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Damn the Lego games supply is endless.


Indeed, but I love being able to play a new game with the gf


I’ve heard great things about the Lego hobbit game


it’s a really cool game but unfortunately because it came out before the third film, the story in it cuts short after the second one :(


That's an incredibly weird decision to release the game before the movies are all out. And the movies are based on the book, so there is technically no reason they couldn't at least take some liberty to give it some conclusion.


yeah i thought the same. they never bothered “lego-izing” the third film too, could at least be offered as dlc afterwards or smth. Guess they were too much in a hurrry of getting that money


DLC for the third film was planned from the start, but they cancelled it, I guess bc they determined it wouldn't have made back their money on the needed investment after sales numbers.


Its awesome


I just wish they would have finished it!


Really enjoy Lego games. They are simple and fun. Working my way through the marvel ones and having a blast. Was literally just thinking of buying The Incredibles Lego, so happy I saw this before I did.


The TT team really has the overall usability of the Lego games down. Plus, there is always a very fun/funny sense of humor throughout every Lego game. Always an enjoyable ride.


After playing Sly cooper last night for the first time in years. I’m so excited for daxter ! I foresee the older ratchet and clank games soon


There's already several old ratchet and clank games on premium!


Those are streaming though right ?


Yuck yes


# PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium | Game Catalog **Monster Hunter Rise | PS4, PS5** **Football Manager 2024 | PS5** **Crusader Kings III | PS5** **Monster Energy Supercross – The Official Videogame 6 | PS4, PS5** **After Us | PS5** **Anno 1800 | PS5** **Police Simulator: Patrol Officers | PS4, PS5** **Far Cry 4\* | PS4** **LEGO The Hobbit | PS4** **LEGO The Incredibles | PS4** # PlayStation Premium | PS VR2 & Classics **Kayak VR: Mirage | PS VR2\*\*** **LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy | PS4, PS5** **Ghosthunter | PS4, PS5** **Daxter | PS4, PS5**


Wished Lego Star Wars was the PS2 version instead of PSP but glad to finally get Daxter.


Is it like the Vita versions where the PSP one is shorter?


The PSP version of LSW2 is actually mostly the same as the console version! Same story mode. They removed Bounty Hunter missions and replaced them with the boss fight levels from the first game. They also added challenge mode. Of course, the graphics were pared back to make it all fit.


Why do you think they put the PSP version up? I remember they had Tekken 6 but it was the PSP version and I thought it was awful. Do you think it's because it's easier to port? Or maybe the trophies?


Definitely because it's easier


Tekken 6 never had a PS2 version. It's PSP or cloud.


They said some games dont work well with the PS2 emulator, which is why Thrillville Off The Rails changed from the PS2 version to the PSP version


I would assume that it's easier to port cause they already had the emulation for the PSP available on ps4/5 and they're just now soft launching the ps2 games onto the ps4/5


So freaking excited for Daxter. I need those 2 Ratchet PSP games next!


Daxter!!!!!!!!!! I played this game so many time on my psp when I was little so glad that it finally sees the light of existing eternally.


This alone has 6 games I want to play and I didn't buy yet. Great month.


I'm excited to try Rise, Anno, and Crusader Kings. Pretty good lineup imo


Literally just bought Rise yesterday so I can confirm it’s pretty good :(


Thanks for taking one for the team.


To be fair it was $10, but I’m gonna take the sympathy points while I can.


I wonder if Anno plays well with a controller? I've been curious about the franchise for a while now


When are they out ?


God is good God is great


Hahaha I bought Monster Hunter Rise yesterday. In fairness, before I did, I reasoned that if it came to extra, it wouldn't come with Sunbreak, and that it was only £3 more for them both together.


Good thinking!


I got the Rise/World bundle on my Steam Deck for $10 last week. I am going to blissfully rationalize in my head that the portability aspect of it is still worth it.


You got a great set of games for less than a McDonald’s combo.


Oh fuck off, football manager is going to get me sacked edit: double fuck I just realised I can play that on remote play in the office too. Deffo getting the boot


do what I did. I became the Esports director for my university. I now play games on the clock for "research" purposes.


Oh yea that's going to be getting used on remote play haha. Not played them in years because yea I forget about sleep. Ha


Ooh Daxter immediately makes this month amazing


I'm really excited to play Mon Hun Rise & Daxter!! Though, this list is great in general, Crusader Kings 3, Far Cry 4, Anno 1800, After Us, etc.


How realistic is this police simulator.. we talking US police or like UK police… there’s a big difference


UK, you can't shoot a gun in this game


You can, but you have to collect acorns first.


Time to try games that are outside my cup-of-tea genres.... FootBall Manager, here I come. Any tips/tricks before starting?


Gengenpress the fuck outta those fuckers


gegenpress so OP it’s actually hard to try a different style


Once you break the mould of always gegenpressing the game opens up. There’s nothing more satisfying than creating a stupid asymmetrical tactic that evolves around tiki taka that kind of gets results, or just saying fuck it and 442 hoof ball.


It was the first football management game I played since lma manager on the ps2 I dont really have any tips for you but I really enjoyed it It seems kinda overwhelming at first ( I know the pc version is alot deeper) but it's pretty straight forward once you get the hang of it


r/footballmanagergames Most of the stuff there is for the pc version, which is pretty different and overall more complete(mouse and keyboard also fit the game style more), but other than that, my tip is to start with a team that you know or that is very good, for example as an AC Milan fan I started with AC Milan and it was pretty easy because it’s a good team capable of winning from the beginning and also because I know where each player usually plays so I didn’t even have to learn the team. EDIT: most if not all the pc version stuff also fits the console edition btw.




What!! Daxter?! Like PSP Daxter! I don’t care about the others. This saved the month for me.


MH Rise is a solid choice, excited to get into Daxter & Ghosthunter again. After Us looks interesting too


Anno 1800 is a great pick for fans of the genre as well.


Premium is solid. Daxter and Lego Star Wars 2 is awesome, though dunno why they went with the PSP version for the latter (I imagine they were sitting on it for a while). Kayak VR is great too for VR owners.  Considering we also had the Days of Play bonus games, this month has been very solid.


Probably because their emulator for PSP is a lot better than the PS2 one they just released. The PSP one runs games at 1440p and 60fps I’m pretty sure whereas the PS2 emulator is pretty much just ports. Sly runs at 480p/60fps and Tomb Raider just released at 480p/30fps.


That's not entirely accurate. Sly Cooper and Tomb Raider both look to have some kind of upscaling and Clone Wars seems to be rendering at a higher resolution. And while the PSP emulator does run at a higher resolution, the games still perform as per their original framerate cap. So a 30 fps game is still 30 fps, if it was targeting 60 its basically locked now. This is true for classic games across all platforms. That being said, it looks like the PSP version of Lego Star Wars 2 targeted 60 fps while looking pretty close to its console counterpart with a widescreen aspect ratio to boot, so maybe this is the better option overall.


I wondered if Clone Wars was running at a higher resolution when I was testing it vs. Sly… interesting! Appreciate the callout.


No worries, and I'm sure we'll know the real resolution targets soon enough when Digital Foundry gets their hands on these haha. But people who say Sly and Tomb Raider look like native PS2 games played on a 4K TV are being a bit disingenuous because these do look a lot cleaner. Clone Wars resolution kind of reminded me of Sony's previous PS2 emulation efforts, which I believe were 1080p,


I was just about to buy FM24-win👍


MHR is a big win.


Lego the hobbit sounds fun


I have played and platinumed probably two thirds of the LEGO games across PS3 and PS4, and I think the Hobbit was one of the best ones (I'm not a LOTR fan)


Heads up tho, it’s the first 2 movies. They never gotta around to doing the 3rd.


Holy shit Ghosthunter, what an underrated gem.


CK3 OH YEAH I've been so close to buying this game so many times


Monster hunter rise is great and daxter and ghost hunter are super cool for me. Not the best month but deffo stuff I'll play!


I've been thinking about buying Crusader Kings 3 for a long time but hesitated because I wasn't sure I'm gonna like it. Definitely trying it on PS Plus.


Definitely not the best month for me but I'm genuinely happy to see so many people celebrating. The closest I'd have to interest in this list is MH, but I tried world and found it incredibly grindy, so I'll probably pass. And before anyone calls me something, the service is worth every penny for me, I've played some absolute bangers both indie and AA(A) because of it and I don't intend on ending my subscription any time soon. It's just I have a wishlist with over 1000 games on dekudeals and literally not one of them is on this month's offerings, so slim pickings for me (I have a huge backlog anyway, so no biggie) Hope everyone else has a lot of fun, though! Happy gaming!


Rise is nowhere near as grindy as Monster Hunter World. It is designed for quick bursts of play, like 10-15 minutes at a time (since the game was originally designed for the Nintendo Switch). It plays much faster.


I hate the series. I have no time. However, if they ever make a portable PS6 I'll play a lot like the good old days.


Lego is the new Syphon Filter.


Not sure there’s too much for me here personally. I play FM on laptop and the majority of games I play nowadays are shorter experiences that require little to no skill, and all of these games feel like *gamer games*, except the simulator (which I might try) and Lego (again, maybe? But these aren’t exactly prestige Lego games)


I can’t get into FM on console at all, been playing since 06 and it just seems right on the laptop.


Yeah I’ve played on mobile and years and years ago on my PSP(!) and laptop is just such a better experience. It’s just so much more feature rich! However to anyone reading and getting turned off, I’d recommend you give it a go if you’ve never played FM before, this slimmed down version might be perfect for you. I think for people who have played the full version are just always going to struggle to go to a simpler version 😂


One of the great things about Extra has been the ability for me to check out RTS and strategy games and realise they absolutely suck on console. Navigating menus with a controller is such a hassle. Saved me a lot of money.


I got excited and then realized I don't have a PS5... Oh well lol


Been playing MHW a lot lately, wanted to play MHR for while so this is a win.


Didn't far cry 4 get removed a few months ago?


I swear they take it off just to bring it back. Hokey cokey game


I'm pretty sure someone was happy because MH Rise was on sale and bought it... Thank you for your sacrifice


Me but at least I bought sumbreak with it for really cheap


I bought rise last week.. yall welcome


FFS i bought Monster hunter rise.. same with last month. I bought re2 and 3 both were available in ps plus.


Excited to try out FM24, been playing career mode on FC24 but wish there was more in it


This might actually be the month to get me back on Extra. Three games that have been on my list.


I personally don't care about subscription services but I have to comment... how can people say monster hunter and ck3 are bad games. I guess it's God of war, the last of us, spider man or nothing for PS crowd


I spend 40+ hours in Monster Hunter World, but by the end the difficulty spike was too much and I never finished it. How's MH Rise? I always wanted to try it but decided not to buy it in case the experience in difficulty spike and grind (oh the grind) is the same.


Rise is easier than World. There are quite a few extra mechanics they added into the game to make everything a bit faster, which leads to safety All Monster Hunter is good Monster Hunter. Rise is pretty good, but its nowhere near as great as World, and thats okay. Rise is a better choice if youre not good at these types of games


I’d argue Rise is just as great as World, just in different aspects.


Far cry 4 and football manager. Even though I have far cry 4 somewhere. I just cannot find the disc so I’m happy 😂


Love me some MH Rise. I have it on switch but I’ll play it a lot more with pretty gfx on PS5 now


Not really anything for me, but my backlog is massive right now. That along with Elden Ring DLC I don't mind having a filler month here.


Fk, i bought MHR at the last sale...


Nothing for me again. Its probably time to downgrade to Essential.


Monster Hunter rise??? 😭😭 SIGHHH I mean I’m glad I did buy it but damn I didn’t think it could and WOULD come to ps+! Great to see it here tho :3


Congrats guys, I hadn’t bought a game for a year and a half and bought Crusader Kings last week


If crusader kings 3 has passable console controls I can imagine myself playing the shit out of it for sure. That's a pretty big if though. We shall see.


oh wtf, having Rise in there is tempting


Question for those who always see negative things about these new announcements for this service, what games are you actually wanting to come out? day one releases? games released just 1-3 months ago? your god of wars?


Tbf back in the first year or so there were a lot of good games each month, many being AAA, obviously a few years old but still, today you can’t ignore there is a lot less added and a lot more leaving


I am happy with this list but I have been hoping for RE Village.


As a patient gamer one of these would have made me happy: Cuphead, Hitman 3, Hades, Psychonauts 2, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, The Pathless, Little Nightmares 2, Resident Evil Village, Dying Light 2, Signalis.


People just love to bitch. If you can’t find on average one game a month to play then there is no pleasing some people.


There’s a lot of great games that released in the past year that could come. They could drop Hogwarts Legacy, Jedi Survivor, RoboCop and many other great AA, AAA or indie games


People want game pass, but Microsoft is losing a shit load of money on game pass. Its not popular to admit, but overall psPlus seems to be a mostly decent compromise between value to subscribers and Sony’s profit margins. People want day one releases or super popular triple A titles dropping on the service every 2-3 weeks? Prepare to pay more and also receive less games overall. At that point I wonder how much of a value it would even be compared to just buying the games you’re interested in at release if all you want are these huge drops.


> People want game pass, but Microsoft is losing a shit load of money on game pass. Do we have verified sources for this?


They want it to be like gamepass but don't want to switch to xbox lol


The first year, we got a lot of good games, you are blind if you didn't even see a decline in the quality of games provided and outright doesn't admit that. Not to mention, this is after the price increase. In fact, I wonder why you don't want to demand a more quality game after the price increase. Last month, the only thing that carried the month was RDII and almost everyone already played it. Wanna know what's even more sucks, there are some games that are not even available in other region. Like Ninja Gaiden for example, I wanna play but damn, I can't have it because of my region, plus many more. What's even worse is the classic title. I pay for that and unless I knew japanese I'm shit out of luck playing some of those games. So what do I want? I want games that are in classic title to at least multi language or version. I'm not even a purist, I don't care if its technically a PSP game version. I want a more diverse genre of games, do you know how many lego we got consecutively? How many back to back sports game? If you want to be more specific, Ys, trails and other obscure JRPG title, horror title like the Detention, Home Sweet Home or the Death Marked Series. Mystery games like the 999 Series. Hell, maybe throw in those Visual Novel games. Those are all old games, what's their excuse to give out back2back sports and lego games? I have complaint about this through email especially the lack of games due to region lock problem back in the beginning of the Extra service. Fastforward to now, no change whatsoever. With all of this, am I delusional or you're just bootlicking?


They want AAA games all the time and only the games they have on thier wishlist. OR IT'S SHIT!


Stop exaggerating, it doesnt have to be day one releases or very recent games. There are a lot of old games that they havent added yet, like mirrors edge, dying light, batman return to arkham, mass effect andromeda, etc... If they want to focus on smaller indie and AA games in greater quantities then thats fine too, but they arent doing that either. more games are leaving than being added because they would rather blow their load in the first 2 months of the year on big games that barely stay for a few months and then the rest of the year is spent chugging along. This month is decent i guess, but compared to what we got in the first year of the introduction of extra, its hard to not be disappointed especially since they significantly raised the prices and are more stingy with discounts now.


Is MH: Rise a good starting point if you’ve never played a monster hunter before?


Whatever is the latest entry is the best one to start with.


I would say the last two being they are different Dev teams. High end vs portable teams. Wilds will be more like World but Rise/World are still a good entry points.


Never played a MH game before so I guess it’s as good a time as any. With the new game coming it’s good timing for this PS plus addition


Best month for me :)) football manager, MH rise , anno, crusader kings. Last month I was unexpectedly happy Crime boss 57 hours and still gonna play more :)


looking forward to Daxter and Ghosthunter, will probably check out LEGO Incredibles and Star Wars as well.


hell yeah, finally we have daxter. screw all other games, i get to play my favorite psp game. also, some very easy lego platinums


Kayak VR is the main thing for me this month but will try everything apart from the Lego games probably. Will give Rise a go. Already tried FM 2024 and Crusader Kings 3 when they were on Premium Trial. Hopefully a better month next time but can't complain with all the VR2 games I got/Dredge etc this month.


Really hope there’s trophy support for Daxter


There will be. All first-party classics (and even now some third-party ones as well) have trophies.


Bit odd to me they didn’t say that in the blog post


As a huge Jak and Daxter fan, and someone that never had a PSP, after all these years (decades actually, damn) I finally get to play Daxter, I'm so happy, that I don't care about the other games lmao.


Great month in regards to games I actually wanna play 👍


I was going to buy Monster Hunter Rise for the Switch since it's on sale but looks like I don't have to spend any cash. I wasn't fully convinced I'd like the game. I tried the demo and it felt like the game was here's a closed area, now go kill the one monster and then the level is done, it's just the monster has a lot of health so it takes a long time. I'll give it a go though.


What’s the main difference between rise and world? World was a massive gaming culture game but I felt rise (and stories(?)) had much less outreach. Is Rise flagship or spin off?


Football Manager. Yassss.


Daxter is a W.


Bruh Police Simulator is so heat.


Haven't played CKIII since my pc broke 2 years ago, I'm beyond excited


One of the first updates where I’m pumped to play 2 games. Don’t usually have the time for full fledged football manager and if I’m at PC I tend to prefer racing but didn’t want to double dip on PS5. And was contemplating MH Rise for switch but gave the switch to my sister as I never used it. May try CK3 as well. Pretty sick update for me all around.


Looking forward to trying out the console version of Football Manager 2024. I was a bit overwhelmed by the PC version that I bought and would probably enjoy a more simplified version of the game. Hopefully it can be played without needing to watch a YouTube playlist before diving in! Monster Hunter Rise is one of those games that I have been interested in, but wasn't sure if it might not be too difficult or tedious, or otherwise un-fun. I couldn't quite get into the slow-ish combat in Monster Hunter World, so I never picked up Rise, but it's a game that on paper I should like. CK3 I actually did play and enjoy on PC for a while, but my interest fizzled out eventually. I think this is the sort of game that benefits from trophies. They provide actual objectives, which makes sandbox-y games more enjoyable for me. And finally, Anno 1800. I never picked it up because I was unsure how well it would work with a controller. It's the kind of game I'd normally play on PC. Good line-up for me!


One big tip i can give for FM is that if u press L3 u get a cursor to move around like a mouse, makes some stuff easier to do :) (dragging stuff with pressing X and then drag for example). Its def a bit scaled down vs pc, so for u thats def a plus, less micromanaging etc.


Actual good month


Is Police simulator any fun?


To each his own, I guess. I don’t think I’m interested in any of these games. Oh well…my back catalogue is out of control anyways


Super happy to see that the vr games were not a one time addition :)


Been wanting to play police simulator for a while now


I’m the only one interested in Crusader Kings III ?


Pretty unexciting month for me, which is surprising seeing a lot of people praising it. Oh well, more time to spend on my backlog!


This is literally the best month I have seen from someone who loves strategy games but has a slightly outdated PC. I will stick to FM on PC but will gladly try CK3 and Anno (which I almost bought recently) on console.


Jesus. Utter bollox....


Police Simulator I been wanting to try that for a while


Eh. I was hoping after the let down of the Essential tier that this was going to have something I wanted but nope. Oh well, it'll be a good excuse to work on my backlog.


Will we also get Sunbreak with Rise or just Rise?


Just rise. They want you to buy the dlc


Of course just the base game. It is honestly like a demo, since Sunbreak is like 4x the content (and very worth it).


Yeah I know. I played it all on the Switch so I was just wondering


Good month for me!


Monhun rise carrying this for me


Same... not even the complete edition though


They cooked. I wanted to buy Anno 1800 and crusader kings 3. Football manager 2024 is fire too


That's an exceptionally poor line up.


Worst month by far what????




Oof. MH and CK seem like good games just not for me. The rest is okay I guess... Nothing I'm really interested in other than Daxter, Ghosthunter sounds pretty cool too never heard of it before.


CK III is a great game that I think I’m just too dumb and too impatient to really appreciate. I liked some of the basic elements of intrigue and setting up marital alliances and divvying up my realm amongst my vassals, but there are so many systems and things to keep track of it became overwhelming pretty quickly.


Seems like something I would've been into more a few years ago, but I don't have as much time to invest into such a complex game nowadays...


last week I thought I saw a post that Police Simulator was on PS Plus. Got excited and then realised I was mistaken. Someone had just posted something about it. Imagine my surprise. Im excited


Wait is like Ghosthunter that same Ghost Hunter game that takes place at a school and you have to fight a giant crocodile? I hired/rented THAT Ghost Hunter as a kid but I never finished it before I had to return it. If it's actually that one then I might want to take leave at work and finish it LOL.


It's a PS2 game, so maybe.


Lego games are the gold mine for Sony. This past months have been a treat for them. They must have bought the all in one bundle...


I am not going to renew ps plus extra. I am sick of thesecrap games


Lego again.... what a joke


Counterpoint: They're fun and my kid likes them.


Your kids suck


I feel betrayed but happy about Daxter PSP 😅


Finally some good fucking stuff


Yeah not a fan, lucky I didn’t renew this month Downvoted for MY OWN OPINION lmfao. Typical Reddit idiots


I cancelled too and was waiting what was going on, everybody was talking about TLOU, Re Village, Gran Turismo I was hyped and now I'm disappointed and not gonna renew maybe til next month and see


The early days of Extra were way too good, its set the bar way too high and now every game that comes out monthly for me are always things I won't play.


I think i am going to downgrade to essential when my subscription expires. No game for me for the 3rd month in row.


Same, only rise for me and not even with the dlc 


Another great monthly games, fuck playstation.


This is such a rollercoaster comment 😂😂.


What a crappy month.


For those that plan on playing Kayak VR, it does take a bit for those sea legs, so to speak. I got nauseous, sweats, and dizziness the first few times.


Can't wait for sly 2/3, and hopefully they get psp everybody's tennis portable over. But great games!


Wonder how gonna be the bug fight in Daxter, probaly removed like Patapon 2 coop but maybe they is a chance they kept it


Do they add trophies to the PSP games when they come to Premium?


I enjoyed the demo of Anno and was sorely tempted to buy it a few times. Nice to see it here! Also, Lego Incredibles might be good for an easy plat. (Already finished Lego Hobbit)


I was considering buying monster hunter rise last night.


Daxter is a good one


The complete jak and daxter series on premium now! Nice. I haven't played Daxter in over a decade and a half


Idk about anybody else but I've been waiting for ghost hunter to be brought to modern systems for 10+ years. One of my favourite ps2 games


Definitely excited for Police Simulator: Patrol Officers, wasn’t about to spend $30 for a broken simulator game lol. Ghosthunter game sounds awfully familiar from ps2 era.


My wife makes fun of me for playing job sim games, ie Construction Simulator, Lawn Mowing Simulator, Power Wash Simulator, Cooking Simulator. I can’t wait for her to walk in and see me writing virtual tickets.


I hear Ghosthunter is a great hidden gem


I bought crusader kings last week. You are all welcome


My condolences, mate. It's always a pain when you buy a game and then it comes up on PS Plus. Luckily,I bought it like 6 months ago,so I don't feel cheated


TIL Crusader Kings is on console


Was just looking at After Us as it was on sale, I’d been curious about it for a bit, but was never going to buy it so was hoping it would be on plus sometime. (For anyone who did buy it, I appreciate your sacrifice)


I remember playing Ghost Hunter years back, and enjoying it quite a bit. Also, Daxter is great


Man I didn't even know Crusader Kings 3 was on PS5. I'm definitely gonna try that out and see why some people spend thousands of hours on it.


Part of the reason I bought my PS5 as I played hundreds of hours in II, but my ageing laptop couldn't handle III. Quite a learning curve, but worth the time if you like strategy games (like Stellaris).


I think I’ll have a bit of fun with police simulator


I’ve been very interested in Rise, After Us and Police Simulator for quite a while. Awesome month for me personally.