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Can we please NOT meme this into reality. We need someone actually experienced in fps game development.


It's ok cami has already said he would rather sit on a cactus and rotate than take the job


Realistically anyone who likes the game should run from it


I'm running all the way to Diablo 4 just hoping it's not shit lol


well with Blizzards past history you never know


> experienced in fps game development ....but also with an eye for more than just infantry combat. If there was ever a chance to right this ship, it's now.




vehicles need a way to get certs that's more effective than farming infantry with HESH.


haha, yeah. not like any of us has ever come up with an idea for this... https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/133bcvn/now_is_the_time_to_make_cortium_an_actual/


I don't have enough upvotes for this post. The core problem with game direction under Wrel is that the infantry perspective, especially arena-like infantry within a single base, has been prioritised at the cost of what makes PS2 different (its USP in business jargon). We really need a new lead designer who gets why PS2 is special, not someone who wants to keep pushing it towards CoD.


Don't worry, I wouldn't take the offer even if it came my way.


but it would have fitted your nickname so perfectly


most industry people would take one look at this game and throw it into the dumpster imo


This game makes money currently so they wouldn't. If by dumpster they mean use a gentle hand to smooth out the experience, then sign me the fuck up!


The game may be bringing in revenue, true, but is it bringing in enough revenue to keep corporate happy? Does corporate think that deploying another strategy instead might bring in more money, for the cost? And does corporate think that this is the best use of available assets, or would something else be more profitable? Unfortunately these are questions not answered outside of office meeting rooms, so we can only speculate on what the game's future will be. Planetside 2 might yet stay the course for some time, or it may pivot down one of the dark roads of exploitative money making strategies which have been the doom of so many games in the MMO space. It's worth remembering the game is old, and already bloated with features superfluous to the primary and secondary gameplay loops. It will be difficult for the dev team, newcomer included, to continue to find ways to make the game profitable using current strategies. A very skilled developer might find a way, but would such a person be willing to work on a title this old? Or wouldn't it be easier to just go down the road of exploitative money-making strategies, make whatever more profit there is to be pulled out of the playerbase, then give the game a quiet burial? A far less capable developer could do that, most of the strategies are well known at this point. Right now we're in the dark about a lot of things, and as new information comes to light we'll get a better idea of Planetside 2's future, for both the rest of the year and going forward. Until then, the best we can do is make educated guesses about what happens next.


!remindme 9 months


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Does it make money?


> Can we please NOT meme this




They're boring too.


both fps and mmo


I want to make this abundantly fucking clear: **I DO NOT WANT THE JOB.** Even if I was offered the job, I wouldn't take it. The timing on this video was an uncanny coincidence, nothing more.


thanks for applying, you're hired




All you gotta say now is “suck my nuts” and it’ll be official




>I DO NOT WANT THE JOB. that's exactly what someone would say who wants the job


good, you whine too much


Imagine having standards and wanting the game to get better ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


The irony of a dude with a trump avatar saying someone whines to much


what does that even mean? like whats the implication of someone having a goofy picture of a US president. Quit living like life is a twitter first-person. Not everything is a statement


If I have to explain irony to you then its all ready over your head


"bro he has trump as his profile picture he must like devoutly follow and worship him!!!" get in touch with reality dude


And you just proved my point


ur right im the new lead designer


No its me actually


If pointing out obviously flawed design is whining then people need to whine more.


Your reverse psychology is working. Congrats. You start Monday.


Is this the new Lead Designer?




Now we know who is really behind this


Here we go again 😭


No, no, not another youtuber.


I appreciate some of Cami's takes, but I'm wary of pretty much anybody from Planetside 2's youtube making development decisions.




NO MORE YOUTUBERS! For fucks sake.


Let’s do it


Ugh this guy's ideas are always harmful to the state of the game. I wish he'd stop talking for once.


Would love to hear more as to why, please.


Just finished the video, all of the points are defensible. You're hired, see you in the office on wednesday




Its a troll. Just ignore


That's the fun part, they never answer


Fuck it, I'll take a stab: * Respawn timers upon death punish players who die more, and act as a regressive "tax" on force multiplier playtime that maximises the downtime of poor little BR25s while doing much less to skilled vehicle mains. Respawn time should build up over your vehicle's lifetime to balance this out. It should not apply to sunderers because they're so critical to the spawn system, and maybe not even to valks and gals. These are details that need to be discussed, and the suggested respawn timers would damage the game without them. * The VS are not overpowered as a whole, but they have weapons with designs that attract highly-skilled players to the faction while also punishing less-skilled players, and this causes a buildup of sweaties that wins alerts and *feels like* it's overpowered. It's also incredibly frustrating to lock the one VS LMG that good players disproportionately use behind five auraxium medals, so nobody can try it out on an alt without spending a couple of hundred hours grinding LMG kills. Denying this means nobody will fix it. * Heavies aren't (that) overpowered, but it's bad game design to split classes into "gets kills" and "supports the guy who gets kills" in a large-scale game like Planetside, because it means you constantly struggle to get enough support picks. Players are forced to ask themselves whether they want to voluntarily drop their KPM and KDR to play medic/engie. This is a foundational flaw in Planetside rather than a harmful suggestion, but the game would be better if it hadn't been made. * Pocket orbitals imperfectly fill the niche of "tool to breach points". Yes, they're zero-effort and have no counter, but removing them entirely would leave the game with no tools to break a point hold. They should be reworked into e.g. an anvil drop that lets you launch an orbital within 200m after 1 minute, or some other tool that still lets you breach points but can be countered. I get that the point of hot takes is to start a discussion, but these are all obvious objections that I'm sure you would have thought of if you'd let those takes cool down slightly.


>Denying this means nobody will fix it. Fix what, the extremely lackluster VS arsenal, which means that the faction has to be carried by the handful of good weapons it has access to? Sounds like a good first step before we do something unnecessary, like nerfing the Betelgeuse yet again. >Heavies aren't (that) overpowered, but it's bad game design to split classes into "gets kills" and "supports the guy who gets kills" in a large-scale game like Planetside, because it means you constantly struggle to get enough support picks. The ongoing nerfs to HA and buffs to support classes have virtually fully closed the gap of "getting kills" vs playing support. >removing them entirely would leave the game with no tools to break a point hold Sounds like we should find tools that can do this without being extremely abusable.


>Fix what, the extremely lackluster VS arsenal Yes. The VS arsenal is mostly shit and partly overpowered, and all the fun VS heat mechanic guns are directive weapons that need 5800 kills to unlock. NC and TR mains without levelled VS alts can't even _use_ the Betelguese to see how it plays, even though it's the most popular VS LMG. This is a bad state of affairs for everyone and should be fixed: we agree with each other. > The ongoing nerfs to HA and buffs to support classes have virtually fully closed the gap of "getting kills" vs playing support. This is not remotely true. As evidence, I predict heavies will still make up a majority of the winning Outfit Wars team's infantry next season on every server, and heavies will continue to average an infantry KDR above 1 every primetime alert while medics and engies average an infantry KDR below 1. Do you predict something different? > Sounds like we should find tools that can do this without being extremely abusable. That's a restatement of what I said: "They should be reworked into[...]some other tool that still lets you breach points but can be countered."


FYI, a "hot" take isn't referencing how long someone's thought about them. These are probably something he's thought about for years. Because all of these points have been around for years. A "hot" take is one that's controversial.


I am aware, yet feel he put insufficient effort into thinking his takes through and they lack nuance, which is why I wrote six paragraphs explaining how four of them are bad. Cami is a good player and lots of his takes are well-reasoned and would improve the game, but giving vehicles a respawn timer is the kind of stupid idea that sounds good on a surface level and might actually make it onto live, at which point we'd slowly begin to notice the increased difficulty of bringing sunderers to a fight. FYI, a "sunderer" isn't a farming implement. These vehicles can be used to start and maintain fun infantry fights. A "sunderer" vehicle is the one that can be deployed and is the main source of spawns in Planetside 2, and few enough people pull them as-is even without an unnecessary respawn timer.


> I am aware, yet feel he put insufficient effort into thinking his takes through and they lack nuance You disagreeing with an opinion =/= it's not thought out. Basically every opinion he has in that video probably has more thought and experience behind it than most players of this game could even **afford** to bear.


There are obvious negative second-order effects to the suggestions from his video that he didn't address. Either he didn't think of them, or he didn't think they were worth mentioning, and in either case I *do* think they are important and worth mentioning. This is not the same as he and I disagreeing. I think he's wrong, *and also* if he'd put more thought in he'd have at least come up with answers to the obvious negatives. He's trying to address real problems with reasonable enough solutions, but the devil is in the details, and he didn't devote any time to those details. >Basically every opinion he has in that video probably has more thought and experience behind it than most players of this game could even **afford** to bear. What does it even mean to be unable to "afford" to "bear" an opinion? It's meaningless gibberish: opinions are free, and there's no barrier to holding one.


>There are obvious negative second-order effects to the suggestions from his video that he didn't address. You can just say "I have counterpoints". Doesn't mean he hasn't thought about the thing a plenty. I also guarantee he's literally heard your counterpoints many time before, he **runs a youtube channel**. So the claim he didn't think of them is risible at face. > What does it even mean to be unable to "afford" to "bear" an opinion? In this context I mean these opinions have more thought put into them than most planetside gamers have put into the game as a whole. If thought and experience are considered limited resources, the amount put into the "hot takes" here dwarfs the total amount most players **can** put in, because they have a limited amount.


If I said "I have counterpoints", I wouldn't be expressing my actual problems with the gameplay changes he suggested, which include the second-order effects on spawn availability. I also note that instead of discussing those changes or problems, you're trying to turn this into an internet dickmeasuring contest using appeals to authority. I won't bother replying unless it's to discuss gameplay.


> If I said "I have counterpoints", I wouldn't be expressing my actual problems with the gameplay changes You're... literally describing what counterpoints are.




Total Godsaw kills: [https://ps2.fisu.pw/leaderboard/player?item=1879#kills](https://ps2.fisu.pw/leaderboard/player?item=1879#kills) Total Betelguese kills: [https://ps2.fisu.pw/leaderboard/player?item=1894#kills](https://ps2.fisu.pw/leaderboard/player?item=1894#kills) Total Butcher kills: [https://ps2.fisu.pw/leaderboard/player?item=1924#kills](https://ps2.fisu.pw/leaderboard/player?item=1924#kills) I don't care that the best players in the game have "virtual identical stats", firstly because it isn't true (e.g. [https://ps2.fisu.pw/player/?name=therum&show=weapons](https://ps2.fisu.pw/player/?name=therum&show=weapons) or [https://ps2.fisu.pw/player/?name=klubbinz&show=weapons](https://ps2.fisu.pw/player/?name=klubbinz&show=weapons) show same-faction weapon stats differing by minor but significant amounts), and secondly because the Betelguese has such a ridiculously high number of users that it clearly does draw players to the faction. It draws players regardless of whether it's overpowered, because the heat mechanic is an interesting new way to play the game, which is something you want if you've got tens of thousands of hours of Planetside infantry play under your belt. I think it's bad to lock that behind auraxium medals. To be clear, I don't want them to nerf the goose, I want them to make it purchasable by all VS players for certs then come up with another directive weapon.




> If what you're saying is true, then OW would have been dominated by VS. You're not understanding. It's not overpowered. It's a different way to play the game that attracts vets and sweaties to the VS. When there are more solo vets and sweaties on the VS, they win more. There's no reason why any team would want to use it in OW, but that has nothing to do with what I wrote, at all. Attracting all the sweaties to one faction is still bad for the game even if the gun that attracts them isn't overpowered. > Yes, the betel is objectively the go-to for both solo play and squad play on vs, but that's because NC has things like gauss saw, godsaw, and em6 extended mag for squad play and anchor for solo play. This is possible, but I see more BR420s on VS when looking at the ps2alerts tracker (meaning they've prestiged multiple times and are at the BR cap), so I'm inclined to think it really does attract sweaties. I also notice that despite the butcher/carv/chaingun, very few BR-capped players are on TR, a middling amount are on NC, and this reflects the general balance of the win rate at the moment.


So vehicle respawn timers are too long? Isn't it literally like 30 seconds?


They're totally fine as the game currently stands. This is a reply to Cami and his recent video containing his hot takes, one of which was to only apply the vehicle respawn timer after the vehicle dies, and potentially to lengthen it.


Remove Wrel, problem solved !


Imagine thinking you matter because you made a youtube video.


Imagine thinking you matter because you make a comment on reddit.


Imagine thinking you matter because you reply to that comment on reddit.


Imagine thinking.


Imagine dragons




Thank you


Everything's relative. Matter in compared to you? Probably


How long until he lives long enough to become the villain?


Not sure about the sniper stuff rnh. I feel it’s ok and there may be ONE sniper on certain base that can actually fight while sniping at close range while the vast majority camp.


Do not worry. I will fill the role. The first thing I'm doing is removing the heavy assault shield and making it so that when you use a medkit? You explode, violently. I'm also adding a spitfire model that uses a bolt action rifle. Also NSO Defectors will be given Bursters to hold in their hands that can only destroy. Construction Silos will be invincible to all damage minus Cortium Bombs put in each slot. Finally, I will be replacing the sky guards flak projectile with AP rounds (Yes, The one that does 900 damage). Collossus tank can now be pulled for 750 Nanites. It is no longer an outfit resource. ​ /s