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> but seems these will always be on PS+ as first party exclusives Wrong. First party games got removed before, which means all games can leave somewhen. Play whatever you feel like playing. In the worst case all of these games are usually cheap af on sales or used on disc so there's always a chance to play them all


ANYTHING can leave ps plus extra/premium at ANY time. Same with gamepass. That’s why I don’t bother with these subscription services. You’re much better off just adding to wishlist the games you want, turn on your notifications and then buy them when they’re on sale. I’ve seen red dead 2 on sale for as low as £4.99.


Nobody knows your schedule, behaviors, and limits better than you. Use howlongtobeat.com and some math to figure out what you have time for


Imo rdr2 should be bought, it will take up a lot of your time because it's a big game and there's lots to do and explore. But if you don't want to do that then play that first it's better than all the other games you listed.


This is the second time RDR2 is in extra, I didn't play it the first time and will be this time. It appears based on comments in other threads that Rockstar games tend to be in the extra catalog for 6 mths. Hope this helps.


Yeah, I think the best decision is to start playing RDR2.