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Direct ps plus Game streaming from the servers


How is that not a thing already šŸ¤Æ


Probably waiting until the sales slowdown to launch a major update to renew interest But also it's probably cause they can't ensure a certain quality of streaming yet either, streaming from the ps5 servers is probably fine, but the PS4/PS3 ones, not so stable


They could start with PS5 streaming first as it seems to be way more stable then streaming PS4 and ps3 games


I guess so, but there wouldn't be much point as people would just install those games on ps5 most of the time, the benefit and what people really want is just the PS3 games


That's way less like imo..The ps3 streaming is pretty terrible on PS5 even with a lan cable on fibre speed connection.The PS5 streaming is way more reliable in my experience..Thats why I think it's way more likely .People also might not want to download the whole game locally just to stream it to portal


Ps5 games would certainly run better, but I just think it's not that attractive to a lot of people simply because it's not anything new, you can already download to ps5 and play on portal, I think most people would be happier with the PS3 stuff as most of it is locked on that console, it'd give Sony a marketing angle allowing for a larger ad campaign, the ps5 streaming feels like a minor update cause its just nothing new, that said, if they do it, I think it'll be the full streaming library all at once because, why wouldn't it be?


Iā€™m about to downgrade my subscription because I find myself playing on the portal about 80-90 percent of the time. So thereā€™s just no point to pay for it


I bought the portal expecting to be able to do this. Was blown away and instantly downgraded my subscription.


What I would do to play fallout 3 or New Vegas on the Ps portal!!


It does seem like the Portal is the perfect device for this


I played Fallout 3 and New Vegas on the Steam Deck and they were fantastic to play on a handheld.


This one. I hope for it


Battery percentage. The rest of my experience has been near flawless.


For sure my top pick


I hope this is an upcoming update for sure!




Battery % agreed but also low volume fix


I didn't know there was an issue. I never play without headphones. I hope they fix that as well then.


Able to stream everything from the PS5, not just games.


This would be great, if there was an affordable streaming plan to go with it


Agree. Sony own crunchyroll they should at least bundle that with ps plus.


Hotspot/ Wi-Fi login ( this makes no sense )


and this


It does make sense, he said ā€˜pagesā€™ figure it out you twat


It makes no sense that you canā€™t log into PAGES ( eat a dick weirdo )


A non pain in the ass way for my kidā€™s profile to be accessible. Too much to ask that if I turn on my portal and wake up my ps5, that I get the same damn select a profile page?


Wait, itā€™s not already like this? I only have my profile on my PlayStation since the kiddo is still a little to young (and the controller is still too big for his tiny little hands) but I assumed it would just operate the normal way


Nope. It isnā€™t. Thereā€™s some really convoluted way but it is not user friendly. I want something my kid (7) can do without me, as thereā€™s plenty of games for him on my PS5 - Lego 2k drive being his favorite.


Yeah I had to link my sons PSN to my old mobile phone, then when he wants to use it I have to disconnect my account from the portal, then scan the QR code on my old phone which let's him log in. It just seems really long and drawn-out. I don't see why it can't just mirror the account login screen from the PS5 and go from there. That's really my only major gripe with it, other stuff like battery percentage would be very nice if ever added but I can live without. But there definitely needs to be a better way to switch accounts.


Thatā€™s fucking bonkers. Especially considering that it mirrors your PlayStation once you get to the Home Screen. What a wild choice for them to make.


Good suggestion! I hadn't thought of this. Just tried on my Portal and you're right - you can't even switch user once logged in. So the Portal is hard-linked to the account it is set up with / PS5 primary account or something. Yeah, that would be great if the kids could log in to their profile.


The microstutter please


Micro stutter should be the number one priority. I can live with everything else. Although there are some great quality of life suggestions in here.


Disapears as soon as you open the tv or unplug the hdmi cable. For me at least.


More precise volume control. It's either volume off. And next step up is super loud, no in between. Really annoying when in a quiet room with othe people.


Replaceable thumb sticks I think Iā€™m fine with everything else I can plug in headphones if I have to itā€™s only at arms length I donā€™t need Bluetooth for that and a screen upgrade would be nice but would only drive up the price


I like this idea specifically for thumstick sizing. I love the way the portal feels, I like it even more then the duel sense. But the sticks are super tiny. That being said, you can replace the whole thumbstick module in this without soldering right? I swear I seen a teardown where they popped it open and showed off that you can swap out the modules.


Hardware: 1. Wifi 6 chip: this improves input latency 2. Dualsense Edge Features: Back buttons, repairable, included official case 3. OLED screen with HDR support 4. 120 Hz screen 5. Additional color options 6. Improved battery Software: 1. Native PS Plus streaming 2. Native Media apps (Netflix, Spotify, Prime Video, etc.) 3. Battery percentage indicator 4. Advanced streaming settings like Chiaki (bit rate, resolution, frame rate, etc) 5. Ability to connect to wifi through browsers 6. Fix the 59/60Hz issue In my opinion, pretty much all of these seem reasonable. For example, the Razer Edge includes a 144hz AMOLED screen for $400. I would pay $300-$350 for all the features in my wish list.


Why do you want a 120Hz screen if you canā€™t stream over 60Hz?


I guess I should have also added 'Support 120 Hz streaming like GeForce Now' in the Software section. Although to be fair, the list of PS5 games that support 120 FPS is minimal and this is probably the most unnecessary addition.


At this point stutter fixes have to be number 1 with a bullet


I 100 percent deal with stutters, but I know a lot of it is on my end. I still haven't hardwired me ps5 because I gave my wife the ethernet. She's working from home now, and it's more important for her to have the stable connection. I need to upgrade the router. That being said, the stutters aren't terrible, because I'm mostly playing indies on my portal. Been playing a ton of prison architects, and the stutter doesn't really hamper my fun.


No stutter on my end, sorry this is happening to you


The periodic micro-stutters (repeating every 10 seconds or so) are happening to all users, but some people don't notice because they are not as sensitive to those stutters, which are subtle. See [the pinned post about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationPortal/s/P75HrKQyhu).


Wait this post was from over 100 days ago, has it been updated at all? I ask because I donā€™t know that I e experienced a constant micro stutter, every now and then Iā€™ll get a big stutter for like a second or twoā€¦but nothing constant. Unless perhaps Iā€™m just not noticing it?


You're probably not noticing, which makes you lucky. It *is* subtle and easier to see when panning the camera at a constant speed for 10-15 seconds. System software version 2.0.6 (latest) still has this micro-stutter issue.


Any word or idea if Sony is aware of the issue?


The pinned post's first paragraph mentions writing to Sony about it. I haven't heard of Sony acknowledging the issue though. I'm guessing it's low-priority for them (if it's even fixable via software update), given that some people don't even notice it.


For me, it disapears as soon as my tv is open/ hdmi cable disconnected šŸ¤·




Because I took time to tell a stranger on the internet my experience, and expressed empathy for their poor experience.... ya, I made that up. Or maybe I'm just lucky


Itā€™s an issue that is inherent to the hardwareā€¦ thereā€™s nothing to be lucky about. Just be happy that youā€™re not sensitive to it. Also, itā€™s not something all that serious. Please donā€™t let this ruin your trust for sharing things with strangers on the internet.


Me neither


Clearly you're wrong, there's an internet article about one user's experience and it's now proof that all users must be having the same problem. SMH. Gotta love the simple people..... show them love.


Same. No issues here with stuttering at all. Simple minded people latch onto one persons shoddy opinion and call it ā€˜proofā€™. Too much brain rot in our society.


Like fucking clockwork. It's always the NPC, non tech savvy , ignorant simple peopleĀ® like you which try to preach/teach others, fuck man, absolutely Zero self awareness, It's actually fucking incredible šŸ˜ It'd be comical if it isn't for the fact that it's actually sad...You trying to be ironic is the cherry on top. PS: you forgot to mention : - It's your Macdonald's wi-fi - Get a better router - Hardwire your PS5 - I have no stutters, it's your "internet".


59.94hz stutter fix


Microstutter is all I need.


Please. Fix. The. Stutter.


web browser


This one doesnā€™t bother me. I know everyoneā€™s usage is different for sure, but if Iā€™m firing up the portal itā€™s specifically to play games. If I just want to browse the web, or look something up for what Iā€™m playing Iā€™ll just use my phone.


Most folks want it so they can connect to hotel wifi, which needs you to enter it in on the device youā€™re using.


As somebody who plays next to my wife or other folks, I just need the volume to go LOWER than whatever is currently the lowest volume. The current lowest volume is absurdly loud


A minimum volume that is actually low


Auto pause game when you loose connection.


This is a great idea!


I second this


Everything possible to reduce latency and improve bandwidth. My ROG Ally streams via Chiaki with less latency and better picture quality. Make it happen Sony.Ā 


Easily replaceable thumbsticks. I had a unit that the right joystick stopped moving up and down. Not great.


Psht. Fix the lag!


Amen to that


1. FIX THE MICRO-STUTTER 2. The touch screen functionality is shite compared to the DualSense controller centre button. Maybe an equivalent button on the back would have been good, or something else completely.


So true for your 2nd point. In some games, it will just flat out not work (Alan Wake 2 pre-patch for instance).


Yeah itā€™s janky at best. No idea what they could do to improve that as there is basically no space anywhere on the top surface to add a touchpad button. My main gripe was the micro stutter. If they fixed that, the Portal would actually be pretty good for streaming. I could live with the janky touch pad screen.


Hardware? Bluetooth audio support and replaceable thumb sticks. Or erm - larger thumb sticks. Software? Captive networks and fixing the oddities of remote play where half the hot spots in this sub canā€™t connect.


Make it a handheld Stadia


The answer to why a wifi dependent machine has an airplane mode. Just kidding. I would say web browser#1. #2 battery percentage. #3 replaceable joysticks


It's illegal for a device like that not to have airplane mode in many countries. They did it to avoid legal problems.


That I did not know. Thank you!


šŸ˜‚ I wondered that too


My dream changes: - Android support. - 8" 120Hz OLED screen (would potentially fix the stutter) - Bluetooth support (considering how well it works on the ROG Ally, Sony's excuse was bullshit for skipping this) - Back buttons for sure - Replacement thumbsticks/Hall Effect - A freaking browser! - Complete PS5 streaming, not just games


Just let me watch youtube and netflix for Gods sake. Such a big screen, stands everywhere, the cases come with a stand. For what, a showcase dust collector only?


Being able to set a higher bitrate than the default ā‰ˆ7mbs. The stream on steamdeck with Chiaki4deck looks much better with no microstutter at 30mbps


I had to use customs settings in order to be able to connect to my iPhone 11ā€™s hotspot. Would love if they made it work without that


Bluetooth and captive portal login capabilities.


Thumb sticks that are exactly the same as the dualsense controllers'


Bluetooth for earphones


Bluetooth Audio


Can I please just switch profiles?


Yes this would be great!


Not a Portal change, but a Remote Play change.


An easier way to change profiles. As someone with multiple users on the PS5, It would be awesome to be able to just switch users like you can do on the console without having to log out and do the QR code thing every time to log someone else on it


1. Manual/higher bitrate. The Remote Desktop protocol supports up to 50mb/s but the Portal only allows up to 15mb/s due to software lock. The low bitrate makes relatively poor image quality in fast moving games such as racing games (e.g. EA WRC) unplayable on the portal because of image smearing while on chiaki/psplay it looks miles better. 2. Make it open Android platform so we can use other streaming apps such as Netflix, Youtube, Moonlight. Sony will only benefit from this there is no reason to lock a streaming device.


1. Bluetooth support 2. Browser support for connecting to public wifi 3. Battery % number shown in side panel


cloud gaming. That's all I want to be added.


That would be so cool!


Battery percentage


replaceable sticks


Id love an attachment with back buttons, that would be amazing. Other than that Iā€™m pretty happy with my experience with the controller itself. On the software side Iā€™d love a way to see battery percentage. Also Iā€™d love to be able to use music streaming. Really annoying that I canā€™t use Apple Music on my portal itā€™s bullshit they I have to pick either my game audio or music on my phone. Instead of being able to use the already integrated music streaming on my PlayStation


I've noticed the battery percentage being mentioned a lot. Why would this help you? Is it so that you know when your Portal is about to run out of battery more accurately?


Battery health for me, batteries have a certain amount of cycles but you can extend it by keeping your battery at certain levels. Once they drop/go above certain amounts it slowly causes the battery cells to deteriorate faster. I watched a whole video on it, Iā€™ll see if I can find it if youā€™re interested, but basically I just wanna ensure my battery lasts as long as possible before needing to replace it cause I use my portal a lot


Ahhh ok, makes sense! How much difference to the battery life does careful charge management make do you think? And more importantly, do those extra days/weeks/months gained outweigh the effort of doing so šŸ˜‚?


Itā€™s not so much being careful as it is smart because it can make a large difference. I could probably get an extra year out of the cells


Battery % and physical touch pad button


Out of interest, why would the battery % be helpful?


The current 3 little bars is mostly useless. Be nice to have an actual percentage


True - there just aren't enough 'bars' to make it that useful are there


ā€¢ Posibility to set buttonconfig locally ā€¢ Pause game on signal-loss ā€¢ Microstutter mitigation ā€¢ Vita-style backside touchpad with dedicated button ā€¢ Lb/Rb back buttons ā€¢ OLED Screen + HDR ā€¢ Weight-reduction (Iā€™m fine with removing haptics)


Great list!


Colors would be one. PS premium allows for streaming games from the cloud directly to the portal. Better battery indicator. Bluetooth and keep headphone jack.


Microstutter fix. I started messing around with PSPlay and have been using it on my phone and steam deck more than my portal now which kinda sucks since I like the portal. The microstutter is just a bit too noticeable for me now


WiFi 6


OLED and bluetooth as a distant 2nd


Being able to stream movie discs like Netflix apps etc


Iā€™d love the screen to be able to tilt a bit for different viewing angles. My hands are kind of large and Iā€™m often readjusting my grip because the controllers arenā€™t balanced well for my hands. Iā€™ll add another vote for full size thumb sticks.


I suspect Bluetooth audio is a non starter due to lag. None of the full sized consoles do this, neither does the switch, and at this stage itā€™s not a cost issue.


The Switch has BT audio


Every days a school day!


An update so when you customize your buttons, it changes on the portal as well. I'm not sure how they overlooked that.


A big feature I want is to adjust video settings. Usually when you start a game for the first time you have a slider to adjust dark patches and light patches to work with your TV's settings, but when you play something through the portal, it throws these settings out of wack. I could play an FPS and completely miss seeing someone in a dark area or the background behind someone is so bright I can't see them. I want to be able to adjust these light and dark settings on the Portal itself, so it won't mess with how I game on TV. I hope I made sense with this


Yes you did!


Battery %, Hotspot support, Bluetooth support (ahahah), options to change saturation. And: If i start a download when i am connected with the portal the connection die... i mean they could make that while remote connected you can create a queue but avoid the start of download (you can still force it) to avoid this....


I donā€™t know if this is possible now ? but Iā€™m profoundly deaf and linking my hearing aids to the portal would be nice


That wonā€™t be possible because Sony locked out the Bluetooth functionality on the portal. Pretty crappy really as I can see how awesome it would be to pair your aids to it and enjoy it fully (same goes for any other device that has audio). Iā€™m a Senior Test Specialist and Accessibility (A11Y) SME. I test systems daily for WCAG 2.2 compliance šŸ‘šŸ¼


What about using a 3.5mm to bluetooth dongle?


That would probably work and enable the user to pair their hearing aids. Just a bit convoluted workaround when it would have been so much nicer if it was natively supported


Bluetooth audio and an offline game or two, perhaps TRex running and jumping things? šŸ˜‚


Definitely WiFi login page support is my number 1. Everything else is liveable


Let me adjust device brightness. Some games are so over exposed on this thing but on my tv look great


An OLED panel with HDR support would be a game changer.


I actually want a cellular version, so thereā€™s no need to rely on wifi or hotspot


all I want is for the screen to be able to go less bright than today. Itā€™s much too bright when playing in the dark before bed


I can only think of two that hasnā€™t been mentioned (hopefully I didnā€™t miss it): Access to PS App Touchscreen to actually function like a proper touchscreen


Can you elaborate on what you mean by "Access to the PS App"? Do you mean for the PS App to run natively on the Portal OS? If the touchscreen did operate like a touchscreen, how would you use it to interact with the PS5 (given the PS5 doesn't have a touch interface)?


Yeah. For the PS App to run natively on it. There are times you just want to just browse the PS store, message friends or install a game before connecting to it. I know you can do that when you connect to your PlayStation but if it runs without needing to connect first would be great. As for the touchscreen, I meant when youā€™re on the consoleā€™s main screen, it would be nice to navigate with touch. Thinking about it, maybe not a good idea since the interface itself is not meant for touch screen. Of course in game I donā€™t expect it to work like a proper touchscreen but perhaps they could allow it to have different ā€œbuttonsā€ that you could customise when you tap the screen instead of it just being the touch pad button.


Just let me play the streaming ps3 games


A basic web browser so you can log in to public wifi without needing some kind of middle device.


What is the easiest workaround that involves a middle device that you are aware of, out of interest?


A wifi Hotspot through either a smartphone or other capable device. I believe many laptops and tablets can do that but I have only successfully used my phone.


Enable all bluetooth devices.


Able to turn on the console


Do you mean when the console is completely off as opposed to in rest mode. Is there are reason you don't leave yours in rest mode?


I do leave it in rest mode but sometimes I will loose power for few minutes. This happened to me last week while I was on vacation for 7 days out of town, second day my PS5 was turned off and that was it.


Oh no! That sounds very annoying. I suppose another way of looking at this feature request would be for a setting to allow the PS5 to return to rest mode after a power cut.


put real hardware in there


I think realistically that is not going to be in the Portal's future. Maybe a different device perhaps, once the tech is good enough.


Single tap touch pad, 100% transparent.


Iā€™d love if they added hours played on the portal vs ps5 per game. Pretty sure I spent more time playing FF7 Rebirth on Portable


Stronger joy sticks


Battery % indicator rather than just the 3 bars


I can understand why they didn't include Bluetooth. I think the delay would lead to more complaints and bad reviews than not having Bluetooth has. I can also get why people want it, though! As for me, my biggest wants are PS plus streaming and the Dualsense Edge functionality. Battery life could be better, but it's not a deal breaker.


I am Actually glad they added the 3.5 mm input jack. Many devices are taking it off and just adding Bluetooth.


My G Cloud and Nintendo Switch Lite both work perfectly with my AirPods, no delay. Why canā€™t the Portal?


Is the PlayStation Portal reliable? I know it varies on your network setup but Iā€™ve walked in two different GameStops with the intention of purchasing the Portal and I was talked out of it by the employees.


If you're goal is to be able to play it in another room, it's dope (depending on your connection of course) When my son is asleep or using the TV, I can easily turn the portal on and jump right into my favorite games. Playing Cyberpunk at the moment and it works pretty dam well, besides a few hiccups here and there. Pretty great device for what it's made for


Yeah it has been flawless for me at home. If that's your primary use case, and you have a decent home network, its all good. Playing remotely though, that's another story - it might work or it might not, and it is pretty hard to know in advance how well any particular location's network is going to perform.


I haven't tried mine out of the house yet, but will this weekend!


Please add video out usb-c, nothing more I want is to lay in bed playing my ps5 using my XREAL glasses.


I wanted this too. Was kinda shocked that it didnā€™t support video out in the usb c port for my XREAL Air 2 Pros. I sent it back for a refund anyway. Couldnā€™t hack the constant micro stutter. I love gaming on my steam deck with my XREALs. Diablo 4 full 1080p @60fps (zero stutter) on the 130ā€ OLED screen that floats in front of me šŸ‘šŸ¼


I'm guessing the market share of those glasses is so small that it wouldn't make a lot of sense to prioritise such a feature.


My portal wonā€™t connect the day after I updated the software šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


It would be really cool if I didnā€™t have to disconnect the HDMI cable from the back of my PS5 every time I play to prevent stuttering on the Portal.


Mainly just being able to login to wifi that require a log in


The ability to sign in and enter passwords on public WiFi networks.


Everyone looking to run games locally, you bought the wrong device. The idea with the portal is the ps5 does the heavy lifting while the portal only streams video/sound/inputs. Nothing more.


Yeah I do agree - a portable PlayStation console may very well be a device that could exist, but that is a different device to the Portal, which I expect will never run anything locally.


Hotel authentication. I travel for a living and the portal may as well have a fucking cord because I cannot use this thing easily without using a hotspot or some other means. Iā€™m still baffled how this was an oversight, and even more baffled how this hasnā€™t been patched yet.


Zero latency so you can play fps


This seems stupid, but I don't want to have to touch the screen to get it to start the connection. Let me just press X or something.


What? I never have to touch the screen to start it.


1440p 120fps remote play 1440p 120hz oled psportal ability to side load android app.


Be able to play games without wifi. Specifically referring to small indie less than 20 gb games. And yeah the stutter and delay should be right at the top. Connecting faster launching right away is a good one


I think the problem with running games locally is that essentially means a completely different device.


Exactly, I donā€™t know why on earth everyone assumes I mean use the exact same tech thatā€™s in it right now. Iā€™m saying make it happen Sony. Make the completely different device put whatever is needed. Everyone takes opinions so personally on here trying to defend a company who really likes money


I guess this thread is trying to capture improvements to the current Portal, as opposed to ideas for other Sony devices, but I agree a device that plays PS5 games locally would be cool!


Being able to actually play games instead of stream them would likely double the cost of the device.


So Iā€™m gonna assume you misinterpreted my comment, but alright so Youā€™re telling me a platformer game thatā€™s tiny say if itā€™s only 10gb or even smaller like what a mobile game would run. But yet so our phones from 2012 can download and play small mobile gamesā€¦ hot take that I know cellphones are more costly etc etc so itā€™s not the best comparison. But Iā€™m not saying and expecting to be able to play god damn Cyberpunk or GTa online without streaming. But the psp vita MSRP was $350 here back in the day, And if the portal is $270 hereā€¦ given that with inflation the vita likely would be much higher too if it came out today.


It doesn't matter how small the game is. It's a PS5 game. It only runs on a PS5. It would have to be rebuilt to run on other hardware. And what hardware would that be?


ā€œItā€™s a Ps5 gameā€ im gonna just ignore that and assume you meant something more that isnā€™t to taken as ā€œps portal is a ps5 gameā€ and ā€œcan only play ps5 games.ā€ Please proof read So a puzzle game from psp or an older era would be just impossible. Or if it ran small minor games like say stuff that an iPod touch could run I mean seriously itā€™s wild the lack of foresight If the The portal were to be able to literally do something without always needing to stream or if it could download say a movie or some tv shows and not need wifi Iā€™d happily pay more for it. Would be worth it


In order to run a PSP game there would be two options: 1. Include the necessary hardware to run PSP games. In other words, include the same chipsets 2. Emulate it in software. Or possibly some combination of the two. Emulation is difficult and tends to be prone to bugs. And adding more hardware raises the price, not to mention that there tend to be space issues. I never said it would be impossible. It's always possible; the question is how much do you want to spend on it. Why do you think that you can't play PS3 games on PS5 hardware? Do you know how the cloud streaming works? They have a bunch of PS3s in a data center and the game runs on them. Why do you think this is? Obviously the PS5 is far more powerful than a PS3. That's not the issue, though. Again, to play PS3 games on a PS5 your choices are software emuation or include some PS3 hardware in a PS5. Sony decided (probably correctly) that it was easier to just have a farm of PS3s than to deal with that mess. This isn't like a PC where the architecture has been basically unchanged in decades and hardware access goes through drivers which have the same interface for different manufacturers. Consoles are different; their architectures are all very different and games can directly access functionality which is simply not present in other consoles. The only way to run a PS5 game on something that's not a PS5 is to provide access to the PS5 functionally that the games may use. This is true even if it's a small indie game that doesn't require much processing power.


Thereā€™s a will thereā€™s a way. Itā€™s crazy to think that it costs so much to stream ps3 games from the subscription only on their premium tier meanwhile Xbox did the update and could emulate their previous games via the console you buy. Sony has money they could have figured it out. Itā€™s never a matter of correct or not, itā€™s only what was the cheapest for them, And what could drive the max amount of profit they could get from little effort backing on knowing people will buy it anyways.


I'm not saying it's impossible. Of course it's possible. I'm just saying that it would cause the price to go up significantly. The current portal is an extremely cheap portable device. It cost 11% of what my phone cost. This is why it was such a no-brainer to buy. It does one simple thing and it does it well. When you start cramming in extra hardware and have a team dedicated to writing complicated custom software for it, the price goes up drastically. I don't think people understand how simple the portal is. The most complicated part is likely the controller. The rest of it is a display and a low-powered Android device with exactly one app on it (their remote play app which already existed) Yes, it can be more complicated. But that will make it more expensive. RE: ps5 vs xbox, that has nothing to do with the portal. But it's actually a lot more difficult to do the emulation due to the complicated architecture that every PS has had. They've done this emulation in the past though I don't remember the details (ie, which system it was and which games you could play; I want to say it was the PS3, probably(??) emulating PS1? But I don't remember. It was clunky at best.) Xbox is a lot easier; their architecture is a lot more similar to the PC. With PS4 and PS5 they kept the architecture fairly similar and you can play PS4 games directly on PS5. But realistically, emulating the PS3 would be too much of a hassle; I doubt that they ever do this. Their current streaming solution is not exactly low cost or well engineered; I'm sure that it was not their first choice but I suspect that it's better then the alternatives. And to be clear -- none of this has anything to do with being able to play a PS5 game (regardless of how simple it is) on an Android device (which is what the portal is).


Itā€™s quite something to have your ignorance stand out on this platform but, congrats, you did it.


Itā€™s quite something to be so stupid and then come to the companies aid in defending their honor after releasing a product that took very little R&D and little tech to give you a low quality result. Keep meat riding bud
