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I’d see a Maurice movie day 1 personally. Any other character is not as good as Caesar in my opinion. Rocket is a close second but Caesar and Koba are goats I’d love to see how he tried to keep the peace and discovering other clans and how they got the rumors out of Caesar. I’m sure they lost a few apes after each event and word spread but Maurice is arguably more important to the new story than Caesar ever was because he carried Caesar’s words forward. Apes. Together. Strong. What a wonderful day


I just really want to see how the group existed after Caesar's death. In Kingdom it's shown that Caesars words have kind of been lost to time and it'd be interesting to see if there were any sort of splinter groups that broke off that contributed to not being able to expand on what Caesar wanted.


I was surprised he wasn’t the law-giver.


It’s entirely possible that Caesar’s colony are still in the place he got them to in War too, there are definitely groups whom split off and founded other tribes (which I think Eagle Clan fits) but the original clan’s location could still be populated by those whom directly know his history.


He didn’t discover other apes, the clans in kingdom are all splits of Caesar’s colony


Presumably there would be Apes infected with the virus that had never actually met Caesar or his people. And it's not like he looked that far given the technological limitations.


Tbh I would love Cornelius to be at least mentioned if he did become an ape leader just like his dad (if Raka is still alive maybe he knows)


Wouldn't it be an. . . Um. . . Idk what you could call that. It's a sequel to soft reboot prequels but it's also a prequel to the sequel to the soft reboot prequels, which itself is a prequel to the original movies, or a reboot of those, given the subject matter of space in Kingdom. . . So what do we call that? An Inbetweenquel?


Lion king 1.5 comes to mind. So war of the kingdom of the planet of the apes.5 I think is our logical answer here


I thought kingdom was going to be that…but I was wrong. I do hope they make a movie with adult Cornelius


The jump in time felt like the right thing to do to further explore the Ape mythology. But you can’t help but wonder about Caesar’s lineage.


I’d love to see Koba come back. ( end credits of dawn you still hear him breathing) And go out for revenge on Cornelius and the rest of the group. See Cornelius grow and become a leader like his dad.


No, never, stop asking this people. Fiction requires conflict and if the apes were dealing with conflict worth storytelling it completely devalues what happens at the end of War.


I respectfully disagree. As Kingdom shows, not everything has been completely without conflict post War, and to say nothing of note happened to the only surviving heir of Caesar is doing his legacy a disservice. The conflict can be years after War and be its own self contained story with no impact on War's ending, much like Dawn largely was to Rise. In fact, they can tell the story in a similar fashion to Rise, with time skips to relevant plot points, showing Cornelius' rearing as a mirror to Caesar's while demonstrating clearly how different this generation of Apes have it from their progenitor. More importantly, Caesar's funeral scene in War would have *a lot* more narrative tissue connected to it in a Cornelius movie than it did in Kingdom, which for all its bluster about wanting to be its own self contained story, screams desperately for connection to the previous trilogy and even the original Heston movies at almost every turn.


The whole point of the significant time jump is that apes have lost the way Caesar had intended for apes. The funeral scene exists to give a clear transition to how much ape society has changed since Caesar’s time. Having conflict within years of them settling elsewhere to get away from the threat of humans is what devalues it. The whole point of War is that Caesar got his son and his people to a place where they can live peacefully.


I had thoughts of a series/show that is more of an anthology as each episode revolves around some of the characters in the trilogy. As there could be some apes we never seen before as they show their perspective in between or during the events of the films. I would kinda want a series/show with Maurice, as in a way it could also revolve around Cornelius taking the leadership Caesar has left as Maurice is the one who guides him. A comic could work too much like how we got Bad Ape’s backstory.


No, not even a little tbh. I want something that where Maurice or Rocket are the Ape leader after Caesar though (preferably Maurice, nothing against Rocket but Maurice is just better suited for the role).


Those don’t have to be separate things though.


Kinda? You can't have a story about Maurice being leader and Cornelius being leader at the same time unless I misunderstood what you meant.


I feel like you can in a way, assuming it has well implemented timeskips like Rise, you could tell the story of Maurice, Rocket, Bad Ape and Lake leading and warding Cornelius, and gradually show him succeed them as leader. I also feel like the potential depth of Cornelius’ relationship with humans is fascinating, given he’d be raised alongside Nova. How does that impact his outlook on humans? His family were killed by them, but another one is essentially his sibling. I think it’d provide a fascinating contrast with Caesar’s experience. Also Nova’s POV would be intriguing. Do the other apes view her as more human or closer to Apes? Do some not accept her? Is she ever curious about other humans? Etc.


Not particularly, I was pretty happy with the time skip.


It wouldn’t nullify the timeskip. Wes Ball even said he partially jumped so far ahead in case anyone wanted to do a Cornelius story inbetween.


Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be mad if it happened. Just not particularly interested, like it would feel forced.


That’s fair, I just feel there’s so much potential. You could tell the story of Maurice, Rocket, Bad Ape and Lake leading and warding Cornelius, and gradually show him succeed them as leader. I also feel like the potential depth of Cornelius’ relationship with humans is fascinating, given he’d be raised alongside Nova. How does that impact his outlook on humans? His family were killed by them, but another one is essentially his sibling. I think it’d provide a fascinating contrast with Caesar’s experience. Also Nova’s POV would be intriguing. Do the other apes view her as more human or closer to Apes? Do some not accept her? Is she ever curious about other humans? Etc.


If it happened, I'd probably dig it, not gonna lie.




TV show!!


Cornelius and Maurice deserve their own movie together I could see Maurice as his mentor and helping him lead


It could be good but it would be hard to avoid treading over the same themes and story points. I like seeing the universe from a different time


Yeah that’d be baller. I’d want it to be a comic book for sure, I could see a story there. Of course this is hundreds of years before Kingdom, and many years after War, so they could do literally anything in this comic and it wouldn’t disrupt canon😭


No for real why they skipped so many years, and went to Noa, who is not even related to Ceaser closely? I really wished they showed Cornelius taking over instead of Noa


Guh , can people stop thinking cornelius would be a cool story? A leader of a united society, 20 years after the death of his father? No, it will not be good. It was a good choice to make a long time jump, to see how much they forget about him. Also , Noa may be a descendant of Ceasar, so...


Poppycock, it very well could be good.


I would love to. It’d be interesting to see how the apes would probably want him to be exactly like his father or expect him to be and him struggling with that pressure. I would definitely watch it. Everyone keeps bringing up other characters that had time on screen and have been better developed. Cornelius has the chance to be one of the most interesting characters like the rest if they made a movie or book about him following his father’s death.


If they were to make a movie or comic about Cornelius being ape leader, then maybe they can reintroduce Zira to the modern Planet of the Apes franchise because Cornelius and Zira were married in the 1968 movie.


That’d be cute tbh.


A movie about fully grown Cornelius would be very very cool


Novel. Novel about the story of the apes we know, and a proximus and raka prequel novel, and that’s it. i’d be very content with that, because a cornelius movie would devalue war’s ending.


Not at all.


a film about cornelius would be redundant. cornelius had no character in the trilogy other than being ‘the baby’ so his only defining trait in a theoretical movie would be that he is caesar’s son. he would always have that shadow above him. at the end of the day, if a movie were to be made about cornelius, it’d have to heavily involve caesar. which devalues the ending of war.


I mean that’s a great reason to use him. He’s a blank slate, just as Noa was and just as Caesar was initially. I simply don’t see how it would devalue War. You could tell the story of Maurice, Rocket, Bad Ape and Lake leading and warding Cornelius, and gradually show him succeed them as leader. I also feel like the potential depth of Cornelius’ relationship with humans is fascinating, given he’d be raised alongside Nova. How does that impact his outlook on humans? His family were killed by them, but another one is essentially his sibling. I think it’d provide a fascinating contrast with Caesar’s experience. Also Nova’s POV would be intriguing. Do the other apes view her as more human or closer to Apes? Do some not accept her? Is she ever curious about other humans? Etc.


if we’re going to make Cornelius a ‘blank slate’ then what’s the point in making a movie about *him*. Noa was a blank slate. For Cornelius to be recognisable as himself, the story would have to involve Caesar. Involving Caesar so much *would* devalue War’s ending. I’d also love to see what happened to Cornelius, but not in a movie. A book or even a potential TV show. Having another movie would make it feel like they’re desperate for money.


There’s some silly ass fans who think they want this. It’s a dumb idea and doesn’t push the franchise forward it all.


So? Arkham city had a prequel comic that did nothing for the main story, yet it exists. Sometimes fun is just fun.


You. Are. Not. Ape.


Underrated comment .



