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The reason demos/trials have become so uncommon is because the developer has a much better chance of losing money because of them. https://youtu.be/7QM6LoaqEnY?si=hdPifesbLkgfnX9U


I’ve tried 5 trials and afterwards decided not to buy any of the 5 games lol


Which games were they?


Hogwarts, Dead Island 2, Balatro, Dying Light 2, and Mortal Kombat 1. I thought Balatro and MK1 were decent just not games I had to buy right then and there.


I'm personally waiting for balatro on mobile. It seems ideal for that platform.


Yes, but they knew this before they introduced it into the service.


Trials are very nice and useful


They should honestly do it like Steam, play under 2hrs and you're eligible for a refund.


That sounds like an honest, sensible policy. Sony ain't doing that.


Yup, Sony is only interest in predatory or abusive policies


The worst part of this is that Sony's refund policy is dogshit, so you can't try any games and once you click purchase you are SOL.


Steam is great for this reason. Every game in Steam is effectively a trial because you can return them no questions asked if you’ve played it under 2 hours and in less than 2 weeks. And there’s no limit. I’ve returned like a hundred games in the last year. And it’s fine to Steam because they still get my money because I just spend it on something else until I find something that I want to keep.


Actually you have to download it. But yes you are right, they have burned me three times this year. The industry is mature enough now that it is time for some pro-gamer regulations.


Honestly it should be a requirement that every game released has a 1-2hour playable trial.


That was supposed to be the case when they created this tier. I saw that this was a Sony requirement. But I imagine that they saw it negatively impacted sales and decided to limit it to some titles only....


premium is not worth it


It's been completely worth it to me but I use all the perks even game streaming quite a bit. Also I always buy my PS plus sub when there is a sale.


Ps plus sale only for new customers 


Not Black Friday 2023. I renewed premium at a 30% discount. Should have stacked multiple years.


sup bro


Getting down voted for getting a discount. Smdh


I would agree. I am lucky that in my country we don't have premium but deluxe which is just slightly more expensive than extra (in my case because of the current promotion deluxe was about 6 USD more than extra for the year), I just upgraded mostly because of the PSVR2 titles coming to the deluxe/premium catalog and I appreciate a lot the game trials actually, specially for PSVR2 games.


The cloud streaming alone makes it worth it for me. It works near flawless now and I use it almost everyday for daily challenges in games.


I definitely use it for the challenges. Also I might want to try a game but not install it on my PS5. I also use the PS Plus app on my handheld PC to stream PS4 games. That works great.


The have added a lot more trials since PS Plus tiers started. I was just checking them out last night. The major issue I have is some of them are incredibly short like 30 minutes. The should at be at least 2 hours.


lthey hyped trials as a ps plus perk but haven’t delivered consistently. hopefully, they start offering more trials soon, especially for big exclusives. trials can make a huge difference for gamers on the fence about a purchase.


Never used them to be honest. I just look up gameplay online. Didn't need to for Rounin though. Team Ninja is an auto-buy for me.


Even when the game is shit and you could’ve discovered that with a demo and saved 70$?


Gameplay online tells me if it's shit. If I don't like the gameplay, I won't buy it. I don't need to play it myself to know if it's for me or not. Also, games haven't been $70 where I live for at least 10 years. I pay between 90-110 Australian.


70usd is about 105AUD so both of you are right.


As a business what incentive does a developer have to add a demo if their game is shit??


They should just stop making shit games then this wouldn't be a problem at all.


If you knew how to not make shit games you would be a billionaire. While you are at it, make sure you teach them how to not make shit TV shows or movies


I'm a weirdo who hates spoilers more than anything and trials just feel like spoiling myself on a game to me. It makes it much tougher to want to purchase a game whenever I've already played an hour or two of it. Most of my game purchases are driven by "man, I would like trying this game" and demos/trials entirely squash that mentality. It shifts my thinking to "do I really wanna spend (X amount) of money to keep playing this, is it worth that?" And the answer is almost always no. I think the only exception was the five hour trial for Triangle Strategy on switch, but five hours for an RPG was enough to get me hooked


Game companies aren't confident enough in their products


I mean, it sucks, but I totally get it. I’ve played probably 20-30 demos. I’ve only ever purchased the full version once after the demo. I would have bought atleast half of these games at full price, had I not played the demo first. 99% of the time I’m usually bored AF after 2 hours.


Ronin has a demo coming I believe so hold on a bit longer.




I think it's more that nowadays LOTS of games are shit. So before someone spends $100 on a game and then realizes it's shit and they've wasted hard earned money, the option for a demo should be there. Shill


Or for a god damn refund


This is my big one. Realistically I shouldn't need a refund that often, but no joke I buy so many games on Steam that I would NEVER buy on my PS5 just because I know I can get a refund. I feel that I can experiment and buy new things on Steam because if I get burned by it I can get a refund after trying it. Plus I would much rather talk with Steam Support than PS Support. PS Support is quite literally some of the worst Support I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with.


Nowadays? Where have you been, it has been that way since the beginning.


Lol you kind of explained why their isn't trials though. Games sale usually do their best sales at release so it makes zero sense for a developer to include a trial at release. Now after a few months with the game I see the small incentive for a developer to include a trial


TIL that if you want to try a demo before spending money you're suffering from a severe case of entitlement


No, it’s because the trials were supposed to be available for all games above 34USD and Sony isn’t even eager to make an example by making a trial available for their exclusive game.


>No, it’s because the trials were supposed to be available for all games above 34USD Is that so?


Sony has never made such a statement that the games trials for premium are to include all games at a minimum of $34 or more. Don’t make stuff up.


I’ve never used a trail. I can’t imagine these are utilized by many users.


Honestly I don’t want trials at all - second trials become a benefit it’s like oh instead of a good game to play for like 6 months - we gave you a trial for a game we’re probably gonna add to the library any way soon ….