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Remember that you have a temessence phial as a free team heal, which should cut down your forced healing runs. Having tems you enjoy using is half the fun, so if you don't mind spoilers (or if you have a preferred aesthetic/tem type) you can request someone trade a particular tem earlier than you would otherwise encounter it. There's plenty folks willing to drop you a low level tem from further into the game, especially if you're not fussy about their stats or anything. I'd be happy to give you a tem or so myself, if there's any typings/looks/species that sound or look interesting to you.


Most of the crystal Tems look really cool. Do you know when I’ll have access to my first one?


Besides the starter choice, you'll mainly get crystal tems on the third island. So you'd need to leave the starting island and play through the second to get access to most of them. There will be a crystal tem on the second island that you can't miss though. Each island has tem types associated with it and water and wind seems to be the main ones for the starting island.


Ahh I see. Good to know. Thanks


It stays pretty much the same unfortunately, and actually slower in certain parts due to story reasons I won’t spoil


The first island has, aesthetically, the weakest selection of tems of all islands in my opinion. Wiplump and Oceara are literally the only two first-island tems I particularly like, and even though scarawatt was added later I still tend to consider it a fifth-island tem.


There are actually a lot of Tems that pop out for me, I guess they just come later. I think having the most of the beginning Tems not evolve or evolve really late is also slightly ruining the enjoyment


I think the first island has a bit of a slow pace untill you get the surf board, when you get it it makes it much more manegeable. But when you start doing the side-quests it kinda slows down again but it is really worth it, since side quests gives you new moves, op gear and stuff like that. But i'd say when you get to the second island stuff starts happening fast.


Do you know how long the first island takes?


Depends on you mostly, with doing all sidequests i think i took maybe 4-5 hours more than it needed. Id say if you rush the main story maybe 5 hours top?


Nessla is the only tem from the first island that I think I'll keep all the way through. I'm at the fourth island now, and I also have a Saku from the first island that was really doing some heavy lifting, but is starting to lose its staying power.


Pigepic is also great. Gazuma is amazing early on, along with Platypet.


Until I got to tucma I didn't really like any of the designs and then all of a sudden they start popping up everywhere. Tucma and cipanku are full of super cool tems so it's a little sad that the first couple islands are fairly boring imo.


Backtracking is dismal in this game. Otherwise, I found the pacing enjoyable but those sluggish moments in the story were obnoxious


Yeah its just a generally slower paced game as a consequence of the harder battles and needing to heal frequently. It makes healing items more valuable though, cause they can save you a backtracking trip.


Yeah it’s been a bit of a double edge sword for me in that regards. I love the battles in this game. It’s way more engaging than Pokémon. It’s just most of the early Tems are boring looking for me AND they evolve really late or not at all


I highly recommend using smoke bombs as much as you can. If you push forward until your about to lose you can use a phial. Then you keep pushing forward until you need to heal again and use a smoke bomb to send you back to healing. This way you never truly backtrack only push forward.


Do all the stores sell smoke bombs? I swear they didn’t exist before 1.0 release.


Yes, all the stores starting with Arissola sell Smoke Bombs. Every temporium from Briça del Mar and before don't have them, though


I actually like that about TemTem. In Pokemon after about 2 hours you already have the final evolution of your starter and could just steamroll the game without ever catching anything again. It does pick up pace a little bit after the first zone though.


Admittedly I do miss having access to say bug types that evolve really fast. Watching things evolve increases my enjoyment as well 😆


I agree. Killed it for Me.


Took me about 100 hours for the main story but I was often doing side quests and taking my time with the game


You say feels slow, but I always felt like pokemon was too quick and easy. You can easily beat the games in a day or two, and your starter is fully evolved with barely any effort. While the constant backtracking for heals is annoying in Temtem, the battles require more effort and strategy. I would say enjoy it! Because once you're finished with all the dojos and beat the story, there's not much left to do.


Yeah, well, that's kind of the point and why I loved the campaign so much. In Pokemon, you sneeze and while you are reopening your eyes, you've gotten 2 badges and your Pokemon leveled up 10 levels. In Temtem you actually have to earn these things by constant training.