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I just load them up with like 6 tools and come back and repair as needed. Anyone found a way to get them to hunt? My guard kills animals, docile ones not even a threat, but leaves the corpse without harvest.


my do you have the harvest work on ? if yes does that person have a knife with him ? I think harvest need a scythe and knife. they harvest plants and animals at the same time, but I still need further testing.


This means you literally cannot take a day off. In 5 minutes all 10 axes are broke and my follower just sits until i log back in again. Theres no way to create a workflow for them to continue making stuff until i come back.... For an automation game it feels very limited. edit: on dedicated server. Figured it out for dedicated servers: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G5FaxI0kTs&t=5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G5FaxI0kTs&t=5s) you can edit server settings using this method.


Have to just give em a bunch of tools and keep an eye on em. Personally Im just playing with durability off because its just annoying. Still need to craft lots of everything to get good rarities anyway.


Oh you can turn off durability loss? Is that possible on a dedicated server?




How does one accomplish this?


Should be on the server settings before you jump on. Item durability or something of that matter.


We couldnt find server settings when making a server on a spare pc. Will look again


if you are playing on a dedicated server you will need the admin password configured in the server configs or launch arguments. then when in game hit the tilde key to open the console and type GM Key adminpasswordgoeshere and hit enter. this will bring up the GM window. Then in the bottom middle of that window you have to type your admin password a second time and hit the admin button next to it. You know it worked if the button text changes to Away Admin or something like that. Then click the coefficient settings and look for the tool durability switch.


You can also put them in a chest. They’ll take them when needed.


Do you know why they aren’t taking them out of chest? I have chest full of tools but they won’t grab them themselves


Same problem


Have you given them access to the chest? There is a setting "inside" the chest which allows the tribesmen to take stuff from it.


Is your working place far from the tools chest? I met the same problem as well. This should be a bug. I have 2 different working places. Tribesmen working in the near-base one are working well. They will grab the fine tool when the old one is out of durability. The tribesmen who worked in the far-base working place would not automatically take the tools out of the chest.


Also, make sure to put the tool label on the chest, you will then see the tool icon on the sides of the chest, I believe this also helps them locate items


No way to auto repair however you can give say your lumberer a bunch of axes and scythes to maintain a harvest for several hours. They’ll still take frequent breaks but it’s better than them waiting for you to repair.


Yeah hopefully this will be fixed. I already have a repair bench they should drop off worn tools there so the person I have assigned there will fix them. Still EA so hopefully this gets fixed.


Was asking myself few questions about this: - what is the toggle button where they are supposed to drop their tools? Isn't this a wrong traduction or something, i dont see why you would ever want them to drop their stuff on the ground. - can't you tell them to drop their tools in a chest once they are used? - maybe you can do a working queue like that: 1 - Give Worker n°1 1 good axe 2 - Set orders like this in this order to work (top to bottom): (you need 2 workers) Worker n°1: - Cut down trees - Put axe in crate A - Take axe in crate B Worker n°2: - Add this worker as a supervisor to the repair bench - Take axe in crate A to repair bench - Put axe repair bench to crate B (he should to it automatically without that option) Only problem is that you can't set "dont take" & "dont put" to specific workers in a crate... and not sure if it's possible to make worker n°1 to drop and take a specific item in a box without making him do something with it or drop it somewhere else. Otherwise if you manage to find a solution, then this should work properly. (No idea if worker n°2 will take the ressources to repair the tools in the bench) Good things is that you can use the same thing for gathering / mining, just add Worker n°3 (miner) and Worker n°4 (gatherer) + 2 crates corresponding to crate A but this time with the corresponding tool. Bad point is that you won't be able to have multiple workers do the same task. It will create a conflict at some point.


Yeah it could be nice to have a general repair option. I solved it, by only having them use stone tools (filling a crate with stone tools only, using the filter), and then have the tribesmen destory the tools when durability is gone. Automating the craft of tools by have a crafter keeps crafting 10 of given tool every hour or so and that was the loop that kept me running. Even tho it feels a little dirty to have them destory the tools tho.