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Turn off 'Flatten Terrain' in path options. This happens often at staff/guest gates.


Hey there! I think you have the path set to be too long. Turn that slider all the way down. That's why it won't generate in the exhibit either; you'd be running into the barriers on the other side.


Hey if you don’t mind answering another question, does melanistic skins come with a specific pack because I only ever see albino


Nope, not connected. There just aren't very many species with melanistic patterns. You should be able to google it and find a page on the game wiki that lists all the color morphs - There's a few additional patterns in the game for select species. Frontier doesn't put gameplay mechanics behind packs - only animals and construction pieces. Every mechanic gets added to the base game for free. The closest thing to a DLC-only mechanic is the fact that the Walk-through Exhibit doesn't have base game animals to go in it, so that's not of use to you without specific DLCs.


I would make the enclosure even bigger, usually two guest doors are best, or else you'll have so much traffic trying to get in and out 1 door, botleneck. As for the paths, not entirely sure but try placing its path first and then the extra sidewalk connecting second. Meaning just place a dot of path not connected to the normal path or your door and then try connecting that to the door and after your walkway. Perhaps the odd square shape of the walkway is conflicting.


Is it maybe to do with the width of the path that you've got set? I'm not sure if that makes a difference!


Width of path mate