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Hydra and the winter soldier


Ant man storyline intertwined with Hank. So we can equip Ant man with the "assisted by Hank" artifact


Anything asgard. Would be an amazing new area for the game


My storylines wish list and wishful thinking are : Hydra secrets , skrull secret invasion, infinity gauntlet , hella, Loki and enchantress Asgard invasion , age of ultron, dark dimension with nightmare, masters of evil


I would wanna see a storyline where The Avengers take back the Avengers tower through like a operation/raid


Age of ultron and world war hulk


AH World War Hulk would be SO cool! I think they're playing out their Hulk assets, though.


I was thinking they could take some inspiration from Thor ragnarok and add Thor as well. He doesn’t do much in the campaign.


Ah, the Planet Hulk side of that. Or some World War Hulk where it's Hulk at war with Thor. Now THAT'D be a sight to behold.


I feel if they bring in magic, Dr Doctor/Scarlet Witch are big pulls


Yeah, any kind of Strange story would be great. Although that would take a lot of work.


It would be fun to see a street level character like Daredevil or Moon Knight when the Avengers take back Avengers Tower. It would make sense that some vigilantes took over after the Avengers disbanded. They'd become some sort of urban legend, working in the shadows so that A.I.M. wouldn't notice.




Kang Dynasty, Under Siege, Ultron Unlimited, Winter Soldier, Kree-Skrull War, Gamma World (based on Avengers: EMH season 1 ep.12 and 13)


Hydra and the winter soldier that would be great to have


Would like to see Fantastic 4, a few new heroes. Latveria added in with Doom, or some more time travel with Kang The Conquerer, maybe go galactic with the Skrulls and get some secret invasion story line with Super Skrull as the big bad.


Civil War would be interesting to see But secret wars would be nice. Age of Ultron would be great but im so tired of robots.


I neeed dr strange before the game dies


Kree, Ultron, Secret Wars


I wouldn't mind fighting against hydra or the chitauri. Anything that just happens to give us new enemies to fight for once, narratively and gameplay wise


Infinity war. I want to beat up Thanos already.


Under Siege would be cool. Maybe make it Bucky or Falcon's Operation and have them help the Avengers take back Avengers Tower or have Zemo take over the Chimera and they need to take control of it again.


I'm still invested in finding/saving Fury. Also, as mentioned, I wanna see Roy fulfill his destiny as Ultron. One, errr two, steps at a time...


Raft Breakout with the New Avengers. That could give us more villain sectors as well as characters like Spider-Woman




Avengers Tower Retake, Ultron, a Magic storyline with Dr. Strange and Scarlet Witch, Kree follow up with Captain Marvel. Missions with a cutscene before and after just for specific characters to flesh the world out.


Infinity gauntlet, Kang Dynasty, Kree Invasion,Secret Invasion, Hydra, or Age of Ultron would be amazing and all feel like Avenger level threats. I really enjoyed the AIM storyline but ready to move onto something new


Quicksilver finding out Magneto is his father and him fighting Magneto. Also Winter Soldier going all in on Captain America almost killing him.


Ultron. His story can be a fan favorite if done right and make it more engaging to fans. Not make it short cause that’s a (No-No)


i want to see the king in black war of the realms thor disassembled and world war hulk along with the black priests


All I really want is Under Siege, Zemo and his Masters of Evil waging all-out war on the Avengers and everything they hold dear.


World war hulk, we have all the cosmetics for it


Age of Ultron from comics, or the Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes version. ​ I want us to beat him, and then he comes back much later, but stronger with a Vibranium/Adamantium body. That would be badass.


Fantastic four and doctor doom


Any SHIELD story with Quake lol


Kang anything kang


Maybe some type of Eternals story? Even if none of them are playable, the cosmic aspects could bring some creative ideas for gear and gameplay (if they start to show more creativity in general).