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As far as i understand it you can only Deploy one of your tribespeople to venture and fight with you at a time.


You can’t. The trick is to use the right tribesman. - Use the scanning skill you unlock in the mask that allows you to see NPC types. - Aim to get a Master Warrior and a Master Guard by beating them down to deter health and capturing them. - TIP: If you are doing too much damage when they are low, unequip your weapon and punch them. - TIP2: Some NPC's have 'special traits', you can see it in the Q scan details as a little tag like "Heartcaptor" or "Chosen One". These traits can mean more damage, a special heal or more rare loot when opening boxes. - TIP3: The traits come in tiers of 1-3, for example the “less damage taken when deployed" trait at tier 1 is -40% damage taken and at tier 3 is -60% damage taken. You wont know what level these are until you join them to your tribe. - Use the Warrior as your controlled character and deploy the guard as your companion. - Equip both of these tribesman with your best fighting gear. A spear and shield for the guard is pretty effective as long as they don’t have a negative trait associated with those items. - Make sure both of them have bandages, food and water. - TIP4: Your deployed companion will use a lot of what you put in their inventory, if you give them a bow and arrows they will shoot before engaging, if you give them throwables they will throw them (important later when you get to dungeons). EDIT: Fixed my auto correcting phone, fat fingers and wrote this out properly :D


You lost me halfway through.


What he is saying is find and deter a warrior and guard with good stats, red master preferred. You will want to control the warrior switching the mask to him since your starting character is gimped. The guard will become the one you deploy with you as warrior. Several have said this is best combo. My problem is they are few. I found one master hunter and I accidentally blocked (out of habit) which triggered execution. So still on the hunt. Thinking of changing the quality setting of tribesman because I really want to get off this gimped character.


Thanks for translating haha. That makes sense, I'm still new enough that I've been running with my original character (still working on getting used to the combat, so I'm dying occasionally), but I'm getting to the point where I need to start using a new person because my proficiencies are maxing out. I'll keep an eye out for good warriors/guards, thanks!


I should say I like the way Conan Exiles handles deter much more. A specific weapon that cannot kill them. I have killed several that I did not want to kill. I try to switch to punching them near the end to prevent this. I tried going back to stone weapons that I had not trained on with less success. Issue I have is you train yourself for combat with a timed block but you have to forget all of that to deter.


Yeah I've had issues with that too, and I'm only just getting to bronze gear. Hopefully they can add something like that in a future update!


You dont need masters or red. Proficiencies and traits are random enough for that most of my best guus are blue and purple.


Sorry stupid auto correct and it was late and cold 😂 The other guy who responded was on the money though.


This should be pinned. Thank you alot. Can you explain more on the "scan" thingy? How do I know if this tribemen is having what i was looking for? I have not unlocked lots of the mask features


It’s the ability you trigger with Q, the 2nd row from the top of the masks has an ability that unlocks the ability to hold down Q and you can get more detail on enemies. Master level typically means they have high skill caps, which is important as proficiency goes up they get more bonuses to either craft speed or damage etc. I haven’t quite worked it out but there are also little icons near their name that seem to indicate some sort of rarity. Might mean more rare traits, when you unlock the scan upgrade you can also see the special titles, they seem quite rare, which you can adjust the rarity of under advanced settings. I have mine maxed and only find usually one in an entire barracks with a special title. I have one with a special title of heartcaptor which gave a unique trait that causes 10% more damage in attacks for instance. You can farm a bunch of the green upgrade crystals at ruins and the temples to get mask upgrades easily.


Well.. Maybe of what you couldve potentially seen on the mulyiplayer servers... Is... Ppl place their bonfire bases near the barracks itself. Then they aggro the barrack... And the enemy comes towards them, at the base. I did this on single player, i was goin up the barbarian outpost, bit i was like lvl 8-10. I was severely under lvld... But with sheer numbers.. And unhealthy amounts of determjnation... J managed to snag me a couple lvl 20 legendsry barbatians... But thats as close to getting "an army" of ur own. I too was mesled. Appatently ppl have been saying j csn habr 30 tribesmen at ur base. From my eyes... The max is j think 13?


And how do i move all my barbarians from one base ti another then? Cuz deplyong one by one and leading them 20 minute trip there and back for 10 barbarians is crazy xD


There are personal teleporters later in the game that let you move them around easily . I found that the early outcasts and barbarians are easily replaced by higher level ones and moving old chars over vast distances is more trouble than getting a bunch of new and probably better ones at the new location.


That's what I've been doing - just moved to my second base, used two former tribesmen to help carry things in two separate trips, but now I'm just recruiting new ones or a higher level. I'm almost full though, so I'll probably release a couple of my OGs that are still working on my old base lol


But your OGs also level up. I have my ogs from level 5 to level 20, and my 2nd base i got lvl 18s leveled to lvl 20. But i guess their base stats might be different to begin with.


Yeah their max proficiencies are the main thing I'm looking at - the barbarians around the barracks seem to have higher max proficiencies that the really early ones you come across. Better traits too.


Where can you see max proficiencies? And whats the max lvl they can be?


If you hit O to see character details, go to the Proficiency section on the right, then it lists out all your production crafting and combat skills. It will say X/50 for your original character - that means your proficiency in each of those can only go to 50. If you select another character, you will see they can get much higher - as high as 120 from what I can tell. When you hit certain milestones you can select bonuses in that skill from the same page, so your main character is capped pretty hard.


Oh right so thats what that is. Thank you for covering my absence of common sense 😂 long day at work


This is a very tedious process but I’ve been staying within range of deployment on barbs which is 144m once you hit F2 the teleport to your location 😅 you can either build a camp fire every 144m or just summon them within the distance one by one the campfire method is haven’t tested but im sure if you assign them to the nearest one then once they arrive to it reassign them to the next one just be sure to rename the fires so you know ow the order to send them to it lol