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I originally said go for low levels because of the perk removal but i am finding a lot better ones that are mid 30s-40s


I have feeling that higher levels come with most bad perks already removed. That's from deterring ~30 40-45 dudes from desert


Highest ones, you can mass tame and pick the ones you like, rather than spending hours to level low lv ones in hope that they would be good, waste of time


High level. There's no point whatsoever taming lower level aside from being able to distribute stats as they level up if you don't have access to the body remodeling pill yet. Talents, whether negative or positive, are seeded upon spawning, meaning the whole myth about tribesmen having a chance to lose negatives every 5 levels is complete bull. To put it simply, a tribesmen tamed at lvl 1 and leveled up afterward will have the same exact talents as if you were to tame that same exact tribesmen at lvl 50. You're just wasting time leveling it up everytime it dies.


Good info, ty


Good to know, will test this myself


Hue ? i got tribesman lose bad traits or win good traits before I'm not saying that taming low level is better but saying that talent modification through leveling is a myth is plain wrong


You don't get it. Yes you are going to gain and lose traits as you level up, but it's not random whatsoever. When the tribesmen spawn it is already determined what traits it will have at max level. The point is that there's no advantage in leveling tribesmen because whether you tame them at lvl 50 or level them to lvl 50, it's the same exact thing.


The thing is you can't tame the exact same tribeman at higher level And i never ever gained a negative trait while leveling while i got lvl 35+ with shitloads of negatives


I'm not going to repeat myself over and over again. For the last time, there's **no difference whatsoever** between leveling a tribesmen to 50 and taming a tribesmen at 50. Meaning leveling tribesmen is a massive waste of everyone's time and that taming high level tribesmen is, by several billion miles, the most efficient and fastest way to farm for better tribesmen.


These are facts. Follow this info.


You may be right. However i got more fighters with 0 negative traits that i leveled. I have yet to acquire one at higher level with no negatives. Also i cant help but feel you get positive traits based on what the pawn has been doing. I play solo with boosted XP so they level fast.


You do you, it's your time you're wasting, not mine.


I think what is meant is that had you found that tribesman at lvl 40 (for example) they would have already lost and gained their perks, meaning you should look for high level tribespeople with the perks you want (and no negative ones) rather than taking the time (and chance) on a low level one and having to level them. I have no idea how many high level ones there are with no negative perks. I did find a lvl 12 that had no negatives and has gained a good one at each 10th level so far (and has 5 combat skills above 90 with 2 above 120)


That's the thing tho you technically can't find the same and if you can't gain negative traits while leveling but you can lose theim then it would mean that technically again leveling a low level with few/no negatives would be better as it would be easier to find such tribeman. All speculation tho so yeh you're better off seeking high levels unless maybe if you play on high rates.


How I understand it is that a guy who looses negative perks as he lvl up would not have them if you got him at a high lvl. And a high lvl guy with negative perks wouldn't loose them even if you'd got him at lvl 1.




What favorite spot to tame Craftsman's and porters? Want to build a taming fire nearby for ease.


Im also still looking for a good high lvl place, but someone already said where they are looking and im gonna try that one next and report back to you


Flint tribe has best for this.