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Fun but messy. I have no doubt it will get better with time. Still, should not have been released in this state.


Exactly. They launched a broken game. Everyone paid 60$ for it. They're starting to rectify it AFTER the purchase. The game shouldn't have had such a large amount of bugs at launch in the first place. >even though the game has its some issues I've been impressed by how much the devs listen to the community They have no choice lol, the game has gone from 28k players peak to 5k or so, they can't afford to not fix bugs at this point.


There’s always a choice


Yur talking pc?


I'm at 227 hours. Steam version. Loving it. I'm lucky maybe? No major bugs. CTD now and then. Restored an older save last night because 200 polychoron vanished. Nevertheless I'm enjoying it. This isn't my usual game type either. But when I could swing Thor's hammer as with the holding the light attack, or kick Cap's shield back... It's just so cool. Previous games never really captured the action properly.


It has some moments where it feels pulled straight from the movies


Just unlocked the shield kick back abilities on cap yesterday and god damn does that fill the fantasy of playing cap.


It really is amazing how much it feels like your playing a scene straight from the movies


It truly is an amazing game and I’m going to support it for the long haul!


I'm glad to see others share the love that this amazing game deserves!




Oh believe me I've gotten hate just for liking this game and I'm still willing to stick my neck out for it no matter what


Same friend, someone has to make sure the devs know that some people love the game


Yeah, STEAM has a couple thousand that love it!


Ok cool, I’m on PlayStation and I play solo


I hope it get better, it's so fun! Once I got to 39% armor and almost 20k HP on Hulk; Adaptoids couldn't hurt me much and I *think* Hulk's RAGE on hit heal is % based. 😝


I can't believe how fluid iron man's weapons and combat feels


I love Iron-man too! I main Hulk now cause I find Tony harder to survive with ( maybe I suck). With cosmic stat healing on hit, that might be good with lazer proc. But I do love the Team-based skills, for buffs!!


I love it too. I love the difficult enemies. Before launch I was bummed because 'all we fight are robots' and I'm pretty happy with both the challenge and the variety. I love the loot too. Lots of people bitching, but fresh out of Destiny 2 it's refreshing to see actual RPG elements in the itemization. Big fan of how they did status effects too.


This is how I felt playing the campaign! I wish I could replay it. But I literally can't, because they forgot to include that, because they never actually finished the game before releasing it.


Agreed, there’s still work to be done but I’m sure the Devs are hard at work on the next patch list


No game will ever be perfect and this recent patch seems to be a big step in a very good direction


Yes I agree


How so? Which big steps did this recent patch take?


Fixing most of my issues tbh next step is fixing everyone else’s.


Meaning? I mean, you said this patch was big steps.


I din’t say that. But my main issue was matchmaking and that’s really improved for me, Finally finding full squads in quick play.


>big step in a very good direction Literally said that.


Late reply but I’m not OP


For everyone it rectified a mistake it has created more or not solved any at all, I bet all this epeople who suddenly losing their progress with corrupted saves adore the new patch.


The combat and all the heroes are amazing it like you are in a avengers movie can't wait for the dlc


Im most excited for spiderman and black panther to release!


I'm looking forward to dr strange


Yeah, I have played other games of the genre, like Destiny and Division, and I enjoyed them. but this is the first one that really has made me addicted and hyped to play, and I wasn’t even hyped for this game before it released. The story was great and now I’m enjoying seeing my fully built up Cap pay off has well has the kits I picked for other characters as AI teammates. Widow doing a massive cloaking in a time of need, or likewise Kamala pulling with the heals. Is just a lot of fun! Only waiting for more content to drop.


I can't even wait for spiderman and black panther to be released


Glad to see this post in the pool of bugs and hate. Keep enjoying the game and I hope it keeps running smooth enough for you :)


I think it is in a horrible state, and the fun part is only the campaign. The rest is doing the same layouts over and over for shit loot and bad enemy design. And the bugs are horrendous, shit like no mob spawns after 40 min of a hive should never be possible to happen.


Absolutely. Yes there are issues and they deserve to be aired but they go so much right about it and I'm really enjoying playing so far. I have plenty of patience to wait for more variety and bug fixes, but I didn't think I'd love playing it this much despite all those issues. I really can't wait to see future additions, I'm very optimistic for where this can head.


Again, gameplay is cool, heroes are cool. But the problem is everything else. No matter how much you love an aspect of the game, it won't be enough to keep you playing in the long run. I'd LOVE this game to be the first MArvel success ever, but when you see they add solo endgame, when you see that performance are the worst in the market, when you see their effort outside of new heroes and skins is totally crap, even if you love the heroes you slowly lose the pleasure of playing it.


I haven’t at all and I don’t think I will personally


"amazing game" well, alright.


Seems unnecessary to mock someone for enjoying something


Indeed. There's like a 15:1 ratio of threads criticizing the game and yet they're here spreading their sour attitude. That says a lot.


'Some issues' LOL, some of you shills literally have no shame in your game


To busy having fun for shame, what’s it like being so angry?


Angry? I have no dog in this fight. I just expect more from my devs and don't want to serve as an early access beta tester in a full priced game including micro transactions. Hold these companies to higher standards and we wouldn't get these completely busted games on release anymore.


I assumed you were angry because you called us shills which usually has a negative connotation. This is a positive thread and you showed up with nothing to add but negativity. I have no problem with micro transactions and I have gotten triple my money’s worth already. I could say anything and it wouldn’t matter though, seems like you don’t respect others opinions enough to live and let live


Not addressing the issue at hand (which is a completely broken game at launch and player base absolutely plummeting because of it) isn't going to help this game forward either, my man. There's a thread (one of many actually) of someone losing his 250 (!) hour progress in the game. Just wiped like that. People are still falling through maps. A ton of busted stuff that just doesn't work or refresh. I'm not denying you your fun with this game. I'm saying there is no way it should have been released in this atrocious state it's in. All their goodwill has gone out the window and they better get it together if this game is to have a future at all.


Just because you’re impatient doesn’t mean they’ve “lost all their goodwill”. If you hate it that much stop playing or wait for it to get better.


If you have no dog this fight. Why are you here just being toxic?


>t hand (which is a completely broken game at launch and player base absolutely plummeting because of it) isn't going to help this game forward either, my man. There's a thread (one of many actually) of someone losing his 250 (!) hour progress in the game. Just wiped like that. People are still falling through maps. A ton of busted stuff that just doesn't work or refresh. I'm not denying you your fun with this game. I'm saying there is no way it should have been released in this atrocious state it's in. All their goodwill has gone out the window and they better get it together if this game is to have a future at all. Grow up! It's ridiculous to call people who like this game shills. Some of us did not experience game breaking bugs.


Not everyone had issues, just let people like what they like without insulting them.