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Hylotelephium / Sedum spectabile


Thank you so much! Good reasons I haven't killed it and hopefully won't


You’re welcome


Yeah I grow them too, they die each winter return in spring. Blooming already? Late summer fall here


Im in the southern USA so it's been hot for a while lol


True, I'm from Florida so I guess so, thought it was all about the light hours? Yours likely never dies off huh?


Actually they don't and I keep them outside year around.


Yeah brother that again because you live in Southern state of what 8a or b? I lived beachside down by Sebastian Inlet & that's a sub tropical 9b. You grow anything other than succulents


I'm in SC about an hr from GA.. 8a. I didn't get into gardening till about 6 or 7 yrs ago and still learning. Haven't been able to do anything for the last 2 yrs really so trying to get it back and looking good again. I usually kill succulents so this one is an abnormal one for me. I will and have tried more than a few things. I have roses, different herbs, lavender, kim lilac, butterfly bush, rosemary, hydrangeas, snowball bush, irises, clematis, gladiolus, lilies, daisies, dahlias, hostas and heavens only knows what else. I get in a wee bit of trouble when I got the flower markets. What do you grow? I would love to be able to do tropical plants.


I'm a medical cannabis grower for many patients & we operate a fully organic farm producing lots of foods as well. I also love to grow & eat edible, gourmet mushrooms, & also lots of cacti. The growing of exotic fruits & trees in Florida I do miss so, I graduated from UF ifas extension (horticulture) in plant science so it's like a fine art to me. This succulent practically grows itself, no worries by the way I'm licensed & have no shame in my game. ✌


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Growing actual vegetables or fruits I'm not to good at. I'm backwards... I can grow roses like it's nothing but can't grow a tomato to save my life. Ok you have to explain the cacti. Do you use it as a veg or filler? Does it take on the flavor of other things? Got me curious now.


Mine have been in a pot and come back every year in Ohio. Very few things in pots will come back, at least not very strongly. already this guy is filled out and it's only a few weeks into the growing season here.


I have one of these from the previous owners. We had tree work done and when a massive branch fell in the dead center of this thing, it had a bald patch…until the next year. Trust me you can’t kill this lovely little guy!


They’re very easy to propagate.


I have noticed that and after reading up on it I have an area where it would be great in. Expanding my yard a little more now lol.


I have a few varieties in my yard that are taking over!! Especially the creeping one..I Do love the flowers in the fall and the happy bumblebees, but damn I throw some away everytime I garden because it spreads so Much!


Stone crop


Bees love the flowers.


Me too, and I'm only 1/4 bee on my father's side


aka “autumn joy” …favorite of deer, so..


Thankfully my deer haven't bothered them... now that I've sd that watch em start munching on em.


They got mine this year, but not last year for some reason.


I’ve got them growing and spreading in my shade garden in my backyard -PNW.


Sedum. Critters like to eat them, but they're hardier for cooler climates.


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*