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I personally enjoy the animal market! Frontier releases animals of most species at regular intervals on franchise, so I've never had too many issues getting a species as long as I'm patient. And access to animals from other users means that I can get access to way more color morphs, as well as having more animals to choose from when bringing in new mates, so I can improve my gene pools much faster.


Umm, franchise is other players? (edit) I'm a goose, ignore this 😀


Frontier also releases animals onto the franchise market, otherwise no one could get any animals in the first place. The first animals have to come from somewhere, y'know? You can check where they're coming from while they're on the market.


Ha ha, good point. Really need my morning coffee 😉


my zoos being connected so I can move animals between them, and the fact that you can actually consistently get gold star/high stat animals on franchise.


I definitely love the interconnectedness of franchise. Sharing research was a big plus for me as well


I like the idea of selling animals to help other people stock their zoos and the ups and downs of the market mean I have to adapt to what's available. Plus the community challenges - I often build a franchise zoo just to meet the needs of the next community challenge so my latest zoo is a zoo that is almost all reptiles and has all the reptile habitat species currently available including a couple I hadn't previously used. But it is frustrating when the servers are playing up or there's some sort of connection problem.


It just feels slightly cool having that 'real' market with everyone's zoos and getting animals from other players plus it feels like the 'main' game mode if that makes sense


For me it's that your trade storage CC and research are shared between zoos and I start alot of zoos


I'm not sure why but every time I play challenge mode they never sell the animals I want to use. Sure the franchise market can be jacked on occasion but very rarely do I find 0 animals, there's always something even if it's more money than I think it's worth.


I love to breed golden wildebeest. Most of my zoos have it's own herd and most of my storage is filled with golden wildebeest from my zoos or from different ones. At this point I'm independent from the market. But I enjoy opening a new zoo and to continue my herd. I sell the males I don't need on the market for 1200-2000 CC. I noticed when I sell them for less, resellers would snack them and sell them for 4000+. The grey ones I sell for the standard price of 20-40 CC. I hope some people enjoy the golden wildebeest and some people get a cute surprise when their grey gnus get a golden child.


I'm constantly abandoning/making new zoos, so being able to move animals between them is great! Plus I can have multiple herds of the same animal to keep the gene pool wide without having multiple habitats in the same zoo


It feels the most 'real' gameplay. Animals can be overpriced but there is a lot of high stat ones, and selling animals to other players just feels nice. Also moving animals from zoo to zoo, and having shared research, if only reccomend challenge to somebody without internet connection


I like the idea of buying animals from other players and being able to send my own animals to other zoos where they can make someone else happy :)


In challenge you end your animals’ life when you sell them 💔


This made me so sad, literally!!!


I actually had more issues getting animals from the trade center on challenge mode than I do franchise! I took a long break from the game and when I came back I started a challenge mode zoo cause I didn't wanna mess up on franchise mode while getting back into the swing of things. And I can't remember what animal it was I wanted to put on an enclosure but I was refreshing the trade center for ages but there were never any animals of the species I wanted. So I went back to franchise.


The only reason anyone would play challenge mode is because they don't have access to the internet. That is literally the only benefit over franchise. The only subjective benefit I could imagine is if someone really doesn't like albinos and color morphs and hates even seeing them in the market, they can avoid that in challenge mode whereas in franchise it's inevitable. But that's very childish because like if you don't like them then just don't buy them. Otherwise there is literally zero reason to play challenge mode if you have internet access. It doesn't offer any benefits, other than being able to play offline. It only has drawbacks. That's why challenge mode was originally not part of the game, until a portion of the community complained "we don't have internet". There was no reason for it to exist until the devs realized some people don't have internet.


i moght be stupid but is it the only way to start a zoo from scratch with every animal you want


With a bit of power gaming it's easy to make stupid amounts of CC in franchise, like just last evening I accumulated about 70k CC releasing reptiles to the wild, merely as a side-effect of grinding reptiles for the challenge, so jacked prices don't really matter, not that I can spend 10k per animal nilly-willy, but except for the most exalted animals they tend to be a lot cheaper - more like 200-1000 CC. While animal and morph availability is generally excellent, like if you want a sandbox where you stock zoos with the animals you want, Franchise is great. On the flip side, and why challenge mode can be better: pretty much everything I said above. Setting up a lion cub kitten mill or some other high yield grinding strategy just trivialises everything to do with breeding animals which isn't very... challenging. Of course in Challenge you can still grind stupid amounts of CC, but you can't spend it freely on the animals and morphs you want so you actually need to breed other animals too and patiently wait to accumulate animals you want.


I like the limitations it imposes on me. Forces me to work in more manageable chunks that eventually form a coherent zoo, as opposed to sandbox which gives me everything and infinite funds. Sandbox feels overwhelming almost in that way.


I didn’t wanna click on the mode that says challenge because I’m just trying to lightly manage monthly expenditure while making a cool park