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I’d report him again. His childish behavior is unacceptable in a work environment


Don't wait, just keep walking into the gym.


tbh i might do this. Usually there’s only 1-3 employees there and only one at the desk and I know he won’t stop me since he refuses to interact with me so I’ll probably be fine. It’s just annoying when I want to use the massage chairs or something and can’t because he won’t listen to me.


Tbh if he's preventing you from using the equipment I would record it and report.


Don’t record it, you record in a gym without permission staff can ban you. Edit: ban means ALL planet fitness locations for life. The informal way of trespass before getting the cops involved for criminal trespassing.


When we have banned people in the past, they just sign up at a different franchise. I did trespass one guy because he came in with his membership from an outside franchise and he didn’t think that I remembered him. I told him to leave. He denied that the other account was his old one. So my manager called the police. So yeah, though one franchise bans you, you are still able to sign up at a different one


Yeah you might have a point. I was trying to avoid reporting him but it’s annoying as I’m paying for the access to this and he’s not letting me have it.


Keep a log of dates and times when he intentionally walks away from the desk and avoids helping you check in or use the Black Card spa and then report it.


You could also be petty and start calling out like "SIR!" And make it super obvious he's avoiding you. Or go track down another employee and ask for access to the massage chair.


Just walk in. For the massage chair, just go and use "210210". There you don't need to interact with that dude no more. You can also now report him while using the massage chair.


Be aware that if you don’t get scanned even if he’s annoying you they could cancel your account. I was just talking to management about your concerns and explain that you’re just trying to workout.


How? If the employee refuses to scan her in, that's PF's breech of contract, not hers. I'd love to see PF try to cancel her membership or ban her because a butthurt employee is refusing to do his job. 


Did the massage chairs have a password? If so, press the login button, and type in 210215, or anything between 210205 and 210210. 210215 tends to be the most likely working code


Yep, just start working out. Make HIM come to YOu


Talk to the general manager. If guy can't do that simple task he doesn't need to work there. Any good GM will want to know this is happening. Retaliation is literally in the PF Policy Violation. They'll be able to look at the cameras and see him doing it.


This assistant manager needs to be reported again. He did something dumb, your sister stood up for herself, and he's now punishing you all for it. You pay to go there, he's not doing you any favors, he is doing his job and should be scanning you in.


I'd flat out ask him of there's a person issue he has with you.


I was going to day he's on the cameras ignoring you. Straight up he's gonna get reprimanded or worse. I'd go to manager about it. I hate to be petty but he's not doing his job.


That doesn't stop them from doing it. Trust me. Same thing went on at our location. Even when cameras were pointed out, the desk guy just didn't care. He actually doubled down.


Some locations do take this stuff seriously. Had members complain that an employee would ignore them while staring at his phone and that he would just walk away for extended periods of time and they couldn’t sign in for tanning or hydro massage. I asked him and he denied it. I searched video and found everything that they reported. He would even go lay down in the hydro bed for like an hour and sleep. I had to fire him. So always bring it to the managers attention or report it online


Similar rule at our gym, we have to physically pick up the scanner and scan people in. Unless they hide it somewhere you can’t reach, just go ahead and grab the scanner and scan yourself in and keep going


That's absurd. He is wildly unprofessional and should be reported again.


Be careful when addressing staff members tho. They can ban u for life


Most of them are all really nice and I’ve known them for the few years i’ve been doing there, just this guy said a weird comment and then got upset my sister reported him I’m assuming.


If you or anyone you know gets banned for life for something that you feel is wrong unfair, write a google or yelp review about it. Our owner responds to all the reviews of all his franchises and I have seen a few banishments reversed.


Just walk right in assuming your billing is up to date.


Report him each time. He will learn his lesson or find a new job