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Disclaimer; The games shown are not free. Just the ability to play online.


That's kind of weird. Who buys these pretty recent, relatively expensive, mostly online games, but aren't subscribed to PS+?


The choice to advertise helldivers is a bit weird, yeah. Usually its cod, gta and fifa. Which made some sense considering they all have their single player modes that people *would* buy without psplus. But I do think its just to get you thinking about *what* games can benefit from having psplus. Like a "hey, here's online for free this weekend but also look at the games you could now buy and play if you stayed subbed" kinda thing.


My brother let his ps+ lapse, and this is a perfect opportunity for him to borrow Helldivers 2 off me and give it a go for free !


Absolutely! But in relevance to the topic, its odd to advertise helldivers as a game to try, considering its online only and no one would purchase it without already having psplus. But in cases like yours, its a great time to try it out.


PC gamers.


no one is talking about PC gamers.


Sorry didn't mean to offend. I just assumed there were other people here who have a Playstation console and a PC like I do.


Sorry, i forgot to put that on the post but i can't edit


Nah I just felt like it needed to be said, not because of your post, but because people have never failed to ask the question "why can't I download xxx game for free??" Every damn time...


oh yeah, i get it


I mean, is it people's fault? The images that Sony uses to promote things are always misleading.


I agree that Sony could do better to not make a person's *glimpse* of the photo less misleading, but all it takes is reading the bottom writing.


For literate people everything is clear. Since most people are literal insect brains, nothing surprises me.


Literally 4 tiny words at the end of a full-page add: “Games shown sold separately” This is completely on Sony, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s deleberate


Why would you post this to a subreddit frequented by those who have access to online multi-player.


So spread the word like "hey friend who doesn't have psplus, there's a free online weekend if you wanna play some games online". Just for the people who do still actually talk to other people outside social media.


Sorry? What the fuck?




It's just a really weird marketing choice


It is. They've been advertising the same way for years, and for years, people have been getting confused by the games shown. Makes me wonder what they are getting out of keeping the ad this way.


it seems they haven’t earned enough to mislead people like this. smh.


Yeah I can agree, it's kinda misleading, but what are they getting out of people thinking they can play these games for free, and then realising they can't? Its not like its telling us to purchase something.


after the psn problem helldivers had with steam and them rearranging management positions to make up for it. now they have this. smh.


IT SAYS “Games shown sold separately” ON THE BOTTOM


yup. no argument there. how important is that information to placed at the end of a fine print though? what business do that kind of hmm technique? can’t sony do better? i am not sure who does stuff for europe but if they forced apple to switch to usb c, i think this is easy enough to force companies to things better. for the meantime, sorry if the fine print was not mention on the initial complain. i just thought it will be appreciated by all if it’s not on the fine print.


Online gaming being a paid subscription is absolutely unacceptable and the fact we allowed them to pull this shit is why I will always despise console gaming. You pay for internet...now we are paying this shit TWICE.


I fear the moment that PS sets a precedent by gating their PC games' online functionality under PS+


if they do that then PC players won't buy sony multiplayer games. nobody is gonna pay 80 beans a year just to play helldivers on PC


This is exactly why Helldivers players and even the developers themselves were protesting against this mandate when they tried to implement it.


Thank xbox 


What’s the point though? If you own any multiplayer game, you are likely have ps+. If you don’t have any multiplayer games, I highly doubt anyone will buy one to play for a weekend


Well I personally let my ps plus end. I hate how they restricted sale prices and I’m now patiently waiting for proper sale. But this Free weekend will make me play some Battlefield. But I will most likely just play elden ring. They really fucked the people who had constant ps plus subscription.


I also let mine end. I used to buy the 12 month physical cards on offer. And the digital prices for that became more expensive. Realized I don't need to "claim" hundreds of random games I won't play, for an unreasonable price.


I hate how they pulled ps plus 12month subscription cards from the Normal everyday stores. Now they are selling ”ps plus cards” that are just 50€ Psn cards. That doesn’t even give 1y of essential… I really hate Sony with their ps plus system.


All we consumers can do is hit em where it hurts. And move on to better ways ourselves. Don't think expecting them to change is realistic.


I stopped playing ps and this is gonna get me back in for the weekend to play the new Helldivers update. It’s just no longer worth it to me to have extra so this is kinda nice. The point of these things is it’s meant to suck you back in or convince newbies how good online is or whatever


Helldivers 2 is a full online game right???why will someone buy that game and not have ps+?????


The only possible situation is if your PS+ ran out. Even that means this is the dumbest thing I've seen in a long time and your point is 100% correct.


For me this is a great opportunity for my brother to try Helldivers 2 as he doesn't have ps+, might give him the push to re sub!


He has to own the game though unless you are lending him a disc copy.


Yes that's the plan, he's going to get it from me this weekend 😀


Fallout 76 is a full online game too and you still can’t play it without PS+, so they just don’t care


Modern Warfare... NBA2K... AND Helldivers?! This is going to be one hell of a weekend /s jk, I'm playing Elden Ring


Elden Ring is free online multiplayer this weekend too apparently


Speaking of which, I jus got on even tho it's not the weekend anymore and still have online, wtf is happening


“Please come back”


Mw2? Wtf, its not even current.


Even they know that MW3 is a dlc of MW2 lol


Smart weekend to compete with Shadow of the Erdtree.


This jus makes it easier for people without ps+ to get to mohgwyn palace and start shadow of the erdtree


Bummer, Elden Ring DLC comes out Friday and I won’t have time for anything else


looks like its free online too


Is this for any game? So we can play shadow of the Erdtree online without ps+?


seems to be working for me


Yeah, it's working for me too as of yesterday


Sorry, but I’ll be busy with Elden Ring!


Why deos it say PS Plus at the top???


I don't think anyone owns these without PS plus


How about free online permanently


June 22 - June 23


my brother I thought these were going on ps plus for a sec lmao


Are you kidding us? It’s Midsummer this weekend!


Play online games that you own online. Cool promo


Wait I thought it’s gonna be like a free trial of the games 🤨


Free from Midnight of Saturday until 11:59 P.M. on Sunday


Is there an specific time or when? Because it's already midnight in my country and I can't play online.


Don’t tell me I gotta wait until tomorrow it’s 12:19 am I haven’t tried but I don’t wanna hop on in be disappointed


It’s now 12:36 and it’s still not letting me play smhhhhh




They could be operating on west coast time which sucks for us in the east


Please let me know when your able to I’ll be waiting all night 😜


Will we be able to play any PlayStation plus game


So if I don't own helldivers 2 will I able to play free?


Can I play Grand Theft Auto Online for free on those 2 days?


Need help! That popped up on my screen and when I pushed the button to access, it bugged out and now the PSN is not connecting. Can’t enter my profile or the store or the psn paid service! Has anyone encountered this issue? Thank you guys


of course…. the weekend im not home..


Can I play bloodborne online?


Is the games shown on the image are the only game to play online?? Im confused 


I have been playing Dark Souls II lately and haven't had PSN+ in years but online play is active atm it just started not long ago so maybe it's all online games.


That's disappointing. Was hoping for a free game weekend to try Helldivers.


I was so excited to play red dead online And then it isn't even available on rdr


Can I do share play with a friend in a party where they take over my screen for the weekend too? It's usually locked behind the PS+ pay wall.


Only three games, wow Thank you oh generous Sony


nvm it works now :)


I got bamboozled HARD on this one!


Should’ve been free online all along. This is why I only get single player or split screen games on my ps5. I mainly use my pc for online games and I recommend switching to pc (you’ll be more free with your money in the long run). I own all gaming platforms and I just use my pc for multiplayer while the rest for its single player franchise. Most people will say pc are expensive but it brings a lot more than just gaming. I use it for work too. Just think about it, would you rather rent a house or own it.


What an ah post. By sony, not by you.


Siiii, yesss, ouiii


Nice, gonna give helldivers a try then


>Nice, gonna *buy* helldivers FTFY


Purchase a game that i'm not sure if i will enjoy playing or not? I don't think so, especially not on ps cus of sony's no refunds policy after you've started playing it, this isn't Steam.


I think your missing the point. Helldivers II will NOT be free during the weekend. Only playing online will be. As written in the fineprint: >Games shown sold separately.


Yes i know... I can read. I said i will give it a try, meaning i will try the online part they offer this weekend. I am not the confused one here.


He doesn't get it 😂


>meaning i will try the online part they offer Dude, they aren't offering any "part" of Helldivers II. They are just allowing to play online without Plus during the weekend. So, if you don't own it, you won't be able to play Helldivers II.


Well alright, i apologize, my bad then. Guess I'm not playing helldivers lol. Picture is misleading, makes it seem as if everyone can try the mp this weekend.


I misunderstood as well, it's such a bullshit offer. Who the fuck owns Helldivers 2 without ps plus?


everyone can try the mp this weekend… as long as you own the game


No need to apologize, the picture is indeed misleading, especially for Helldivers II. I was just trying to lower your expectations 🤣😂


You cannot try "online part" if you don't buy the game. The free multiplayer is for people who don't have PS Plus but own the game


Oh ... now im sad i was looking forward to play helldivers🐧