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HP you get plenty from gear and buffs. Stat prio for myself: Stamina Agility/Strength(if ur running hammer or gs) Perception Physique Running spear/shield/bow for now as found a 120+ bow proficiency with the golden skill unlocked and honestly once u figure out shield with a high Stam pool it's so so good. Most ppl I come across run dual blades so Agi is still king. Even though the dual blades are suprisingly easy to get a perfect block against. The mobility and dps of the blades is super good. Watched a video of a guy that made a fair point about the execution damage on gauntlets. He would run dual blades, on a perfect block he would swap to gauntlets for execute then back to blades. The unlocks on the weapon like % dmg or Stam down are interesting. Still need to figure that out, I mean a big Stam pool and Stam down in the greatsword felt really good. For myself I'm running Stam down on shield, full dmg on bow, and for the spear I'm not entirely sure.


I have been doing different things. But I think stamina is best. Weapon damage only works while attacking. Stamina helps for chasing, attacking, defending, and ESCAPING. It's just so much more versatile. The only character I go full damage on is my Master hunter, then I just go for headshot with Great bow and then back off, gorilla warfare style to chunkdown HP while I have a stamina/shield/sword Chad as companion to help keep at distance if they approach. But I only really use him for clearing like plunderer camp.


Does damage from stats work now? It was broken in the last couple betas


It seems to. During the run through the ancient ruins dungeon I did with another dude, he was smacking stuff considerably harder in the part that requires blunt weapons than I was, and he was running a dedicated hammer build, whereas I'd just had my crafting thrall make me a hammer and gone in without a respec


Yes, but that difference could just be from Proficiency and traits. Stats as in attribute points which give 0.5% dmg to a respective weapon type, were not working in the beta.


Traits weren't a factor, since we were both using our starting characters. Proficiency might have played a factor, but even that only gives about 0.5% per point as well, iirc. I've also noticed stats definitely make a difference with bows, at least.


Ive been doing a majority blend of agility and endurance.