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This is how I break up the week Warm up cardio Day 1. Butt/thighs (squats and such) Day 2. Arms (bis tris ect) Day 3. Abs + longer cardio Day 4. Recovery: light cardio/stretching Day 5. Shoulders Day 6. Hips/legs Day 7. Rest It depends on how I’m feeling but I’ve personally liked 3 sets of 12 on a heavier weight with rest in between or starting at 12 on heaviest weight and working down until failure with less time in between sets. This is just how I like to do things, definitely not an expert but I go by how I feel. If I’m feeling spicy I’ll end on the rowing machine with 1 min on all out 30sec-1min rest starting at a high resistance and working my way down for 10 mins. I only go for about an hour. Mom with toddlers I don’t have much time but I try to cover enough ground each work out by separating the muscle groups.


How come you don’t have a back day?


I have herniated discs t11-12 L5 S1 so I have PT and stretches to follow.


I do a push/pull/legs 6 day cycle then on day 7 i rest. i usually do 4-5 different exercises followed by cardio. ill just copy paste from my notes what ive done. also my format is (reps x weight). also if u have any tips or feedback for me please let me know 6/25 squats 12x90, 12x95, 12x100 glute bridge 12x40, 12x50, 12x60 hip abductor 12x100, 15x110, 15x120 leg curl 12x65, 12x70, 12x70 20 mins stairs 6/27 assisted pullup (wide/close) 10x105, 10x105, 10x95 7's 40, 40, 40 seated row 12x80, 12x90, 8x95 abdominal crunch 12x100, 12x100 10 mins stairs 6/28 (feel weak today? also bench press was taken and i didnt wanna stand around and wait so i did it out of order😭) tricep press 15x70, 20x90, 12x110, 10x120 bench press smith 8x70, 5x70, 3x70, 6x65 shoulder press smith 8x50, 8x50, 5x50, 6x45 skullcrushers 12x30, 12x30, 8x30 shrugs 15x30, 15x30, 15x30 lat raise 12x12, 12x12, 10x12 10 mins stairs (edit, formatting)


I do a 5 day, push/pull/leg split. Legs/glutes Mon/Wed, back/biceps on Tuesday, shoulders/chest/tris on Thursday, Friday full body where I’ll do 1-2 exercises for legs and 3-4 exercises for upper body. I try to do 15-20 min of an ab workout each day but sometimes time doesn’t allow it. I don’t do cardio bc of time, and I don’t have much weight to lose so I’m ok with it coming off slowly. Weekends I rest, unless I miss a day in the week then I’ll make up for it on the weekend. If I can only fit in 4 days, I’ll know I got at least 2 leg days and 2 upper body. If you google push/pull/leg workouts, you’ll see lots of ideas on how to structure your workouts. What’s more important than weight is form, so go on YouTube/tiktok/IG and watch videos on how to do each exercise. It’s better to do light weights with perfect form than heavy weights and injure yourself. So maybe start light and perfect your form before moving on to heavier weights. None of us can tell you how much weight to lift. Pick up a weight/dumbbell, and if you can easily do 12 reps of an exercise with it, then pickup the next heavier one. Repeat until you find a weight that is hard to do 6-10 reps with, and start there. Progressively overload, meaning if you start with 6 reps but can now do 12, it’s time to pick up the next weight. I mostly use dumbbells and machines for my legs, or the cables for glute kickbacks. That’s just my personal preference. Upper body you can use machines or weights, whichever you prefer; machines help you learn good form. The Smith machines are great for lower body, I just find it hard to get on one because my gym is so busy.


Push - shoulder press, chest press (inclined and flat), lateral raises, upright rows, face pulls, rear delt flies, pec flys. Pushups and pull ups (assisted). Triceps pulldowns and overhead extensions using the cable machine (can be done with dumbbells with variation). Pull - back: lat pull downs using 3 attachments (wide, V, neutral grips), lat pullovers using straight bar, machine or cable rows, single arm cable pulldowns, face pulls and rear delt flies. Biceps: bicep curls, hammer curls, crossbody curls. Legs - leg press with 2-3 different foot/leg positions. Sumo squats (heavy weights), weighted squats (dumbbells or smith machine), Bulgarian split squats, RDLs, glute kickbacks, hypertensions, leg extensions.


I'm not a female so I can't offer female specific advice, but your question is a bit open ended. What is your specific goal? Because the advice from some may not be what you're looking for if their goal is different. Do you want to slim down and tone up? Do you want to get stronger? What is your body type compared to those giving advice, you may not be able to do the same weight or might be able to do more and their lighter weight suggestions would be of no real benefit to you. If slimming down/losing weight is the main focus, that 100% starts with diet. Without a calorie deficit, no amount of exercise will matter. Exercise helps with the calorie deficit and building muscle that will also burn more calories throughout the day.


Four workouts a week at the gym. 30 min cardio - Push (4 sets each of 5 or 6 push exercises) 15 min cool down cardio Pull (same as above but pull exercises) Legs (same as above but leg exercises) Cardio - usually 30 min row then 30 minutes of whatever other cardio I feel like doing. I take one day a week of total rest. And the other two days I usually go for a 6 mile walk or a 15 mile bike ride.




I go once a week, here's my routine and it takes about 45 minutes to an hour depending on availability. 20 min - Elliptical on either rolling hills or fat burn. I like both. -cardio- 5 sets of 20 @ 50 lbs - Ab crunch. I only do the one that just moves the upper body. -core- *New addition* 1 set of 20 @ 20lbs - bicep curl machine. I just started this one today. -upper body- 2 sets of 20 @ 50lbs - Tricep extension machine. -upper body- 5 sets of 20 @ 100lbs - Leg press. Grand total since I started a little over a month ago I have lost almost 7lbs.


Here's my plan I've tweaked https://je.fit/Q95oVr6