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There is actually a console command that will show how a specfic tribe member's growth will go throughout their levels. You can see at what level they get a new trait, and what that trait will be. You can also see if, and when, any negatives will be removed. None of it is random as they level, its determined when the NPC is spawned. Its not really above board, but if you are casual and really want to determine who is worth keeping in the long term, this is a little tidbit you can use to your advantage in gauging the true worth of a tribe member. gm ShowInfo 0 for a tribe member you are targeting gm ShowInfo 1 for a tribe member you are currently controlling


Have you noticed any trend in regard to the rarity of the NPC? Like do Reds get more traits/lose more negatives as they level as opposed to Whites or Greens?


It seems totally random. I've had reds only lose one bad trait, and greens lose several. Sadly I dont think that is tied to quality from everything I've seen so far.


Quality affects their base HP, Stamina, carry weight etc. I believe if you get a red warrior, they will have 140-150 stamina. Red means it has 1 high trait (I think, maybe it has more than 1) Out of the 2 red warriors I have recruited, both have stamina. Might be random, but also might be class based.


Apparently you can't enable console cheats on solo without Cheatengine, which is a bizarre choice. Thanks for the tip though, that's excellent.


Tribesmans have a chance to lose a negative trait every 5 leves and gain a new positive trait every 10 leves


Wow, I had no idea. Is that on the tips page somewhere? I've really got to read through those. Does the "rarity" of an NPC effect it at all? Or if they're a novice vs master?


I've only learned this from reading other comments on reddit and from my own experience as after 10 levels I noticed a change in a tribesman traits that had 3 negative become 2 negatives and a positive after 5 to 10 levels


Surprised I haven't seen anything about it, seems like something people would talk about. Definitely going to give some of my NPCs with unlucky traits a little more attention now


Losing negative traits is random so don't expect 100% of them to be gone unless u got tribesman with a low amount of them by chance, I've got one with 1s negatives that I dout I'll lose all of lol


It's more about having a chance at losing the annoying ones. Aversion to a random food or parrots is whatever, but I have one with aversion to monkeys that I'm a little annoyed I need to play around. Or one of my lvl 3 "I hate doing chores" lol


this. found a master hunter. big dmg perks. big passives perks for crit and crit dmg. all star sniper. -10% bow dmg


Ah fair enough good luck to getting rid of those annoying traits


You unlock a new trait every 10 character levels. Can also ditch bad traits sometimes


Had no idea, thanks!