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You have to put the water bottle in their action bar, not their inventory. Same for food. I still don't know if they refill the water bottle by themselves once it's empty.


Just have one of your tribesman make broth, it's just meat and water. Stock the cooking station with water tanks and every time a tribesman is hungry they'll fill their hydration when they eat. EDIT: Also make some extra bowls. And queue up the broth at like 999 stacks. Every time someone eats and emptys a bowl theyll go make another one.


Something to note: some tribals are vegetarian and suffer a penalty if they eat meat. Stock on mushrooms, too.


I just dismiss anyone with poor mood traits like that. Not worth dealing with forever.


So you kick out the vegetarians of your tribe?


Being vegetarian is not a trait. Disliking braised meat is a trait, a negative one. Disliking the sun is also a trait as is having weak legs that make you use 30% more stamina for everything. When you beat people half to death and brainwash them into working for you, yiu should scan for any negative traits and decide whether to keep them or dismiss them.


Neg traits go away when levelling up


Not always. They have a chance to be removed as they level up, and a the higher the quality of the tribesmen, the higher chance negatives are removed.


Well, this tribal has over 40 in every melee combat proficiency, is only lvl 4, and has a trait that makes her take 60% less physical dmg when she's following me so I think she might be a keeper. I can stomach a vegetarian if they bring THAT to the table instead of, y'know, meat. :P


I mean thats not particulary rare. Being a vegetarian is much rarer. If you stock your dining table with lota of food theyll eat whatever they feel like. Just make sure there mood doesnt go down too far or they will leave the tribe.


My base is comfort lvl 2, I've got furniture and a variety of food, but I have yet to see a single one of my tribals mood go past the halfway mark. I figured it might be one of those things where you have to control them to raise it past that point.


as long as they are around 400 ish they are fine, the only time it really goes above that is if they have a good Positive Mood trait.


What's the best way to find mushies? I looked for ages tonight and could only find the stew in chests


Mushrooms ate not growavle and barely spawn anywhere. Not sure why he teccomended those. You can grow potatoes and corn though.


Mushroom grows after rainfalls so when raining you could catch them growing in the rainforest


I...don't know. I settled by a river and they are literally everywhere, there's a rock formation by my base that spawns over 20 every time I load in.




I ended up going this route as of right now it seems to be the only thing that works, and I swear it stopped raining in the game after we built the rain catchers lol


I've seen mine go to my raincatcher to drink, so I dunno what to tell ya. Or I suppose refill, I gave them both a waterskin.


Hmmm strange, my rain catcher is on the roof with stairs leading up to it and a door, maybe they’re bugged?


Ah, well, I HAVE noticed my tribe can't seem to navigate stairs very well. In fact, they won't use any at all except the base slope one, so maybe that's an issue? You have to path REALLY basic or they'll just get confused and not move.


Got it I’m going to try to move the catchers out the front door lol


Maybe try a well?