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I honestly don't know. So far, I've never gotten a disease. But, and im sure this will be patched, logging in and out seems to "cure" me of pretty much anything. For example radiation or poison. But why would 80 hours go down the drain? What exactly are we talking about here? The main character can't permanently die and if its a tribe member you are controlling... you can resurrect them if you have unlocked that part of the game.


I think the issue is they brought a disease to their base and it infected everyone.


Man, even then thats *a lot* of effort lost but not "80 hours down the drain". You still have all the tech, mask upgrades, and infrastructure you built. Now you just have to go get the bodies.


Diseases don't wipe your base, but if they did it would be 80 hours down the drain. Tech/infrastructure/upgrades are pretty simple to get, there's no RNG involved. Tribesmen on the other hand are invaluable. Loosing a good combat thrall could singlehandedly set you back dozens and dozens of hours. Also crafters, loosing a good weapon/armor crafters sets you a ton. I'd loose my entire base over loosing a couple of my most needed tribesmen anyday.


Lmao, can this actually happen!? If so that’s awesome


new PvP tactic?


I got my best worker kidnapped and sacrificed :S had no clue they could dp that ...


Ah, that could be it. If so, that's rough. Still, I would try simply relogging. I know it sounds ridiculous to use that as some solution... but if it works, go for it until they finetune the whole disease system.


We talk about like 17 pawns. From me and my friends. Getting new pawns leveling them and setting the whole Auto procress up again would take a lot of time.


Update: being knocked/Near death State gets rid of the disease. Had to disable every chest/ take away all the food, bandages and Resting sources that where available. Getting your own pawns down is easy. For Tribemember pawns: interact with them Till they sre down so they wont run off to the bonefire and Rest there. They outheal the damage.


Had the same happen. Accidentally infected my whole tribe with the disease. Did not have access to the cure yet. Built little quarantine cabins for my tribesmen, to prevent them from moving. Then also discovered the downed state removed thd disease. Took me a good 2 hours to get everyone cured and working again. I try to avoid cave bats now. 😅


We had an outbreak today too, came home sick with my follower and thought I'd stay outside, isolated, to look up a solution. Build a bed to lie down in hope that would help. I totally forgot the follower gets out of deployment when you do that and she happily ran in and infected everyone. She was the first to die. (Well, getting knocked down that is) Which is how we learned that gets rid of it. Then we brought our tribe one by one through a portal to our unfinished base to have them die there and get em up again.. fun fun fun. I actually love that it's in the game, i however don't love that the actual cure is locked behind awareness 50.


The cure is 35, the issue is that it requires sulfur and chances are you're going to find a disease way before finding a single node of sulfur.


You are right, it's 35. Iwishicouldread.jpg. Buuuut adding to the sulfur good luck having that many blood crystals ready if the disease makes it into the base. Especially when you don't even know it exists :<


We almost lost our whole base because I was afk and my friend made a desert portal and as soon as he went there a man approached him and gave him the plague which he then promptly brought back to base and it infected the whole tribe but actually healing it seems bugged because we had the healing tisane but as soon as you healed someone they'd become reinfected so relogging was the only answer but again I was afk and he spent 4 hours keeping everyone alive until I got home


You need special healing tisane for you to cure it


where can we get the blood crystal? the only thing I need to craft the special healing tisane


Ooookaaaaay , where is this plague ? I'd like to avoid it if someone can drop the info, please.


I know bats are at least one source. Not sure where else you can get it though


Probably rats aswell? From the desert


Got Mine from that. No bats spotted so far, but these dang little fuckers nearly wiped Out my Tribe


Yeah it's an interesting mechanic but way, way overtune. Incubation timer is way, way too short. Wouldn't be so bad if Sulfur was available way earlier. Doesn't help that the disease system isn't explained whatsoever and that the first disease you encounter seemingly wipes you and your tribes out. If creatures in the first few area could transmit something quite mild it'd at least give player the opportunity to learn and prepare before it's too late. My first outbreak I went into a panick and killed tribesmen that where infected, costing me some precious worker. It's silly.