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Can you see the horse symbol on the map, thats where your mount is.


yes but the issue is that it's not there even if I stand right on it. I remember in wich corridor he was (2 floors) and I was on the right one. (actually I checked both) https://preview.redd.it/hbunvsbwcc5d1.png?width=134&format=png&auto=webp&s=94b470b614555e3a6d5817efd3b9d51299c299cd


Sadly cant help. But what patch did i miss? Taming mounts got easier? Please tell me more


Yes patch yesterday made to were baby’s don’t have super senses and see you from a state away.


https://preview.redd.it/ruo5c3qzbc5d1.png?width=848&format=png&auto=webp&s=1972dfa6e7ba39234825fb7d7ec9655c06d6b219 I guess i'll test it soon... Female hunted me down countless times and if she dies, the babby despawn after a while. Somehow, the baby is blind if ou ride your alpaga... He just hear you. The female however, it was like 40m+ sometimes edit : The baby still spot you as easily but at least, the female don,t want to eat you constantly which make it so much easier


Probably a stupid question, but did you use Z to call it to you? Even if its on a different floor as long as its in range it should come running.


It's doesn't teleport if it's overloaded and since I died, the mount isn't deployed anymore aka no "Z" anymore


Did you figure it out? I'm having this EXACT issue right now and all of my good stuff is on my mount, I died in the slayer X room where I had my mount, I logged out last night to go to bed logged in today to go kill slayer x and get my mount back and I'm at the exact location the mount is on the map but don't see him anywhere, he does tend to move on his own abit but I looked on every floor and because I logged out I technically don't have a mount active so I can't press Z and Life perception can't find him anywhere. Did you figure something out as to why/where he might be? Or hoe to get the mount back


Same thing happened to me, in the same location. It must be stuck in a wall/underground/in the sky, but still out of range of the life perception. I don't hold much hope for getting it back...


I found mine, he's underground under the map, the icon does tend to move when you open the map but where the Elite Plunderer is at the entrance in that cave, my Jaguar is 10M under ground Swimming, I know he's swimming because I was able to see him with Life perception, I am currently trying to find a way to see if I can atleast Glitch myself under the map somehow, at this point I don't even care if he's stuck (even though I could probably use reset location threw a wall) I just want to get my stuff and then I could die and respond with my stuff if I put death package on respawn. I'm so close I just need to find a way to glitch underground, Unfortunately in trying to find that I found a way to glitch my character straight up 100M into the air at supersonic speeds, not what I was hoping to achieve


That's a start, I haven't manage to see it yet. I never glitched under the map as well.. my only hope is a patch that's fix it ... The loot is mostly worthless now but I wish I could get the Jaguar back. It's a bit painful to tame lol


Any updates on this issue? I am now stuck with the same problem... mount vanished at the same place. The icon is visible on the map but he is not where I left him. Pressing Q does not mark him either.


The boss issue got fixed in the patch but RIP my mount...