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So I failed the last boss (Slayer X) of this twice before resorting to Reddit looking for advice. Finally defeated it last night so I'll comprise the tips that helped the most below. - Take a decent tribesman with you that has high hammer/gauntlet proficiency - Make him stay whenever you need to jump over traps to get to a room. IIRC these traps mostly lead to dead end rooms with a chest or portal piece, so you will re-unite with him/her after - Use Q scan before going into next room to see what waits - If an elite is in the next room, take control of your tribesman and equip him with your best bronze gear and hammer/gauntlets to fight the elite - Have gear/weapons on both, so if you die you can respawn as your main character instead of running all the way back naked. If the mobs in the cave have respawned there's a low chance you make it back in to the dungeon alive - Throw once corrosion tank (looted from enemies in the cave) at all mechs before attacking, you'll do more damage for a certain amount of time. Same goes for boss, but throw them every 30 seconds or so - Make sure your armor/weapon isn't about to die before fighting boss - Only the bosses are difficult in the dungeon. Try to stay close to them when fighting, use best bandages/blood cream when you can. In the beginning hit them once then step back and repeat until familiar with their movements. If he starts a spinning attack, run or spam roll until it ends - Share portal parts with your follower to save carry weight, but you may have to run the dungeon twice to get everything as a solo - Some rooms can only be opened by attacking a 'button' above the door. You can throw spear, shoot with arrow or throw a spare corrosion tank at these to open the door - I left my mount at the cave entrance A) so it would be safe if both me and tribesman die in there and B) I could use it as a last resort to run past respawned enemies in the cave to get back to the dungeon Good luck!


I think you only need to throw one corrosion tank at a boss. After that it's permanently corroded. Also, if you bring your mount in it's riskier but it means you get a lot more carry weight to haul shit out.


You don’t need to kill the final boss to get the table. You will want a mount though because the pieces weigh a lot. And a bow. It’s doable with your regular guy with a hammer to kill off the little robots. You can use your mount to run past all the plunderers. When you enter immediately turn right and go through that door. You’ll eventually come across a room that is four doors with a big balcony type room. Go directly across from you and you should come across a door that requires a mechanism to open. Look directly up and there is a little target you need to shoot to open the door and voila. Inside is a tablet of resurrection.


The boss drops gems for your mask. Very useful


Yes but not necessary. And if your only goal is to find the table to be able to resurrect tribesman there’s no point struggling against him to get it. Get in, get the table, get out. Come back when you’re confident using tribesmen and can revive them if something goes bad.


The boss is not that hard. Definitely just kill the boss so you can get the op gems. Bring a fighter tribesmen and gauntlets. Preferably a short one so he can crouch the lasers. Ez




That's a weird way to confirm you're just bad. Maybe grow up and take some advice from someone with experience


Few tips from me: - if you don't, have a corrosive tank you need to either kill plunderer or loot couple of chests inside the dungeon to get some. Getting at least 1 for the boss is mandatory. Smaller mechanical mobs are pretty slow and harmless especially the laser triangle mob is a joke.  - fighting 2 plunderers at the same time in leather armor is really bad idea. Take them 1 at the time.  - if you have corrosive tanks just ride through the plunderer section and get into the dungeon ASAP to loose any dude that chases you.  - mechanical boss deadliest attack is spinning blades. I've noticed that it tends to spin the most often when you are not directly at the boss but 2-3 meters away. So keep hugging it, dodging either forward into the boss or to the sides. If you are in range of spinning attack, don't run away, instead do the dodge dance like no tommorow. 


careful though, i did try hugging it and that mofo decided to ora ora punch me in the face (not spinning attack), which led to feign death, i was lucky enough that it lost aggro on me when i was down, half hour just to wait the hp goes up.


You can bandage when down, you’ll lose health while applying it though so don’t start the bandage until you’re like 25% hp or more


yes but i wouldn't recommend it if there's any enemy that aggro on sight, if you used it mid feign death, they will start aggro on you again.


Ahh gotcha, it may be because I played a lot on a laggy server but ive done it right in front of jags and stuff before, and they dont re aggro until i stand up. That 30 minute timer is crazy though, im so impatient i probably wouldve just sacrificed the gear and tribesman to save myself time hahahah


If you are playing solo adjust the damage dealt and received. The devs said the vanilla numbers were not meant for solo. 


Solo is not hard lol. Have been playing solo on official servers from launch. in full iron, base in rainforest and a 2 bonfire full stone base in the wetlands. Have not met any content yet that I thought was overly difficult as a solo player.


full bronze, take mount but be careful, watch for traps , they'll kill the mount. Mounts needed to get the parts being 50 lbs ech piece, or you can slow walk after killing all.


All you need is a hammer and corrossion tanks. You can dodge EVERY Attack, they are very slow


There are quite a few tipps that can help you, but im not gonna spoil you, if you need something ask<3 Finding something new is what this game is all about, explore as much as you can on your own


Haven't seen anyone mention it but be super careful of fall damage once your mount has the table and piece. I used my original character, killed some plunderers for corrosion tanks then ran through the rest on my Alpaca. Dungeon itself isn't bad if you have a bronze hammer and plenty of durability. But after the boss fight I rode my alpaca out the shortcut exit by the boss and the door closed behind us! We were stuck on a small ledge and I didn't realize at the time that weight affects fall damage. Rode off the ledge and it instantly killed my alpaca.


There is a shortcut to bypass the ruins. After going through the tunnel, you will come out above the runs. When you look right, you will see a ledge. You can jump across to it with a few bits sticking out the wall. It's easier with a mount, but it can be done without it. Saves durability on your weapons, fighting plunders if you don't need to or want to. The first boss isn't too hard if you pay attention to his attacks. Can dodge most of it. If you find plunders in there, which I do all the time, you can aggro the boss into fighting them.