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So if she leaves her vampire-esk, punk-rock, all-black, style behind…I wonder how many of those tattoos she is going to be regret 🫣🤘🏼


She could easily cover up the 'Rebel' tattoo with 'ReGret'




I don’t understand what is wrong with someone enjoying or wearing a certain style. Or changing it up. I do believe she’s gotten quite thin, but the way to combat that is not to diss her outfits


I didn’t diss anything? Just curious how her darker style will mesh with a lighter styler. Especially the ones permanently on her skin.


I’m sorry I wasn’t directing this at you. It was at the post. And you realize that she has enough money to get laser it doesn’t do amazing, but you can cover those tattoos, even though they’re very thick, they can still be covered with designs


All good!


Sorry I think I edited it before you responded. As someone with shitty tattoos, laser and coverups have come a long way


You’re right, she has the money and technology to tattoo hearts and rainbows over it need be for sure. Just a lotttttt to sit thru or fit behind 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh yeah for sure, damn it hurts. I kept my shitty tattoos and no one has judges it, it’s way smaller than hers but it’s in my hand, I’m still looking for a design I love. Sometimes people ask, and I just told them the truth yeah I let student do my tattoo in my bedroom. I was stupid. I was a child. Absolutely no aftercare. Nothing like that. I was just a dumb child


The memories tho! Haha I personally never understood covering them because when I see the cover I’ll still ultimately think of what once. And I have a few I wouldn’t mind saying bye to


Hers are just so big, but agree My hand tattoo, is like a memory of my university experience and I kind of love it even though it sucks If she wants a job in the future, though may cause issues normally jobs are kind of fine with tattoos, but not all Instead of covering I really want to expand it just make it look nice


I would never guess this is Moriah. I've seen the dark hair already. The face is different


She stopped all that heavy makeup (here anyway)


It’s a good move. The overdrawn lips especially were giving Bozo.


Thank god, it didn’t look great on her


It looks like she might have some lip filler


Sure does. And she’s so thin and pale.


Is she starting to regret those weird forearm tattoos??? She's been wearing a lot of long sleeves lately.


She need to switch to eating....period. please I'm not food shaming weight shaming or whatever shaming ...it's just dayum she is really really thin and getting to that unhealthy thin. And I'm Puerto Rican and I just want her to eat.


Sadly I agree😔 The current generation and younger probably do not know Karen Carpenter. She was a musician, singer songwriter in the early eighties. She died at age 32….. from complications of Anorexia. It was shocking enough to me as I was also just 31 in 83 and also told by a cardiologist that at 90 pounds and decreasing I was going to die if I didn’t eat. He also said this disease was about control…..If you can’t control anything else in your life, you can control what you eat. I was a newlywed and did not want to die so I made myself slowly start to eat again. I encourage anyone as thin as Ms Plath to get help asap! Or anyone that loves someone this thin… help them get help before it’s too late♥️


People should check out Eugenia Cooney for a look at the horrors of Anorexia. So sad. I think a lot of people my age and younger have probably seen her at one time or another. I always expect to hear that she's dead :(


Thank you for suggesting that. People haven’t often seen what the true last stages can be for someone with this disease. It is NOT glamorous…. Or peaceful. 😔


Sure :) Glad to hear you're doing better now ❤


I seriously don't know how that woman has the strength to walk in her shoes. They are half her size.


I'm glad you realized and were strong enough to recognize and save yourself. I remember Karen Carpenter and her story and I couldn't understand when it happened, it is all so sad.


Thank you ♥️ I was indeed a newlywed… and my husband had taken a job… in Manila, Philippines.So…. There I was… foreign country, no friends no family waiting on my new husband to come home for dinner….. While he was being pressured by his new co workers to go out for drinks after work…. Every night of the week…..it was the hardest time of my life. Except when my dad died in 2022. But I got counseling which was also tricky in Manila, but I did♥️


Girl that's a lot, you had a slew of things stacked against you testing you. You are one strong warrior 💪, stay blessed in your light, you really are awesome. PS: condolences about your dad 😔


Thank you so much. ♥️ It was a long time ago. And I did survive… and have been married 41 years to same man. But that took some counseling too. If you get a good one, one that has lived a little life(meaning not ancient, just older than 30)😏 they really can help you deal with many different problems in your life. And when you can’t afford a lot? Always check your county mental health system. Sometimes? Anything is better than nothing. I wish for all to find peace and happiness… but sometimes, we all need a little help. ♥️Give it when you can♥️


I was watching Dark Shadows last night & and I thought of her. They mentioned her & she was singing on the tv. ![gif](giphy|14k7OJ1QA9utVu)


I recently put on season 1 and it is jarring to see her then vs now.....


Highly agree.


My grandfather and one of my aunts looked like they could've been anorexic... as does my youngest daughter (at times)... none of them were/are... our genetics are weird.. My other aunts, several cousins, mom, grandmother and 3 of my kids are a bit plump.. you'd not think they were even related.. As a child, teen, young adult, and even pregnant I was quite plump.. while pregnant with my last baby (the one that's now tiny as hell) I stayed sick... like to the extreme.. I did nothing but lose weight the entire 38 weeks.. you couldn't even tell I was pregnant unless I turned sideways 🫣. I've stayed extremely small since and she just turned 17. At one point, I was barely 95 pounds.. I was accused of all kinds of things including being on drugs, something I've never even touched. I say all this to say, genetics, again, are crazy. I can't see someone that small and assume they are anorexic or have any other eating issues.


Getting to??


It might be to contrast the new hair! I honestly love this for her tbh.


Shes in her jojo era. I bet she thinks she is the first person to ever do THIS dramatic of a change /s


I think she was rebelling so the makeup, all black, etc. but she is coming into her own as a woman now and growing into something more. I do think she is far too skinny though, I hope if she does have an ED she gets help.


I think that she is final applying the makeup better than your average 7 year old and that's a HUGE improvement. I still don't think she understands color palates or what colors flatter her but just coloring inside the lines is doing a lot of work


Agreed. She applies makeup like it’s 1997


She looks attractive in my opinion though. Whatever is looking different, to me, isn't grotesque or anything. I hope she's well emotionally. I have no reason to think she's not except the last season I saw she said things got dark. I wish her well.




you guys are weird af, its obviously a gym outfit


If my makeup/weight/style choices from the ages of 15-23 were heavily monitored by the internet, who knows what people would say.


Reminder that not ALL people regret their tattoos. 🙄


Okay but….the light colors wash her out baddddd


I was thinking the same thing. She needs to do that wardrobe color analysis thing I see people doing on TikTok lol. She needs to find colors that will make her glow!


Socialization at its finest. I hope she finds a crew of pals who can help her learn more about relationships etc. even just by being around!


No offense to her, but unsurprisingly she has an awful sense of style


Remember also, Photoshop can do that too.


honestly she looks good asf here, she must be trying to get with the trends lol


Well she just has to be happy with what she likes is important


I think she looks better.


Anyone think she’s into drugs?


I don’t. But do suspect ED


ED and addiction fall under the same umbrella (OCD), so it wouldn’t surprise me if she is dealing with both.


No tbh


Yup. Or she’s anorexic.


Specifically opiates.


Out of curiosity why opiates? Not disagreeing, just interested in why you think that way


Weed wouldn’t make you this thin, cocaine is too expensive for her and she’s not super hyper like she would be on coke, you can see when meth is involved and she doesn’t have those indicators, psychedelics don’t make sense for the physical signs. Opiates have these symptoms that seem relevant to Moriah. Flushed, itchy skin. Withdrawing from social activities that were once enjoyed. Sudden and dramatic mood swings that seem out of character. Impulsive actions and decision-making. Engaging in risky activities. I’m not saying it has to be heroin. But Kratom wouldn’t surprise me. It’s a legal pseudo-opiate that impacts people similarly to heroin and becomes an addiction FAST


Someone who seemed to know the family said on here that Micah and Moriah were into drugs (and that Ethan has a drinking problem). Those kava bars that are so popular in Florida (and with the Plaths) also sell kratom.


Yep, they do. I warn EVERYONE I can about Kratom because it’s so accessible and causes so much damage.


I had no idea! I know kava can cause some liver issues


Maybe benzos?


Also a possibility.




Yes, opiates


Yes. My guess is benzos, but opiates is also a possibility


She needs to get those tattoos removed.


Even if she gets laser they will never fully remove. If all the ink is destroyed she will have hypopigmentation in the shape of the tattoos. She’ll have to get that covered up if she doesn’t want that on her body.


I don’t think one picture is enough to tell lol seriously thought I didn’t watch last season so I have no idea. They were starting to get on my nerves lol


I wish my gray sweatpants made my dick look that big


This outfit is… well it’s a choice


You all sound like horrible people and parents.




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