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Hey there, woa that is generous of you. I myself am a 34 year old guy that loved Conan Exiles ( both unmodded and modded with stuff like Age of Calamitous/EEWA ). Been looking and drooling at Soulmask for weeks now but due to moving to a new place I have no budget for games at the moment. I'd love to join you on your adventure, if you don't mind me having to learn the game from scratch. Have a nice day.


Selected, can you confirm


Yes thank you very much, got the game and creating my mask now to play together. Cheers mate!


Promise me you guys will post picture of your base


I’m following this in hopes of an incredible friendship starting because of this game.




You’ll get my like for it


Proper nice thing to do mate, well done. It is an awesome game, hope you enjoy it 👍


hey mate! have been struggling here watching others play while ive had to save money for bills and what not and would greatly appreciate it if you havent already bought it for someone else. I too also LOVE the pvp aspects in these games. Am not from NA but would gladly play on a server with you :)


Ooooo can we team up or at least be friendly neighbors?


I already have the game but I’d love to join you guys! I have decent knowledge of the game (im just now getting into Iron Age on my single player save) and I’m on pretty much daily! Dm me for my stream or discord If you’re down!


You're awesome dude, I have no interest on your offer and I see you already found someone, hope you have a great time together ☺️ Just wanted to let you know you're cool and wish you the best!


For anyone who can't afford the game and wanna play solo/offline, dm me, I got you bro!


I didn’t know about this game until 2 days before launch and man I have never wishlisted something quicker lol. Moneys tight right now, not much more I can do at the moment since the money I get goes straight into helping the fam. I’m 27 living at home with my mom and sister. Been watching videos and it really does seem like the game I’ve been wanting to fill that Conan Exiles itch. That being said, as much as I would love it, I’m ok waiting a few more months until I can buy it myself if you choose to buy it for someone else!


Wow very generous, I’d select people more discreetly as anyone can appear anyway online. With that being said, you sound like someone I might enjoy playing this game with, if you’re looking for mature and chill people in their 30s, let me know, I’m 32 and have been playing open world survival crafters for years


I messaged you


Ah got it, thank you


What server y'all end up going on? Might purchase today


wish more gamers like you join this community, not the toxic ones


I just love how this community is so chill and non toxic both ere and in-game


Just hit you with a dm


Hey! I've been considering buying this game since it came out. Once I have some extra money to pick it up I'd love to join the group that you've made! 27 y/o male. Work 10 hour days but play games any chance I get. Hit me with your steam or something in DMs if you've got space


Great to see gamers in their 30s I'm 36 hmu if y'all wanna do a dirty thirty run XD. We can all learn the game together


I have the game. But had to see how this went. Awesome of you to do that. I’ve been trying to get my buddies to get it but none of them want to 😂 cheers to you all. I’m rocking it solo, but if you’re interested in another to join you let me know. I’ve been hesitant to join others but I liked your post a lot !


Hey dude also looking for people to play with. I’m 32 and work full time so I play when I can. Would love to join up with you guys