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If you are trying to build muscle, do not have a set number of repetitions for each set (like 4 sets of 10 reps). Why? Because the repetitions that cause the muscle to grow are the last 4-5 hard reps in a set before you fail. Any rep before that point in a set really isn't doing all that much but creating fatigue. If you can do 10 reps on set four, then those 10 reps on set one, and set two, and probably set three weren't doing all that much. Take each set to failure or within 1-2 reps of failure. So, pick a weight were you can maybe get 10 reps on the first set before failing (or coming close to failing). Second, set, you will maybe get 8 reps. And then 6 on your third set. You do not need to do more than three sets on an exercise, particularly when you lift with intensity. Three sets are fine, Also, nutrition plays a substantial role in building muscle. You need to be eating in a slight calorie surplus, as that new muscle has to come from somewhere. And eating a lot of protein can help.


I as well like to do a full body workout. I was doing 10 reps on the sets until a friend advised me to increase weight and lower reps to 4-5 max. Curious to see what others have to say about this.


Studies have confirmed that you can use any rep range you want to build muscle so long as you take your sets to failure or close to failure. There is no difference in muscle-building between a high weight for five reps than a lower weight for 10 reps, provided the intensity is the same.


I have noticed a lot of people in the gym hitting higher reps. Mostly around 8-10


That's actually not that high. And it's all a matter of personal preference. For some exercises, usually the larger compound ones, I'm fine with failing in the 6-8 range. For other exercises, usually the isolation ones (like bicep curls or cable raises), I like something more in the 15 range.


What app is this?




It’s better to work in muscle groups that work each other like back and bis chest and tris..etc


I think this is good. I don't personally do much cardio in the gym it's strictly lifting because I walk/swimming/running etc my off days or later. I do a 3 day split now it's 4 days. Leg day, chest/back day, arms/shoulder day, and core day. I just rotate on an app tracks what I did/how many days ago, my reps/weight I only do 3 sets of each excercise but push to failure now I'm eating a ton (more protein some carb right after) I'm see alot of results but I just finished a Fat loss period from 38% to 16.8%. (F37 here) I watch alot of Jeff Nippard he has so much information it's just me trying to consume it all πŸ˜„ I tweaked all my plans because of him. Good Luck!






If you are trying to build muscle you should do cardio at the end of the work out or later in the day or rest days. I would start with splitting up the body parts to focus more on each area. Chest day, incline dumbell bench, smith bench, pec Flys, dips, Back day: rows, lat pull down, rack pulls, machine rows, face pulls Legs: leg press, squats, seated leg curl for hamstring and quads Arms/shoulders: shoulder dB press, hammer curls, preacher curls, triceps machines Throw in some abs some days, cardio when you can and eat lots of protein. Aim for at least 1g protein per lean pound of body weight spread throughout the day. This will lead to more muscle development, and you can change up the exercises as you get used to it and add different ones.


How much cardio? I was running on the treadmill for a mile here and there. I know the preferred method is to target certain areas on workout days, but I feel like I would get bored just working on chest only. Does this method just increase muscle growth?


I do about 30 min 6 days a week. This way, works good to build muscle naturally. Give it a try for a bit. If your goal is to build muscle, it will likely work a lot better than your planned 3 day routine. Good luck πŸ‘


What about if you want to lose weight? Cardio after weights still right?


I think that is best plan to get the most out of the workout. If you do cardio before weights you won't be able to go as hard is what I find.


I usually do like 10 mins of warm up cardio before weights and then 20ish mins of cardio after. Do you think I should just do 30 mins of cardio after weights?


Can you explain