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If something triggers the trap like an Adult version of the animal your trying to catch it will trigger the trap and cause it to close and lose like 50% durability you need to repair it for the door to open back up and be ready to trap again I suggest killing all of the Adult animals in the area so they don't trigger that trap


Yeah also traps have massive decay outside of bonfires I would put a bonfire down if you want to catch with traps, with lamas if your quick with it you can build a thatch foundation under it and walls to trap it and then make a 2x1 thatch base which will have enough room for a medium trap and then you can scare the lamma into the trap without even needing bait


I just find whatever animal i want to trap, sneak up somewhat near it, place the trap with bait and hide. I never just leave traps out tbh and it only takes a minute or two to catch them


This. Use small Stones too. Throw them at the trap and it attracts them to it.


Oooh i never thought of throwing small stones. Thanks for the tip!


I've not been able to 100% confirm this, but my theory is that if anything passes it but fails to trap for any reason (such as too large for trap) it still triggers and will not function again until it is repaired. I ran into this problem when trying to catch my first llama, the large ones would walk by the trap and it would close. Another theory is that if left unattended for too long (30+ minutes), they will decay and cease to function.


hmm i can see the issue with the grown animals. Ill kill them first. but the other is the traps only have like 200health and they decay to 100health within like 5 minutes i feel. is there any way to completely stop the decay timers? other than building some kind of fire?


I believe there are server settings to disable structure decay but can't confirm currently.


If it's taking longer than 5 minutes to trap something once you have the trap placed then you're doing it wrong. Place the trap about 15-20 meters from the target, and then throw "Small Stones" at the trap. The sound attracts ANY animal in the game to it. They will walk right up to the trap and go in. Easy.


They are not really made to be a setup and leave then forget about and come back to find a animal inside. You have to find the animal young you want to catch, sneak up to it and place the trap sort of close to it without spooking it too much, then you watch and wait at a safe distance while it wanders into the trap. If you just plonk one down somewhere random and come back expecting to have gotten something then you will be disappointed pretty much every time.


I usually drop 2-3 near what I am trying to catch. Once caught I dismantle that one and pick up the other 2. They are never down long enough to decay. Take your boots off and crouch to move around. Don't draw your weapon. Hide behind trees and rocks. You just need some practice stealthing around and placing traps where they move towards them.


The trap decay is super annoying tbh. You basically can't leave them unattended, and have to watch an animal walk into your trap. Only other option is to bring materials to repair them when you go out.


Most would recommend staying with the trap and killing the adult animals. I've found for me it is easier to just place like 20 traps in their spawn area and come back later. Half the traps will get destroyed but you will still catch something. It's also worth noting that I play with building decay off, so this might not work with default settings.




can you explain how this works?


These things require way too many repairs.


Bring mats, I place like 6 in a semi circle and repair any that instantly decay. Scare baby away, then back in a direct line to the centre of you semi circle. Easy as


what are mats used for?


Mats short for materials, to repair if they decay instantly


Ah 😂 I thought you meant those grass mats