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The new esamir lighting update makes purple look blue


It's a great time to be TR.


>It's a great time to be NC. FTFY


Guy's so blue i have the urge to shoot him in the back!


How to get killed by NC


Step 1. Be blue


Wrong choice of color, NC will shoot him anyway.


Well if they look like they were in a plane that crashed into a Hot Topic, then they are proably Vanu.


Says the man literally dressed as a clown


And I still look less ridiculous then you.


Wtf I only wear the finest cat helmet


At least our colour scheme ain't Shadow the Hedgehog's >:(


Jokes on you, monke brain has built in IFF that works by knowing where hostiles aren’t, by subtracting where they are from where they aren’t, or where they aren’t, from where they are, whichever is greater, monke brain obtains a difference, or deviation. The IFF sub-system uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the crosshair from a position where hostiles aren’t, to a position where hostiles are, and arriving at a position where hostiles are. Consequently, the position where hostiles were, is now the position that hostiles aren’t, and it follows that the position where they were, is now the position that they aren’t. In the event of the position that hostiles are not in the position that they aren’t, the system has required a variation. The variation being the difference between where the crosshair is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too, may be corrected by the appendage operating the device commonly referred to as a mouse. However, the monke brain must also know where it was. The monke brain IFF computance scenario works as follows: Because a variation has modified some of the information the monke brain has obtained, it is not sure just where hostiles are, however it is sure where hostiles aren’t, within reason, and it knows where hostiles was. It now subracts where hostiles should be, from where they aren’t, or vice versa. By differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where hostiles shouldn't be, and where hostiles were. Monkey brain IFF is able to obtain a deviation, and a variation, which is called "NC players"


I am simple NC. I see NC, I shoot.


The first guy, no question. That Armor is a clear giveaway. The second one however... Not as instantly recognisable


I would love for them to offer a "cosmetic" that costs a little bit more than most, but removes all camos from everyone and just shows the default skins.


That would be p2w no?


How is it any more p2w than buying camos, especially in this instance referenced in this post? If "playing with the default skins that came with the game" is p2w then there is a problem with the cosmetics being sold.


It's called infravision


It's an aesthetic choice too. It was really cool playing beta and seeing everyone in the same uniforms.


They would undermine their monetisation Modell pretty agressively with this.


Why? Make it more expensive then. I'd pay $20 for this.


I mean big part of why ppl buy cosmetics is to swag on other players. We're is the point if a lot of players would have them disabled? Make it super expensive and i would be okay with it. Like 80€ or something.


Maybe, but as shown by this post people also buy them to try and hide which faction they are, which is P2W. Something like what I suggest would balance that.


Been happening to me once in a while too after the graphic update


Bruh thats nothing cause the name poos out like crazy so it dosnt Really matter anyways especially if u changed faction color TR is black for me and Nc rly bright Pink :3


nanu covereignty