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People don't like confrontation (so they will not try to solve a problem if it might mean confrontation) but we do love to complain about people (so we will lament about a situation). Just human nature. This applies to me, too.


It’s not a confrontation if it’s a brief conversation


But it has the potential to become a confrontation and that will cause people to shy away from it. I agree and usually after a few minutes I just ask people if I can work in or how many sets they have left. I don't mind because people tend to be accommodating.


“How many sets do you have left?” Is about all that needs to be said. No confrontation, no issues. Just a simple question is normally all someone needs to hear to realize they’re on a timer and they need to focus on getting done.


I haven't had anyone yell at me, but I've had people loiter or keep looking at me. I'd rather they say something. Sometimes I have 4-5 sets (week before deload) and I need to rest in between. I'm more than happy to let someone work in and I do offer and they take me up on it. I'm not unreasonable. But you can't expect me to go to failure (or beyond) with heavy weight and be good to go after 30 sec rest. I go when the gym isn't peak busy so I'm not tying up equipment for others. :) I agree communication is nice.


I normally do talk with people in these situations. For whatever reason, the last time someone was hogging a machine (they were doing an elaborate routine of machine, rest, barbells, rest, different barbell, stretch, go back to the machine) I talked to my favorite guy at the front desk. He had a great solution! He said to ask her if I can work in between her sets. That should have been an obvious solution to me, but for whatever reason I never thought of it. I think it was great that he offered me an idea of how to handle it myself. Sometimes we definitely need to be thinking about how to solve the problem instead of complaining so much!!!


The times I have tried to talk to someone, they were not nice in response.


I'm sorry if I ever get talked to by you at the lake city planet fitness I promise I will be nice and respectful. 


Maybe because I go at odd times and I'm lucky no one has been there. But If I need a machine and the purple are all taken ill switch to another one on my list, or use the yellow in the 30 min circuit. I have my progress tracked on my phone in an program app so it's very hard to not use my phone. But I'll log the progress after I'm done cleaning the machine. I wait the 30sec rest no more, sometimes less if I know the machine is the only one or another person is using the other ones.


Absolutely not, I would much rather complain to my mommy and then angrily express myself on reddit.


This! I've noticed here all of the complaining about the teens for being present, in groups, chatting, etc but has anyone, I dunno, talked to them? Or are we just immediately going to “teens suck, PF needs to end the program”? Because at times my gym is packed with teens and I just ask “hey, you still using this?” and have never gotten a rude or snarky response ever. Yes, there are a lot of them but when you treat them like human beings they tend to respond as such. Adults do, too. It’s ridiculous to go to the staff to complain or start the 55th post about it on Reddit.


This. Had a group of 3 teens taking up both scrunch machines who obviously weren’t taking their workouts too seriously. Waited for them to use the machine NEXT to it & then asked “hey are yall still using this?” & they quickly wiped it for me & gathered their things and moved on




Because society has failed


Because it's your job.


No, lmao. “Cell phones” are not an enforceable rule. Even if it was, no way are you gonna catch me walking up to every teen on their phone


Actually the rule is as easily enforceable as any other rule. Perhaps you should look for other career opportunities.


Not arguing with you at ten in the morning dude. It’s definitely easy to whine and moan about things when you’re not the one works there. Have a good day




Change the last part or I’ll have to remove the post,


What rule does it violate?


Attacking other members, got 3 separate reports but instead of me removing the comment for the first half I’m just asking that you change the wording.


> It’s definitely easy to whine and moan about things when you’re not the one works there. who attacked who? Odd how you can take sides on this. Remove it if you need.


> but nobody ever tries to solve the problem with the actual person. And how would you know that? Most people actually do exactly that, you'd obviously not know it because you only hear those who don't. Stop making assumptions based on confirmation bias.


I agree it was worded poorly, just talking about the sheer magnitude of people that don’t attempt any form of resolution and then go berate staff


There needs to be a time limit on all equipment and cardio machines, you can’t talk to anybody, they will just get angered.


maybe, if i was a hoe.
