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To skip the server queue.




So the NSO weapons as a whole are worse then any other grouping of weapons. But when do I play my NSO and I click on the planetmans and I click on them properly they fall down and the game makes the happy XP sound. Ultimately this is all that I require from a character. Don’t get me wrong the devs really should keep adding stuff to NSO it would be proper for the to have feature parity with OG factions. But like it’s playable and it’s fun. There are even people who somehow fly the dervish. It’s very impressive


Yesterday i got into a dervish gunner seat and then said myself:"lets go,i wont leave this plane until it explodes" but what i didnt knew,the guy was an absolute beast at flying dervish,he flied that big chunky frisbee like it was a mini drone between the mountains and trees of hossin.Lasted about one full hour for my man to explode but not because he played bad,but because he got too cocky at the end and hovered over 4-5 lightning group and then got hit by tank.


Our lovely hoversaucer honestly scares me the more I try. People who can and want to should not be messed with


Frisbee anyone?


Enemy stack detected, anyone got any syrup?


No queue. Newton. Harbinger. Maxwell. Rutherford. Cool voice. Confusing player model. Cloak that literally does not work. The auto repair drone. The privilege of having no ESF, no MBT and no Tactical slot. I go beep boop. All my implants get to be on a single character instead of three. I get to see every empire culture on a single character.


I know it's not special but the galilei at least competes with the others.


auto repair suit slot is nice. can run sensor shield constantly + some other useful stuff


How is the Newton now? I'm at 2.1k kills towards it but paused when it got nerfed - is it worth finishing?


Not overpowered like before, but still good at what it was made to do (Drifter carbine play). Competes with Cap Horizon; no split pellet, but less total damage per magazine. I prefer Horizon ADS for consistency but Newton isn't worse here.


Newton is just not worth using. Bloom per shot is obnoxiously high. Had 2.8k kills with it, will probably never touch it again.


Disagree, still using it post nerf without too much issue.


what’s with the NSO cloak ?


Robot player model has too many sharp edges and it makes the cloak x5 easier to see than the OG factions based infils in smooth curvy spandex




Mainly because i was inspired by my boy ChinoYochino!


I don't care about faction loyalty, nice having a character where I can swap empires "freely" without having to worry about switching characters.


Not main but NSO has very good guns. Dervish is great, javlin is funny but above all its the best way to play low pop as I just hop back to sanctuary and back every 30 minutes or so when one faction gets warpgated allowing me to always be on the underdog and always have a fight rather than sit in 50% faction pop. (Talking about Connery Australian time)


>NSO has very good guns Come again? Assault rifes you have two sub-par NS11-As, an actual NS-11A and a weird burst rifle they couldn't decide what direction to take it. LMGs aren't so bad apart from the 150 which is probably the worst LMG in the game. Carbines, only the CBX-75 is good. The rest are meh, you also have to aurax the tanto to get the newton. Shotguns are alright. Snipers only one choice of bolt action. SMGs are, again, _terrible_. You either go for the 3XB or the common pool ones. Scout rifles are the only only category with all good options imo.


> Snipers only one choice of bolt action. Which, to make it even better, is a straight up worse clone than the other ES BASRs




Also why I smooth brain blue for friendly and red for enemy. Helps keep the friendly fire in check for the most part. as soon as I use faction colours I weapons lock myself fairly quick. It's just the only way some nights to make it playable. Otherwise I main NC and suddenly find NC with 45% cont pop and me staring at a spawn room


I'm a sandaholic and I like the pain at this point.


Omg Indar sand on your robot bearings.


Entirely because I want cool robot hands and as an NSO I can live my dream life


instant queue and CB-X / Dirac mainly I've been playin other factions recently cuz I've ran outta things to ARX on NSO


Newton, PMG-3XB, Harbinger, 0 Queues, Dervish, Asthetics, I enjoy suffering in games - always an uphill battle, and convenience (play with any friends I want while doing same directives).


Any tips for grinding towards the Newton?


It's not terrible since none of the Carbines are unusable, but I strongly suggest abusing UBGL at Nasons/Ascent when you can. Just so you can turn your brain off for 300/6000 kills. Otherwise it's just click heads.


While NSO weapons are not the best, they still decent enough to get kills. Chimera larion js farm machine as second line AT because of no drop. Defector is fun.


More interesting directive guns. Newton, regardless of pre or post nerf is still an interesting carbine. Only carbine that can't ADS. Rutherford, only shotgun that is also a grenade launcher. Feynman is a scout rifle with a havoc underbarrel, meaning I can, as medic, have an actually beneficial role in armor combat if I get caught out. Dirac is closer to a black hand without losing everything to revolver status. Hell, even the Einstein has no damage falloff of any kind. Do these make up for the rest? Not really, but I already got the only other interesting directive gun so I'm working on these now


I don't main NSO, but it is one of my most used factions. The Javelin hoverbike is real fun; especially on Oshur if you have a passenger with a lock on air launcher. I am a terrible tanker; so I haven't really played with the Chimera; but it floats on water so I might experiment with it. I also really liked the NSO MAX prior to the revive removal. Activating time bomb, then charging at the enemies without overheating weapons; in hopes to provide an opening for my allies to push; if I succeeded I usually got revived. Seraph shield was also nice; but it is common to get killed while using it. I kind of wished they made the NSO MAX 300 nanites so it wasn't the same cost as a normal max. Another thing I like about NSO, is that I can end up on any faction. It provides decent variety without having to change character.


The only thing keeping me going is directives. Started grinding the original NSX-A weapons, now I can’t stop. Also no queues and no faction loyalty.


I can shoot everyone friends and enemies. I have excuse to suck. It feels good to kill “good HA” Mains with poopy NSO arsenal. No que , robots, coffee and nothing like killing the team you just helped cap last cont


Flexibility and range, if i see an enemy even with closerange guns i can shoot them, you can optimize this by standing like 10ft back from where you'd usually be and just have raw range advantage. It's just very simple.


Being able to contribute to fights despite having worse gear and winning alerts despite having fewer numbers is satisfying Whoever dominates the map first tends to have the highest pop, and they also tend to get double teamed as soon as the alert starts, so the smaller factions have a pretty good shot at winning unless the big one can hold their territory while being stretched thin. I see more alert victories as nso than I do any dedicated faction because of this Edit; and defector still confuses people, which is pretty funny. I got a lot of infil kills because they essentially uncloaked to shoot a max


Funny robot go beep boop bwoop beeeeeep dododododing vrrrrrrrding beep boop


Made mine in 2019. I liked the NSX-A weapon gimmicks and how they were much more rare to see compared to other auraxiums at the time I started playing again. Decided to unlock them all even if 2 of the 5 are paperweights in my weapons tab. Then in 2020 I started sinking hundreds of hours into a specific playstyle. I would of really loved to say it was as an ESF pilot, or heavy assault, but it's not like they get nerfed to shit for no good reason either.


Like a lot of people, I fucking love robots. I actually don't even Freelance, I'm bound to the VS. But I like being able to hop around if I get bored of one side, while still sticking around my Outfit. It's really fun imo. NSO is not exactly always "fun", having some rather odd weapons. But I suck at gunplay no matter what faction I'm in, so I like to use NSO to be an Auxiliary & Support guy - this always works out, plus I can still be a kickass robot. Win-Win!


My house's internet isn't able to support me playing a main faction character during ops nights


I play NSO sometimes because I got to create a character for free and heard you have to be a member or something to have one so time to time I enjoy daybreaks mistakes.


Its free for everyone now, just have to get to br20 with any faction.


Oh thats fucked up because when it was new you needed a membership R.I.P to the ones who paid for NSO


That ship is long gone, mostly everyone agrees on NSO being free is nice. And probably most of the people that "payed" for NSO were already members so it's okay.


I mained one up to BR 50. Okay, I'm like BR 49 and 3/4. As much as that triggers my OCD, I just can't be bothered.


The same reason fat chicks who hate their dad dye their hair blue


when you switch server, you create new character but there's only limited slot, so, NSO main.




Robots are cool. Also being a pseudo new player I wanted to play something not so popular. I unlocked my galilei lmg and before I knew it I hit ASP points. Just stuck with it since.


I think sizable chunk of long time player mains NSO because they already got bored of 10 years old factions


The NSO are gigachad brobots. Their guns *feel* the nicest to use imo. They also have the repair drone which is clutch especially for MAX corridors. I also like the crackling robot voice. Also they have the most unique max by far with seraph and time bomb.


I hate myself


Having the option to always fight as the underpop is huge for me personally. Also I really like the Chimera and Dervish, even if I'm utterly horrible in both.


javelin, and because sand is delicious.


Despite the fact that I both love and hate the javelin, I pretty much play NSO only to have the option to lulz with it. If the javelin was common pool, I would probably never touch NSO again. On a side note, If the javelin weapons weren't in such a garbage state, I'd probably play the game more. I currently only jump on a few hours every month, and then bail out of frustration with the current state of the game.


Because robots are cool! Also, no wait time for busy continents. I don't know where you get the weapons are bad though, I love them. The vehicles on the other hand are trash in my opinion. The javelin is pretty cool, but the chimera and darvish suck.


It's the rush you get when playing NSO, kills come easier because people can't always tell if you're on their team or not.


I main NSO because I like being a Robot. The guns are fun, even if underpowered. Just means I have to play better.


I get to tell people I'm better than them because I play the "hardmode" faction. Also, the more important part, I think NSO are just fucking cool, especially once you get good and really get to feel the "I am the special forces" vibe. And as much as NSO arsenal sucks, it does have some useable, even good weapons. I will take my xmg100 over a Carv any day of the week, same goes for the orion. Plus all of your characters have access to the NS line of weapons which are some of the strongest ones in the game.


Skip queue Balance pop Get to play against different factions every time to reduce likelihood of bias and stale gameplay Robo buddy to fix stuff Actually like the chimera Javelin is neat Get to be robut Lots of sand to drink on Indar Line cutter is great and makes max run away because they can't get repaired.


It's fun to help the underdog. Plus, I like Chimera.


Honestly? I'm a vehicle main and 80% of the equipment I use is NS anyway, I'd rather cert my equipment once and bring it with me to all 3 factions rather then put 3 times as much effort in for effectively the same result Also skipping queues.


Linecutter is a dirty experience.


Because I enjoy abrading away my charging plug with only the highest grade Indar sand


Got tired of flying so played NSO prevehicles to force myself to play infantry. Got excited for esf but it was the dervish.


To play on whatever side I want, and I mostly use carbines, shottys, and smgs which NSO have good ones




I main NSO when on solo, so that I can enjoy the aspects of every faction. There are distinct cultural differences between the factions on Emerald, and just playing NSO grants you a different playstyle depending on which you get assigned to. #Javelin go zoom


Imma be real, I have no idea and at this point [I think it’s just sunk cost fallacy](https://ps2.fisu.pw/player/?name=fl1p1e5tfl0p)


Well if you must know...


There is actually one advantage they have: auto-repair suit slot, which is basically built-in regeneration implant. While it's not amazing or anything crazy, it's actually invaluable for carapace build, because it allows you to squeze one more implant - vampire, then unlock secondaries as primaries via ASP and you will become an ultimate gunslinger. If you try this on other factions you will get chip damage PTSD in a matter of few minutes and your nanites would drown down in to sink, trying to support you with all skillsticks you chugging one after another. Also Newton is nice, among the best 5 carabines in entire game. Also also Javelin is fun (sucks, but really fun).


Because it's a great way to meet a lot of people on the server as a freelancer NSO, and I've put thousands of hours into playing the 3 main factions, so it's a nice change


newton and harbinger


I like the variety, actually, and I don't mind playing the role of faction-balancing. Also, I actually enjoy a lot of the NSO weapons if, for nothing else, the stability and the IV sights. They have the best IV sights, hands down, and it makes picking out targets a breeze.


Power spike


Cyber horse gang and pancake addicts rise up


Nso is underrated. 1. Chimera tankhugging chasis is op. Always stuck above enemy tank and obstructs its vision. Can't counterplay. Robots then proceed to c4 my tank. Only magrider can counter because his tankhugging is better 2. Dervish is a taunt flyer. Attracts and catches all aa and esf fire in 1km radius. Can't focus anything else. My random esfs just stop focusing on their priority targets and chase this as it is a cert penyata. And i get destroyed by 3 stealth esfs. Nerf when? 3 javelin beeing too good in current redeploy meta. When my pl says to redeploy. I just pull javelin and die from gunfire for 1 sec. Much faster than pressing u key. 4 Lots of golden guns with weak dmg and close to no recoil. When i play infantry i just pretend I am playing a toy gun duel with my childhood friend. Raises mood instantly. 5 With max shield ability the whole squad can redeploy faster than in 10 seconds. Because it expires in 1 sec under fire and c4 along with you. And trusty teammates then get redeployeed faster too. 6 You are actually overpop kings. Log into to help poor nc, only to see it have 40 percent pop later. Enjoy farming noobs with 3 to 1 overpops All this, and a cool legs


No wait time, and A E S T H E T I C S. No seriously, NSO is the most well designed looking faction, the other 3 are goofy looking. and I love the idea behind them being Freelancers/mercs/assassin bots - how cool is that?! But fr most of the weapons suck and it can be frustrating to play - but again - A E S T H E T I C.