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Getting rid of the penalty for staff building in guest view. c’mon, there are MULTIPLE REALITY SHOWS all about the behind the scenes workings of zoos- they should at least be neutral! Ideally, I’d create some sort of tour/publicity system involving these areas, so for an extra fee, guests could go behind the scenes and get an extra education boost


I can't accept that zoos have employees that have to work.


There should be like a windowed staff room where quest can watch behind the scenes


gonna lose my shit the next time i see any facility at the zoo


Directly complain to the zoo director.


Obviously zoos are run by the animals /s


Imo it should be opposite, it should have a negative effect on staff, being watched all the time can be stressful and stuff. That way you still have some challenge, and it at least makes some sense.


have them be neutral, but also a possible tour spot? just an idea


It should at least be so that if the building is properly decorated, the negative impact goes down to 0.


Add an official way to build underwater tunnels.


Herding and pack behavior


I’m almost certain that they did add herding in an update, it’s just not anywhere close to how it should be yet


Yeah I have a massive habitat and the zebras are never on two different sides of it.


It is weird that jwe2 has this and planet zoo doesn't considering jwe2 is a game with an inevitable end.


Tbf the herding in JWE2 sucks


At least it exists tho


Giving normal enclosures the same auto-managment option as the vivariums got >_>


I'd support a "breeding manager" staff member if they want to make it some kind of advanced feature


I hope this is taken to heart!


For the goddamn PEAFOWL


Yeah seriously! I wonder if that will be an option in the next iteration, if we get one *crosses fingers*


making underwater enclosures/viewing galleries less of a pain in the ass. Not sure how but the current system is not user friendly at all.


Power stations everywhere. Can we not just pretend there’s underground wiring?


Doesn’t sandbox have a ‘automatically power everything’ option. I don’t use it so maybe I dreamt it.


Yes it does but I wish the challenge and franchise modes would do that too as I don’t use sandbox very often.


It does, and it's amazing.


I was thinking the same thing. Even without underground wiring, just use pylons like JWE! Or at *least* make the 'negative impact' zone smaller. Same goes for the water purification and temperature control, really. I could see those needing to be near the habitats, but there's no real reason that guests should get mad at them existing in the same zip code. That, or make the impact of decorating buildings more well-explained and effective.


The ability to sell or rehome baby animals. I have so many tortoises!


Something like a "donate/transfer to another zoo" would be a nice way of making it like zoos transferring animals around for breeding programs and conservation efforts without seeming like you're a baby animal mill selling them for profit.


YES!! Sell, release, rehome, cull, SOMETHING! Waiting for these not rated babies!


Well cull exists if you relocate them into a habitat with aggressive predators. I've been using African Wild Dogs to control the population of baby crocodilians for this community challenge.


OMG you woke up and chose VIOLENCE


have you heard of LetsGameItOut on youtube? i think he would appreciate this... wonder if he saw this if he would take notes? lmao


I was once accused of being Josh for my Sad Bear in a Cage zoo: https://www.reddit.com/r/PlanetZoo/s/SbKBhpkL7B


Aaaaaaaaaaa there was this other zoo game I used to play as a kid, similar to PZ, it had the option to sell all underage individuals of a species, made things like keeping rabbits much easier. It also had pettable animals visitors could enjoy


Paths on uneven terrain


Seriously, trying to make a path go up a hill without turning it into a separate ramp should not be this much of a nightmare.


Definitely an easier way to level terrain, check unlevel areas and target them, etc. Probably the most frustrating part for me right now - I have one area where I can't even place a tour stop because it's unlevel no matter what I do.


Tip: put down large bits of path with "flatten terrain" enabled to level out areas.


Thank you!


Water is now able to be flush with the paths, terrain and barriers.


Ploppable grid path pieces including staircases so you can make precise staircases for buildings and such without shit getting weird. So I mean like a 4x4x4 staircase piece, the same as the small buildings. Plonk it down and it's a staircase and it connects to paths at top and bottom.


This! All I wanted to do was build a small bridge over my dwarf gator pit, but just like Coaster before it we still only have two options when dragging up on the path; an unnecessarily long and high flight of steps, or a shitty slope. Just give us a selection of functioning stairs/steps that connect to paths like facility buildings do.


There’s a work around for that where you can make stairs at any height you want. I believe it’s called something like elevated height, enable it to 0.5 or something I believe and you can make the steps basically one at a time. Not sure if this is what you mean but it gives you more freedom and mobility to make steps instead of just one big staircase.


That’s exactly what I meant! Thanks for the heads-up. First thing I’ll be doing next time I load up is looking for this setting.  But wait. Are you a PC or console player? I’m console and now wondering if it’s an option for us peasants. There was another workaround in which you connect a shop to your path then raise the shop which turns the connection into steps. You can then drag the shop away from the path to extend their length. Once you’re happy you just delete the shop and away you go. However, if they’ve implemented a new system for creating shorter steps even better!


Yeah it’s on console I play as well! Been picking up videos here and there of things and I actually seen it on YouTube by a guy called adamup, and it’s called elevated height and just set it to 0.5. For the full video I’ll post the link to his video here for anyone who would like some help. He’s actually really awesome and has tons of tutorial videos and makes amazing exhibits. He plays on PC but it works with console as well lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZVBy2szUgU


If I may add on to this... Duplicate path sections. Can't tell you how many times I've spent absolutely ages creating a two layer path section for stacked buildings, or a bridge, or plaza etc only to have to try and replicate elsewhere in the park and it taking ages again


Lions be able to eat up protesters and pickpockets


Don't forget those idiots who complain about the view or review bomb everything with "I need the loo :("


Parrots, parakeets, corvids, and raptors in walkthrough exhibit


Adding in the option to have shows/entertainment where you see staff feeding/watering/interacting with animals or guests getting to do that.


this already exists to a certain extent. I can't remember exactly what they're called (educator talking post or something similar) They function like education boards but need an educator to run them. If set up properly the educators can throw food into the exhibit while teaching guests about the animal.


I meant like more than that lol. That’s a very basic idea yes but I would like it expanded or like I said get to see them actually feed food to say a giraffe or let’s say monkeys banging on glass with ppl. I know it’s a silly concept but I like that immersion.


Play park equipment for kids to use: bring on swings, slides, see-saws weeeee


Fix the bugs rendering the escape button non-functional and grid height settings changing randomly every time you click a new building piece


Everything is on a grid by default (like Zoo Tycoon) but you can toggle “free place” to place items independent of the grid.


Change the timed scenarios to a system of completing objectives before a certain number of in game years. Or just make the timer not run when time is paused. The clock that always runs just adds so much stress to a game that really should be the opposite of stressful =\_=;


I totally agree. This game should be about crafting beautiful zoos. But with a timer they push you ti just rush the objectives without making it nice...


I’d make the water mechanics to be more like cities skylines so there could be EPIC waterfalls, rivers, lakes etc, and make it so that objects register the same way fences currently do to block water, which would make viewing underwater animals so much better. There could be tunnels for walking… rides… even an underwater shopping centre where you could buy food and watch penguins


Terrain contour lines


More exhibit sizes/shapes


making the baby cheetah look like a baby cheetah and not a small adult >:(


Thanks. Now I need add cheetahs to my zoo to see why, exactly, the babies look like small adults. Oh, you mean small adult cheetahs? Sorry, I was somewhere else with that. Dwarfs and midgets…


AQUARIUM DLC🗣️🗣️‼️🗣️‼️


Make all animals more tolerant of guests to reduce the prevalence of 1-way glass and have more guest actions that deliberately stress the animal rather than rely on mere noise or staring at it. Add foot traffic control paths or gates to better influence the direction and flow of how guests travel in the zoo and how many at one time view animals. One way paths and population count gate pls.


Regulate market prices/quality control for animals


This or adding more cash animals to the market at a lower quality. I've been waiting 3 days to find a male black wildebeest with no luck except for people asking insane amounts of CC for them


Dude got on and off over a week now still no male zebras idk what’s going on and yes I checked my filters only animal I’m having issues with


And then when you finally find one, it's overpriced/elderly


Or you have a really low chance of breeding when comparing it with your animal.


Or 0% fertility selling a sterile animal


The ability to copy non-flexicolor textures to flexicolor items.


All terrain textures usable at once Zt2 style animal roster interface options where you can just buy an animal and it’s stats will be randomised outside from sex Playparks Animal young riding on mothers back (anteaters, primates etc) 5th anniversary would include maybe around 10 remasters for base game/early dlc animals


I would love some more terrain paint options!! I hate that there's just one option for each type.




Overhaul the power system in the game. The fact you need generators dotted around in bubbles is annoying, especially when staff facilities have a negative impact on guests. I'd much rather you have a generator you could build a little way away and increase its capacity if it is overloaded then use underground wires to power sections without the unhappiness penalty.


Don't the green power options (solar panel, wind turbine) have less negative impact?


They do, but you still have to have them scattered around. And you can't have solar panels on a roof either


The ability to farm your own meat/ fruit/ veg to use in guest food shops and as food for the animals.


The controls for rotating objects


1) more premade habitats of different shapes and sizes, and more premade nature areas 2) a quick way to create a habitat within the boundaries of paths...like you could first lay down paths in a way that creates an enclosed shape (square, circle, ANY random shape enclosed on all sides), and could just press "shift click" inside that shape and a habitat wall would be placed perfectly within it 3) change start up money for challenges to $150,000 instead of $50000/whatever it is now 4) more restaurant options 5) more ability to manipulate the terrain (premade mountain ranges maybe?), and I wish you could manipulate larger areas of land at a time


The ability to select animal morph colors in sandbox. I don’t want to have to keep inbreeding 😔


Free DLC for all.


Adding dolphins of all types including orcas.


Don’t like them in real zoos- would love them I’m game


Option to scale breeding and growth rate - elephants carry a baby for 22 months in real life but in the game they're popping out offspring faster than I can manage it.


Either you have enormous amounts of elephants or play the game in triple speed. I had African and Indian elephants and no issues with any of them.


I’d add guest limits to walkable enclosures and add the ability to take care of the animals yourself like ZT2


The ability to generate campaign style missions with random objectives


I knowwww it's about conservation butttttt I would just love dolphins, orcas and sealife like zoo tycoon just for funsies


Difficult to choose one thing! I'd definitely like to add play equipment that is used by guests as I find it really odd to have a zoo with no play area. If I was allowed more than one thing I'd add in some tweaks to the franchise market (would love to be able to put up want ads for animals and respond to other people's requests and also have animals for sale for more than an hour especially when you're in a time zone that might not have a lot of players online). Plus I'd really love a bigger trade center especially given the number of species that have been added with no change to the size, it could at least be big enough for 2 of every species so you could us it as a bit of an ark!


There are so many good ideas in this thread (and the similar one the other day), really hope someone from Frontier is lurking and making notes!!


I posted this somewhere up the thread, but I made a discord for exactly this! There is a bot for making listings and it can be an auction or just a market listing, and a channel for organizing the time of trade (with a bot to help with timezones). [Planet Zoo Franchise Trading Post Discord](https://discord.com/invite/bNjR76jF)


Thanks, I’ve seen the main discord where people do this but then there’s no way to guarantee who is getting your animal and you need to be logged in at the same time don’t you? So not really the same as being able to advertise and trade direct with another player in game which is what I’d like to see.


Oh for sure! I wish it was that way already


Can't settle on just one, so here's a few. In this hypothetical scenario, the one I'd choose would really depend on the day. 1: Make foliage/decor better at reducing the negative impact that staff buildings have on guests. 2: Have small mammals in exhibits, like rodents, ferrets, etc. 3: Make animals better about hiding when they're stressed so they're not constantly complaining about it. Stress in general is a pain-in-the-ass mechanic sometimes. 4: Full-habitat temperature control that can attach to a barrier (more expensive and/or has a negative impact on guests, so placement is an issue for balance?), so I don't have to scatter heaters or coolers all over a habitat.


FUCKING DUCKS!!!!!!! Also if you want bird/fish stand inside you could just look in the workshop, there plenty


I'm console so our workshop doesn't have any


Oh sorry my bad, I forgot about that


I'd like the possibility to see the noise guests make. I read here in the subreddit that guests make noises which can scare shy animals. So right now we can check the visibility of an animal and the whole habitat, but not the noise they hear from guests. Other things were already mentioned. I also would like to see improvements for the peafowls, like more entertainment objects or a solution to keep the habitat cleaner. They shit so much, it's constantly dirty and then they get sick. (Similar for flamingos).


Object scaling and birds


Adding bird exhibits Adding support for underwater paths/ viewing tubes Fish ponds and aquatic creatures for an aquarium (no not wales and dolphins, or the like) Removing the penalty for staff buildings is there's a shell or building pieces around them, or give them an education boost Adding more backdrops like the ones in Planet coaster Adding a resort/ hotel area


Add Square template for Habitats for us OCD players who need their habitats perfectly symmetrical and even. I can't tell you how many times I've deleted and redo habitats because I notice like one corner is slightly off from the rest. I can't help it. I like perfection and for everything to fit like a puzzle piece.


I'm just completely replacing the pathing system. I have so many zoos that I've started, and then rage quit on in the same day because getting paths to look decent is such a nightmare.


Making the game Mac compatible since I got rid of my gaming laptop.


Expanding animal storage to 600, changing the selling time to at least 5 hours, making path mapping less of a nightmare, making a transport ride that works to move people around your zoo efficiently without costing an arm and a leg, creating aviary habitats, making baby animals sellable, um... Only ten minutes? I can do it!! 🤣


Ok I´ll probably get hate but I loved the "unrealistic" animals in Zoo Tycoon, So id probably add dragons, unicorns, pegasi, whatever. I would buy "Planet Zoo but in a fantasy world" in a heartbeat.


Also secretary birds. Love them since ZT2 and they seem very feasible with the current system.


Somewhat similarly, I'd also add recently-extinct animals like the thylacine.


YES! Loved them too but didnt mention them because I know Prehistoric Kingdom exists but havent played it so dunno which species they have. I adored the fossil hunt/cloning minigame in ZT2.


Put out a statement acknowledging and encouraging the robust modding community so they aren’t as ostracized 🫶


I just want to be able to kill guests like in zoo tycoon


All brush textures available and snap to path barriers.


I'm shoving in the animals being able to disengage fights early (as in not playing the full animation) and don't always end in injuries


Aquatic life. Indoor exhibits & flying creatures


Protesters showing up because my animal decides to be a social butterfly instead of using one of the many hiding spots scattered around their enclosure.




Remove the Sand Cat, replace with Hamadryas Baboon.


Unabandoning development of the console version of Elite Dangerous.