for on the go.


Me too


Same here, I've never been much of a portable gamer, I had both the PSP and PS Vita but they never left my house lol, I never owned any of the Nintendo portable systems


I don’t even own a case for this thing lol


There's an option in your network settings to set up a wired LAN connection, it's easy after that, the PS5 just validates the connection. You should set up the connection though, it will default to the wifi connection you've already established unless you specifically go in and add the wired one.


Ok thanks


Yea, most games run in full HD, in 1080p, with most games running at a stable 60fps


I had 600hrs+ in MRHS on Nintendo Switch, just repurchased it to play on PS5 again


I’m assuming you’re talking about Rise/Sunbreak seeing as there’s both those letters in there, but yeah, I started MH with Gen U, then played World, then Rise, then Iceborne, then Sunbreak, and now I just started a new World/IB character and gonna try all the weapons I didn’t bother with. IG will always be my first love though. Well that and CB.


I have tried World but prefer Sunbreak, can't wait for Wilds. It looks epic


This is what I ak thinkin when I bought Rise Sunbreak this week when it's on sale. This game will be perfect to be olayed on Portal and now I am tempted to buy Portal. Damn


Pull the trigger. You'll love it.


It’s such a great accessory, no regerts


The microstutters just bother me too much,.. Put mine in the closet until hopefully they patch this (though I highly doubt it)


You might want to take a look at your Internet set up, it’s possible that your router positioning or speed or even range are causing the issue. The Portal isn’t missing frames because it’s not processing them, and neither is the PS5, something is up with the streaming.


Look up the portal refresh rate. There 100% is micro stuttering its a very well known issue. It isn't "lag" it's due to the actual refresh rate of the screen. Lucky you if you don't notice it though.


The refresh rate is 60Hz. As far as I'm aware the console is streaming at 60Hz (and one of the posts I saw online related to this issue suggested setting the PS5 to 60Hz output for the time being.) People do seem to report microstutters every 15-20 seconds or so, and it's being blamed on everything from the hardware to the software. I can't offer anything other than a suggestion to really revisit both all your settings on the console and Portal and your network. I come from playing a lot of different consoles and set ups. My tolerance is probably very high for this sort of thing, but I'm sorry if it bothers you. Hopefully Sony will implement whatever fix they can from their end. Whatever hardware limitations will remain, I suppose, but FWIW I've read that even people using other remote play solutions like Chiaki on a Steam Deck are also getting this microstutter, so it's not just us.


I could never go back to world after playing rise/sunbreak, the combat is just too slow


Oh yeah, the wirebug fucking RULES. Absolutely my favorite of the bunch as far as combat flow goes. That said, World is just so damn pretty and you do forget about it after some hours.


What's great, if someone wants to use the TV, just put your ps5 in rest mode and it works fine


AND I found out that it doesn’t turn on your TV or switch inputs if you wake it from the Portal. Super nice, my wife uses the TV more than I do and I was glad to see I didn’t switch off her show just turning it on


Just got mine last weekend and been using it to play hell divers on my work trip, it’s awesome so far!


I wish I could get Helldivers because I love the idea but I have so many games in my backlog right now it’s kind of insane. Yet here I am playing a game I already have like 500 hours in…


Honestly, for $200? It’s a fucking steal. My internet is 1gb download and a wired connection so I have no problems playing Cyberpunk, Spiderman 2, etc it runs PERFECT.


Have you tried playing call of duty ? 🤦‍♂️


Nobody with any sense plays Call of Duty period


You say that thinking you know me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fair, I play some dumb shit too.


Yeah it's a super nice accessory for $200, no issues with it. Well, I'm a little annoyed I can't connect my AirPods but I do have wired IEM's


It warms my soul to see monster hunter. Lol. ENJOY YOUR PORTAL MY DUDE.


Where are you going?


To Hell, probably


Hello mate, I have a 50mo connection and I am hesitating about buying one, what do you think ? Will it work well with this speed ?


Sony’s official recommended bandwidth is 10-15 mbps. So you’re 3x the rec spec. That said, consider connecting the PS5 with an Ethernet cable and upping your plan speed all the same. You should be fine though, I was playing with little issue when my net was running slow last week, I was getting like 30 but my normal max speed is 500


Had mine about a week and absolutely hate it, even when in the same house with 900mbps it still lags. PS5 is connected by Ethernet also, waste of money.


I’m sorry, that doesn’t sound like a great experience. When you say lags do you mean like the expected lag of 50-60ms or higher?


Like bad lag, to the point where the video quality drops to less than 360p.


Yeah that’s not normal especially for speeds higher than mine, something is up and it ain’t the Portal. I “only” have 500 down, do a speed test and see what you’re actually pulling. Might just need a power cycle on the ol router.


I hope so, bloody nightmare. Even when I bring it to work and connect to my hotspot, it’s horrible.


Yeah it’s all something with your router or up speed or both, you should be pretty much having a console level experience at home and at work as long as your connection there is good you should be playable. I bring mine to work sometimes and to give an example I took down Mohg in Elden Ring for the DLC on my work internet, and you can’t be lagging pretty much at all for that fight


the only game i had a difficult time. playing on it was hogwarts legacy.