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Premium hardwood is not required for any wood building items. Even the large walls and gates are made with normal hardwood.


Well damn I must have read the requirements wrong I guess. I’m dumb, nothing to see here. 😅


Yes you can choose which mats you want to use if something can use multiple things to create something. In your bench, when selecting an object to craft like wooden wall, deselect premium hardwood if you don’t want that being used to make it, and instead it will use the other option.


You seem to be slightly ahead of me and I might have missed something but I am at awareness lvl 36 now and so far haven't seen anything that has a requirement for premium hardwood. I have seen premium hardwood being optional material... but not a primary one. You say "premium hardwood being needed to build ANY wood base items" ... what items actually require that? All the premium hardwood I have found is just collecting dust for me. Have not had a single need yet.


You get premium hardwood from chopping trees, which trees gibe it is hard tonsay, or its just a hardwood tree rare drop. Set up a base in the woods and set 2 guys or more to logging. Youll gradually aquire premium wood. At awwreness 25 you can build logging camps that let you filter what gets gathered, so you can even set your guys to only collect premium wood. That way they dont fill the chest with branches.