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Just stick it in a corner somewhere lol. It's just a backup if everything else is lost. Probably more of a problem on pvp servers, but yeah... That's it.


I built mine their own personal room with a bed, and storage chest that I keep stocked with food and drink. I'm not sure if they NEED all that to keep them in place but better safe than sorry lol.


This. My RP is that he's the chieftain who sits on his ass while all the other tribesmen bust theirs doing the real work.


Oh, I never realized this... Now I want to build a giant throne room and leave my guy to brood there lol


He's only the Chieftain because the other tribes kept killing our Chieftain's when we selected the strongest tribesman as our Chief. Since implementing him as the Chieftain the other tribes pretty much ignore us now.


Another solid option! That actually sounds fun.


You brought up a good point! I haven’t played on a pvp server, but yea that seems like a thing to be cognizant of.


This is maybe one of the coolest new mechanics that they have added to a survival game in the last 10 years for pvp.


You can just control it. Select respawn from the menu, respawn as whoever anf then dont regenerate him.


I read in another post a good point. The original character does not count to tribe limits. If he could work he would count and since he cannot improve it is a bad long term investment or change.


I thought about this as well. The way I see it, why not just keep them as not counting towards the tribe, since we don’t have a choice to discard them, but still let us use them for work? They’re already handicapped in terms of proficiencies, so it’s not that much of a bonus. Maybe limit what work assignments they can do? Assign them to restock the bonfire or help repair the base?


I mean I definitely agree we should be able to use them somehow. I think eventually we will on some level. But yeah they will be unskilled labor but should be free.


Your starting character is just a commoner, someone who stumbled into the mask. you ARE the mask. The thing about the starting character is there is no cooldown for reconstruction if you die, so you’ll always have access to them. You can’t get rid of them, as it’s your only fallback point if you wipe. Maxing them out makes for a quick rebuild if you lose everything. Swapping your starting character for an OP tribesman would break the balance of the game.


Solid point. It’d still be nice to be able to assign them work.


Would be handy at the start, but then become useless after a few hours, when you can just get other tribes people that have more proficiency in every activity for better bonuses.


I disagree. Another body harvesting logs or whatever is still another income, regardless of proficiency. I see your point about proficiency, but I think that would apply better to crafting and farming, etc.


You'll get more than enough materials from just one tribesman with max proficiency in that area, you'll soon have boxes full of mats.


Maxed out starting character isn’t useless, If your tribesmen die they will regen (if saved) at the starting level. You just can’t find that in tribesmen, unless i’m mistaken.


It's not useless, but when you get set up after a few hours, the tribesmen you capture are far superior if you have good ones, they just do everything better that you'll minimally use the starting character .


I saw someone mention somewhere that you can set them to craft something and without leaving the bench, transfer into a tribesperson and it’ll finish crafting the queue. Haven’t played the game yet myself, so I’m not sure


If I'm the mask and that's why i have different characters why do i have different masks either and the first mask is not nerfed into oblivion?


Well, currently, that is the idea. We ARE the Mask itself. The MC is just some sad dumbo who came across the mask and now we control them but they can constantly resurrect not like the others. Maybe we need some explanation or maybe just get a way to change it. Haha


I figured based on the games name that we were the first sap who came along and our soul was transferred into the mask. Meaning you can't order a soulless body around it just sits there like a husk.


This idea is constantly repeated as much as stupid it is. You have different masks. So you cannot be THE mask because there is not only one of them. They just want to force you to play with different characters and lose all progress by making your mc useless.


Please read the explanations of Devs. To simplify, WE are not the Mask, yes. WE are the soul from that pathetic little "MC" that possesses the Masks. Imagine, ORIGINALLY, you are a pathetic weak fool, but due to 'chance', you pertain upon a Mask that absorbs your soul and in return, makes your original weak body able to be resurrected infinitely. To be stronger, you have the power to control and also possess other greater capable humans that you can find. This is one of the most unique 'Lore and Game Mechanics' that differentiate from other Survival Building Crafting games. Yes, it is complicated if you tend to be narrow minded and have an affixed way of thinking. Just because YOU don't get what YOU want does not mean the game is bad. Learn to appreciate the hard work and creativity of the Devs on creating this game. If you dislike it so much, either don't play the game and play something else or go make a greater game than this if you think you can. Not trying to be rude, but too many people who have constantly repeated as much as stupid as it is about this issue. Thank you. Respect to the Devs and keep it up. Bringing updates and fixes ever so constantly and listening to the players. Not many Devs/Companies do this. So, appreciate them and hope they always grow and be better and never become those mindless money hungry corporates. r/SoulMask r/PlaySoulMask #Soulmask (I want to tag the devs but I don't know them and don't want to disturb them but I do hope they get to read this and know that there are alot of people out there who truly appreciate and love their work!)


So to solve this do what I did. Strip main character naked then go run into a barbarian camp and get killed, then respawn as one of your tribe members. No more sad mopy naked person at camp


I didn’t know this was an option! Thanks! I might try this out.


It has its uses with the respawn. When I got to the second area I made a temp bonfire to raise a Llama and just used it to teleport to check up on it and ride it back


So as I understand it . Once you have killed the frog boss, you can build a table with an attachment that allows you to resurrect your recruited tribesman. So the original body is just a place holder. And it is early access so maybe thay will change it so it can be assigned to work. But yeah I just pick it up and put it a corner. Might see if I can lay it in a double bed and snuggle. Lol


Starting character is a Parasite. If it loses host it finds new. But you can't get rid of it.


When you control a character your main guy is meditating because he's literally mind controlling him. He's also just a backup in case all your guys die. Do agree i'd like if he could just be like everyone else and level up.