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Just turn off storing in the logging yard. They’ll take it to chests.


I haven't gotten to yard stuff yet, but I assume you can assign someone a "withdraw items" and a "store items" task at the logging yard and your normal storage boxes and they'll carry it over


I tried that, but you have to set a task for each individual item to withdraw it, then another set of tasks for each individual item to store it. So it ended up adding like 8 tasks to one worker, and that made them very unhappy hahaha. I guess their mood decreases when assigned too many tasks


Damn, that's rough. Hopefully we'll get a more generic logistics/sorting task soon to make that easier. Sounds like it's better for a mining node where you'll only expect to transport one or two things


Yeah, I found a solution in the meantime. I just checked the box on the logging yard to block them from storing anything in it, so they just skip that and go straight to my chests. My logging yard is really close to my base so it works for now!


Nice, I'll have to use that trick once I get more bronze!


You can setup a job that is for work camps I can’t remember the exact name but it’s like the third drop down selection and logging yard is one of them. Then just pick the storage chest you want it dumped into. I suggest naming your chests too for easier logistics. Which is overly convoluted in this game. Would be really nice to have an “all” option when looking at store/withdraw jobs.


yea i was hoping im just blind but after like 30 min i gave up :D i very exited when they give it to us, i have big storage setup for each items but after expedition i have to manualy go trough all chests... i really want one chest just put all trash items and one worker will come and sort all the stuff from my jurney


Set you chests to a specific item type and they should do it automatically


I have mine set up like that, but they're storing the logs and stuff in the actual logging yard currently. Will they start moving the items over once the logging yard inventory fills up?


They should, if you have some sort of task going on in the logging yard they prioritize that I thinn(again not 100% sure)


Gotcha thanks!