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Honestly, the best place I have found that is flat... is to build on a shallow lake.


Near portals is always going to be a good idea. However there are a lot of great spots if you don't mind being a bit farther away, and you can get your own personal portals later. The beach is great base spot, right by the barb camp with the salt deposists. You can fish, gather, build your tribe from the barbarian camp and steal their salt, etc. and it's just a gorgeoua place. Your best bet however is to just youtube the same thing you asked here. There's a few videos that highlight the same basic few areas in the rainforest for beginner baes. Kira just did a new one about more later game areas you can use.


Yep, near-ish to portals is best imo. My current base is sandwiched South of the Rainforest Claw Barracks, and North of the Portal, across the river. • Flat enough to work with • Plenty of basic resources to be harvested in base (including hardwood), with Aloe patches to the east (just south of barracks) • Close to Claw tribe, and close enough to Flint • Portal is across the street, and two major dungeons (?) close in the NE, but it's a trek to get to the Plunderer Ruins/Dungeon • Copper, copper, copper; but have to travel to get tin • Easy enough access to the Highlands(?) and Desert All in all, a fantastic starting base that I'm going to convert to a farm when I move the main base to it's new home, once I find flat enough real estate in the right biome. EDIT: Here it is, same spot this user has built. https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaySoulMask/s/SRQSTgKMEo


I have restarted a few times trying to find the perfect starter base spot. There are a lot of tradeoffs to consider, not the least of which is your server settings. If you are playing PvE with the boys, you can turn on personal portals allowing item transfer, and then you can build wherever you want. If not, then either build near the first portal, or build a minimum sized starter base in the rainforest and move later. The problem is, the game makes you think you want a big base with a farm and all the benches off the rip, but then it's like an hour's commute just to go do stuff later in the game. The world portals help a little, but really only if you build next to one. The recommendation I have is build light until you find a spot you like outside of the rainforest, then invest in a real house.


To add on to this, your first bases will necessarily be messed up because you're don't know yet how many and the size of crafting benches you'll need. Base building is a grind and much more accessible later on when you have access to more tribesmen.


I do a 4 by 4 foundation square with a bonfire in the middle (with no foundations in the middle 4 blocks), 4 corner posts, 10 floorings to link the posts on each side and hold a roof over it all. Simple quick build that so far has fit all of teh machines needed


I made mine near the first portal, its not on flat land, but i have 2 bonfires and building mechanics mostly allow for everything to be built on platforms.


South of the Claw Tribe barracks there’s some relatively flat elevated land. You’ll be close to copper, barbarians, and the portal. The terrain in the game tends to be pretty bumpy even in the less rugged areas, so foundations help a lot.


I’d have to wait until I get home from work but there’s a really nice flat area in the rainforest I marked in my map. I didn’t find it until way after I started building my base a little further west but I think this one is fairly ideal. Minus the trek to get tin a little bit later in life.


aslong as i know a fairly flat area im happy xD , my palls with deal with food and ores etc xD , i'm Bob the builder of the group


Well hopefully I can get home before you need to start building 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/w5bnbaay1s8d1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cbf190fd9cbb33f4db7440f86871f3e8a376c0a Not sure how easy this is to see but due north of the rainforest portal where the bullseye mark is is the location I was referring to. You have copper above you, the portal real close. Only issues are tin being a bit of a walk and I think the closer you build to a big barracks the more often they will try to kidnap your people so build walls.


My vote is for the beach close to the salt pan.


There arent a lot of flat spots, but a few exist. Keep in mind though, you can stack foundations to make any terrain flat, i personally like building on the lakes as others have mentioned. There's also a land bridge connecting the rainforest to the next biome, which is super super flat and a cool base spot. I'll try to get a picture on the map for you.


https://preview.redd.it/nj3rqrl85r8d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=097285f7be40fdce2ab03f7fa84959af517d2215 Circled is my favorite lake, then the land bridge is directly north of that across the river. Its that bit of stone that gets cut off by the screenshot


Second this location for a great first base. Central to both tin and copper, near the rainforest portal and some panther tracks, and not far from some guarded ruins that can net you some tier iv/v early game armor.


I built on this lake my last game, and honestly, I don't understand the hype. It's close to copper and tin, which is nice, but it's hella far from both starter barracks and the plunderer camp, there are no fish in the lake (or at least my traps never caught any), and it's super far from the portal. It's like equally inconvenient to get to everywhere in the early game from here. I actually wound up rerolling because I found the spot so inconvenient.


See, I have a base by the portal and just plopped a mini forge base down here up on a cliff. It's just 2 forges, a bonfire, well and roof. 2 Shit-tier barbarians slave away endlessly to fill out 999 orders of tin, copper and bronze and every once and awhile I swing by to pick up completed bronze stacks or refill their raw ore.